
To The Feet Of The Deepest Ocean : Chapter - 1


"The First Meet Of The Eagle And The Fox"

As the daughter of the billionaire, Dehya was absolute brat, bullying students as usual when...

" Hey you! Can you stop bullying people? That's low of you" A boy says.

" What are you going to do, you sew as* looking guy?" When Dehya said that, the boy was really pissed off. Suddenly he jumps on her and fight like two cats. Teachers gathered quick as possible and both got send to the principle's office.

" Miss. Dehya, why did you bully people again? and William...why did you started the fight?" The principle said.

" I couldn't look at her bullying others!" William said angerly. So did Dehya too.

" I respect your sanity but, you can't just start fights...you got to tell the teachers". William was trying to calm himself while Dehya was pouting. After a 2 literal hours of scolding, William and Dehya got suspended for 3 days. Both were annoyed by each other.

" If only you didn't start the fight I could have gone to my nail appointment, you brat!" Dehya was angry but, William was mad-mad, still he didn't respond. He knows this will lead to nowhere. Dehya was easy but William was not, he gets scolded back at his house by his mother.

William is a billionaire son, he's the favorite and only child so, his parents treat him well as equally as knowledge. "Money is 50% of your life but, knowledge is 100% your future"

After 3 days, Dehya and William came back to school and, Dehya just keeps bullying people, William couldn't stand it but, it's not his work.

"What's up, Willy~" Dehya sat next to William at lunch time, William was annoyed.

"What do you want?" He said coldly, looking sharp into Dehya's eyes.

"Calm down...I'm not gonna' do anything to you William, I just want to eat lunch with you together~" William did know it's a trap but, he swallows his mind and accepted her offer.

Dehya was no good. She flipped her lunch place on her head and screams loud as she could. William was shock to see what she is doing.

"What are you doing!" William grabbed Dehya's hand and she screams loud. The whole crowd of people stared at William, William notice that everyone was watching him, realizing the situation. Dehya made a fool out of him. Everyone was looking at William with shocked, afraid, scared eyes.