
To the girl I love..


_Tiny_Devil · LGBT+
10 Chs

Beginning of a love story

"Argh! what the f-" Just when I thought I had died and opened my eyes, I saw my foot tangled in some wires and they cut my skin on my foot which made me scream in pain.

'AGh! Looks like god wants me to suffer even more before I die-'

"HEY!!!!" I heard a scream of a girl.

Just when I was about to take my foot off the wires, a girl came running towards me and tried to bring me up. Then I saw that it was the girl from the cafe.


I was just returning to the cafe after taking all the garbage bags out, when I saw something horrifyingly wrong. A girl just jumped off of a bridge in front of my eyes!


Before my brain could even process what was happening, I screamed and flew into action. I quickly grabbed the girl's legs and tried to pull her up.

"No! You little- Can't I even die in peace!! Argh!!!!"

She wasn't helpful at all, she kept struggling to fight me off until she saw my face. Not only her but also I was shocked to see that this girl was Lucinda!

"Lucinda!? Oh my god. What the heck!? Come on, help me! Grab my hands!"

"No! girl, I DO NOT want your help. GET LOST! Let me die what the f-"

"Hey SHUT UP!"

I was mad and she looked shocked and then stopped struggling to fight me off which made it easier for me to pull her up. She was a bit heavy but with much effort, I pulled her up, saving her life.

She then dropped on me as we both fell down, on the floor which was really wet and muddy because it has been raining heavily.

"I don't want to thank you. You shouldn't have done th-"

"Get off, you're heavy, girrrl!"

She then laughed and got off me helping me to get back on my feet too. She then looked at me while smiling and uttered, "I'm model thin, silly. Was I really that heavy?"

"No, SILLY, You were not. Mmm, maybe just a little though.." I winked before we both laughed.

"Omg, you are so mean. You are not an angel at all!" Lucinda said while wiping off a tear from laughing so much.

"Anyways, Lucinda, ARE YOU CRAZY?"

"Lucy. Call me Lucy. What's your name?"

Just when I was about to tell her my name, a rather old-looking lady came upto us and asked,

"Are you girls okay?"

We both nodded but she gave us a worried look and left without saying anything else.

"What.. just happened?" I asked, confused entirely.

"I have no idea. She was weird."

"Right? Anyways, Lucin- Lucy, what the HECK?"

Lucy just turned her head away and kept her eyes on the floor. I knew that then, it wasn't the right time to talk with her about what happened that made her attempt for suicide.

But I was a person who couldn't handle curiousity at all. So I told her to come with me to the cafe.


"Don't sound so surprised, you have been there earlier so, shall we?"

"I- I don't know.."

"It's okay, I'm not forcing you. Your parents must be worried anyways-"


"Huh? what do you mean, nope? yes they are! Just go home kiddo. You are so stupid. Talk to your parents and well your brother?"

"Can I come to the cafe with you? please?"

"Um, okay. If you want to. I think you should go home though."

"I will, eventually. I guess."

Her words scared me. There must be a serious reason why she tried to suicide because I know that she is smart, she is a very bright student in our class.

So, I decided to take her with me to the cafe and talk to her for some time. My granny was asleep when we went inside the cafe so we had to be really quiet.

"Do you always do this?"

"Do what?"

We spoke so quietly, almost in complete silence.

"Sneak strangers into your cafe?"

"....Get out."

Lucy chuckled before saying she was just kidding.

We both sat around the table. She was opposite to me and I kept my hands on the table before talking with her in a serious tone.

"Now tell me, why did you do that?"

"It's a boring long story."

"Fine. I can listen to BoRinG LoONg stories."

"Well, long story short, my mom found out, basically I told her out of rage, my biggest secret, which I've been hiding from her since I can remember."


"And.. well... my mom isn't the best so isn't my brother. But my dad is my everything. When dad heard the truth and found out my secret, his face turned so pale in disbelief and pure disgust.

Which, absolutely BROKE my heart. I can't even describe in words what I felt. I felt utterly alone in this huge, wide world and felt nothing but pain. I'm so hurt. I'm so sad. I can't handle it anymore. I'm deeply damaged."


I sighed and said, "Lucy, death may seem like an easy escape but it's really not. You see, everyone has problems. Everyone has to go through ups and downs sometimes."

"Not everyone. I mean, look at you. So happy and sound."

I smiled and said, "Don't trust everything you see on the outside Lucy." Lucy looked at me puzzled and I continued, "I struggle financially. Yeah, in a young age with no parents. All I have is granny. You won't get it since you're clearly spoiled."

Seeing the look on her face made me feel guilty instantly. She was so shocked.

"I- wow, I never appreciated what I had. Instead I wished for more. I'm so sorry, even if I don't get it, I'll try. I'll try to understand.."

Her words made me smile and we kept talking.

She told me everything that has happened in her life and honestly, I felt so bad. I never thought that she was going through such a rough time. She looked so happy at school all the time. I guess we should never judge a book by its cover.

"Don't worry Lucy, from now on, I'll be your friend. Trust me, I'm a real friend. Although I'm not an outgoing person like you, I can be fun when I want to."

She chucked before saying, "It'll take me some time to trust you completely but, I'll try. Thank you. I feel a lot better already, talking to you."

I giggled and looked straight at her eyes, still smiling.

"Oh, you didn't tell me your secret though. You know, I'm really not good at containing mu curiosity.."

"I'll tell you. Just, not yet. Maybe at school?"

"I'd love that. Oh but- I thought miss Lucy was on a suicidal mission. How are you supposed come to school tomorrow, as the ghost of Lucy?"

Lucy laughed so hard and spoke, "Hahaha, I guess my mission is over now."

A silence spread around the cafe and we both kept looking at the table, smiling. Suddenly, Lucy stood up and said, "we need to wash!"

"Oops! I almost forgot! I wasn't even feeling cold! Damn."

"Yeah me neither, it was like as if I was in a whole other world." Saying that, she looked at me straight in the eyes. We made eyes contact for like half a second and I immediately turned away breaking the eye contact.

'What just happened..' My heart was rising..

Sometimes, all we need is talk to someone.

You never know what anyone is going through in life. So be kind to others no matter what. ^^

_Tiny_Devilcreators' thoughts