
Reduction of sentence for scientific research

Make-I battle armor?

Upon hearing the system voice prompt, Li Bing's entire body was directly frozen.

He really didn't expect that the newbie gift package given by the system would be the technology of the Make-I battle armor!

I remember when I first saw that Iron Man movie and was amazed when I saw the battle armor for the first time.

Even if he wasn't a scientific researcher specializing in research, Li Bing knew that the level of technology of the Iron Man Battle Armor that appeared in the movie far exceeded today's technology.

Especially the Make series of battle armor that appeared in the later stages, the level of technology was even more than five hundred years ahead of Bluestar.

Even the Make-I battle armor, which appeared in the movie for only a few minutes before being abandoned by Tony.

It's also simply not possible to manufacture it with today's technological skills.


Without waiting for Li Bing to get excited, the next moment a strange knowledge autonomously flooded into his mind.

The sudden swelling caused Li Bing to frown with a slightly pained expression.

However, when the swelling disappeared, Li Bing reopened his eyes with nothing but an excited glow in his eyes.

Just now, the system had already transmitted all the technical principles of the Make-I Battle Armor into his mind.

It was as if these techniques had been systematically etched into his DNA, as instinctive as breathing, and would not be forgotten.

"I can't believe there's controlled fusion technology!"

Feeling these sudden memories in his mind, Li Bing's eyes brightened and his breathing became rapid.

Iron Man's battle armor contains a lot of black technology, but there are only two of the most, most important technologies.

The first is the ultra-high level AI intelligence program, and the second is the controlled fusion technology.

It was only a pity that the Make-I battle armor was assembled in a hurry and Tony did not install intelligent programs on it.

Therefore Li Bing did not master this technology.

But the second core technology, controlled fusion technology, he had completely mastered.

This technology is also the key technology that enables the battle armor to fly and operate at ultra-high speeds.

Relying on atomic nuclei to release enormous energy when fissioning and polymerizing, it serves as the power of the battle armor.

For example, the hydrogen bomb, now the world's most powerful heat weapon, is a product of nuclear fusion.

Only the hydrogen bomb, although it can produce great power and energy when it explodes, is not controllable and can only be used as a weapon, not as an energy source.

However, the technology used in the Make series of battle armor does allow for the control and channeling of the energy generated by nuclear fusion through technological manipulation.


Recalling the controlled fusion technology in his mind, Li Bing clenched his fists tightly.

As long as he allowed himself to report these technologies he possessed, he would definitely be able to get out of this prison!

At that time, he would be able to proceed with the development of the Make-I Battle Armor and gain scientific research points.

With a decision in his mind, Li Bing didn't want to delay for a moment and acted immediately.

Reaching out, he pressed the cell's ringer.

Not long afterward a prison guard in prison police garb came up to his metal door.

"9527, something wrong?"

Because this prison is full of economic criminals and everyone is civilized, the guards are relatively gentle.

"Officer, I'd like to apply to write a research paper."

Li Bing hurriedly reached out to report.

"Writing a scientific paper?"

"You're going to use an invention to reduce your sentence?"

The young officer looked Li Bing up and down with suspicion in his eyes, this prison was filled with economic criminals, although the IQ was generally high.

But as the saying goes, there are specialties.

Economics may be a specialty, but it's not the same thing as scientific research.

I can't say it's unrelated, I can only say it's not related!

Trying to get a reduced sentence by writing a valuable scientific article is more or less a fool's errand.

However, Li Bing's application was in line with the prison rules, so the young guard was suspicious but didn't reject it.

"Okay, I'll get you an application form in a moment, and you fill it out strictly according to the information on it."

"I'll help you in the paper when the time comes."

"Let's see if the leaders up there give you approval."
