
To survive, I run away to different games

A man once hailed as the most genius youth of his era on Earth is thrust into a game world after falling victim to an assassination attempt. The game, an action-romance genre, is a blend of several games created by the parent company behind "Revenge of the Goddess". Initially, it seemed like a dream come true for someone who had always fantasized about magical worlds filled with swords and adventure. But the reality quickly turned into a nightmare. His first problem is a deep-seated fear of knives and, to some extent, swords—a result of being kidnapped and nearly killed with a knife as a child. This traumatic event left lasting scars despite years of therapy. Now, in a world where combat is a way of life, his fear resurfaces. The second issue is his inability to use magic in a world where people can shatter mountains with a single punch, thanks to his "system." During his first years at the academy, his physical weakness was so pronounced that many suspected he was merely pretending to mock his enemies. Not only that, but due to the game’s collaboration events with other games, those elements also mixed into this main game. But the most daunting challenge is his role in this new world: he is the villain, the ex-boyfriend of the female lead, who is protected by seven god-like beings. With every reason to seek revenge, she’s on a path to kill him. In the original game, he had killed her at the start, setting off a chain of events that would lead to his death at her hands two years later. Despite all this, he still believes that his system might help him survive.the system holds the knowledge of a Nexus civilization that ranks as Type 11 on the Kardashev Scale. If you don’t know, the science achieved by such a civilization would make them god-like to us—a civilization that could wipe us out with just a thought. Still, the world he’s in is no ordinary one. Even with this system, his chance of survival is no more than 10%. Seeing this inevitable fate, he makes the only rational choice: to run away from the plot entirely and escape to another game. However, the road to survival isn’t simple. His ex and her god-like lovers relentlessly pursue him, determined to exact their revenge, even as he flees to Astral Academy, a powerful institution created by the gods and part of a completely different game than *Revenge of the Goddess*. But something is off—unlike in the original plot, the heroine follows him to Astral Academy, a place she was supposed to destroy with her own hands. Why is she here, and what does this change mean for his survival? The mystery only deepens, but one thing is clear: the plot is completely destroyed. Not only that, but the protagonist of this game falls in love with his ex-girlfriend, and she’s using him against me. Join our protagonist as he shows the power of science in a world of magic. Will he be able to fulfill the ultimate dream of every man by using magic at least once in his life? Discover who will win in the epic battle between science and magic. ********** MC will not be like other villains who start at the bottom and rise to top.He will be strong and will not hide his cards. Note: The cover image is not mine. If the owner wishes for it to be removed, please let me know.

KingXh_04 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

skills and shop(1)

Leon's POV

After who knows how long, I had been cursing the system. I started feeling dryness in my throat. I stood up and started cleaning the blood off the floor, rearranging the room to its original state. As I was doing this, the system's voice sounded with a seriousness I had never heard from it before, considering we had been in that simulation for almost seven years.

"Host, you should not have survived." Her words cut through the silence, and I blinked, processing them. As I absorbed what she said, my anger resurfaced.

"So, you wanted me dead?" I asked the system, gritting my teeth in frustration.

"Yes, host, you should have died. But somehow, you survived," the system's serious tone persisted, but this time I could feel that it wanted me to listen to its reasoning.

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling a knot of unease forming in my chest.

"You are not from this world," the system continued. "When you first arrived, I severed the connection between this body and the world's main system, which means this world considers you as dead." The system paused, allowing me to digest its words. Nodding to it, I signaled for it to continue.

"Normally, people like you, coming from other planes, would be considered hostile, a threat to the plane itself. The world should have eliminated you upon knowing you are not from this world."

I frowned at the system's words and voiced my doubt. "But I wasn't eliminated. In fact, I got skills from the system. How is that possible?"

The system seemed to hesitate before responding. "That is what I don't understand. The world system considered me as native because of my very high existence level. I am capable of fooling it into believing I belong to this world."

The system stopped briefly before continuing. "The problem is you. You are not from this world—or more specifically, from this plane. Your existence should have been detected the moment the world system reached out to give you skills. But it did not detect you, or perhaps it chose to ignore it. I suspect something…"

A chill ran down my spine, and I interrupted the system before it could finish. "So, you're saying I should be dead?"

"Exactly. Yet you are alive. Even more perplexing, you have been granted a semi-divine bloodline."

My mind raced as I considered the possibilities. "What if..." I started slowly, "what if someone more powerful than the system is watching us? Maybe they're amused by my situation—by how I ended up in this plane. Could it be that they're preventing my elimination for their own entertainment?"

The system was silent for a moment, processing my words. "It's possible, but unlikely," it replied. "I would sense if a being of such power were involved. From the memories I've read from you, the strongest entity in this world is the world system itself, which is around a Type 11. I, too, am a Type 11 existence, even in my weakened state. If a higher being were watching us, I would detect them."

I considered her words, recalling something crucial. "The heroine's future husband in the game fought a very powerful being—a fallen god who liked to see amusing things. Could it be him?" I asked, remembering the battles from the game's storyline.

"No," the system responded. "he is the lowest of the Type 9 beings. He wouldn't be able to interfere with the world's system on this level. It's impossible that such a being would be responsible."

I clenched my fists, frustrated by all of this. "Then why are we both alive? If this world operates by the rules you said, why hasn't it done anything to us?"

The system hesitated again before responding. "I don't know the answer to that yet, host. But I do know one thing: if you can get skills from the world system, you don't have to buy them from the shop, which means..."

"My system points will be saved, and I'll have a huge advantage," I finished what the system was trying to say.


Sighing, I moved toward the window. From there, I could see the city, which looked exactly as it did in the game. The architecture resembled 16th-century Europe, and the wealth gap between the people was evident.

Forty percent of the city was a noble area, housing only around 500,000 people, including guards. The rest of the city was occupied by commoners, numbering over 32,000,000—almost three times the population of Tokyo, Earth's most populated city.

"Open system window," I said after some time, gazing at the city.


[The Eternity Nexus System]

++++ Status++++

Name: Leon Raven

Bloodline: Obsidian Raven

Class: Sentinel Archer

Age: 21

Rank: Soulforged [Tier 2] (rank up)

Mana: 12,000 / 12,000 (1,000 ↑)

Astral Power: G => G+

Astral Potential: D => B


"The increase in rank was expected, but the increase in astral power was not. Even in the game, this isn't possible."

"It is due to your bloodline activating," the system explained. Hearing that, I couldn't help but notice that it sounded more human than usual. In the simulation, it felt like she was speaking words as a person who had practiced for many years. Now, it feels like she's speaking as a human.


"Oh... sorry for zoning out," I said to the system, offering an apologetic smile. "But system, isn't my bloodline a semi-divine bloodline? Why is its potential so low?"

"Host, I think you've forgotten how trashy this body is, except for its mana control."

As the system pointed this out, my mood dropped. But then, remembering how I could solve this problem, a smile appeared on my face.

"Anyway, tell me about my skills."

I've switched from using {...} to "..." for the system's dialogue to show it's now started speaking more like a human for some reason.

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