

It's now recess time, but Yan doesn't have any money to buy foods so she just waited for the next subject. She put her head on top of her armchair, but she tilted it up again when she felt a pressence of a person. It's a boy, 'uhm who is this?' -In her mind.

"Hi, Yu Yan right?" Yan nodded at him. And he smiled sweetly, "I'm Ning Peizhi, by the way. I just noticed you're the only one here who's is not eating, so uhmm.. I brought you some foods." Peizhi said nicely, Yan was shocked because of his pure kindness. "Oh my, thank you, but I would not accept it. Because it's very rude of me, you bought it and I'm the one who is gonna eat." She said refusing to his offer. Peizhi chuckled at her cuteness, in his eyes, Yu Yan is a very loving type of girl. So she want to be close with her.

He stopped chuckling, "Haha, you're very cute." Yan blushed on what he said. "Yan, please accept it. It's my way of making friends with you, if you accept this it means you also accept me to be your friend. So, pleaseeeee!" He said pouting and his both palm are against each other. 'oh my! what a cute boy!!' She has no choice but to accept it. She thanked him, as soon as Peizhi got out of the classrooom, Her friends, Xia Lily and Kate Ji approached her, "Oh my gosh, Yan! Are you and Peizhi dating, huh?" Kate said looking suspiciously at her. She blushed again, "Aye! Kate, you got it wrong, he just offered me some food and made friends with me, hee hee." Yu Yan said nervously. "Oh really? Haha! But, to be honest. It's the first time Ning Peizhi do it for a girl, so you are lucky, really lucky! I'll plan your date! Haha!" Yan just looked at her with no expression.

As soon as school is over, Yan is ready to go home to study and do her homeworks. Again, she's walking because of not enough money or let's just say, DOESN'T HAVE MONEY. But for her it's not a problem, walking is good and healthy exercise as she said.

Yan breathed heavily when she stopped in a street a bit far to the school. She almost jumped off her shoes, when a car that is beside--following her made the car's horn sound. She was terrified at the same time annoyed because of the driver's rudeness. She stood in front of the car, "Hey, whoever you are, you're so rude. Don't you know that? You can't just do that to people. Tsk. Come out now, you can't escape me!!" She yelled, the driver heard it. But she made a mistake doing that when the driver went out, "A-ah, what a nice weather, am I right sir?" She said nervously, avoiding his eyes. She stepped back abit and then ran away as fast as she can, she run into a street. But it's a dead end.

"No no no!" She turned back and was stunned when she saw the guy standing and looking at her. The same scenario earlier, the guy is walking slowly near her, and she is stepping back. "What do you want from me?!" She said when she hit her back on the wall. The guy leaned his hands on the wall covering Yu Yan, 'our faces are so close, stay away from meeeee!'

He's breathing heavily in the air. Yan closed her eyes, because of awkwardness. Opened her eyes, and looked at the guy weirdly, he's laughing really weird. 'huh? what's wrong with him?'

"What are you looking at, little girl?!" She quickly avoided her eyes from his. 'Tsk, really rude. Doesn't have any manners.' He took his phone from his pocket, and dialed a number, "I'll be there later, okay? I'm just dealing with someone, just wait for me, Xam. Bye." He put his phone back to his wallet. "Get in the car, girl. Now."

"What?! Why would I?" She said bravely, "Damn woman! Do you want me to do something to you here? I'll make you happy and satisfied, haha." Yu Yan blushed so hard.

"F-fine! Just stop talking dirty. As long as you drive me home, okay?" He just nodded at her. They went inside the car and he started driving away from the place.