
♥-Eiji Takaki's POV-♥

Eiji fought honorably for Japan at Iwo Jima. He fell injured in a banzai charge to be classified as dead. He recovered with the aid of an American lieutenant, who escorted him back into the mainland for espionage work. His one chance and hope of return to Hinata's side.

His point of view tells his side of the war, being a tagalong POW soldier for American marine doctors, who have been assigned espionage work in Hiroshima region.  His story is listed in the volumes below:

♥ Volume 4 : A Sunflower's Heart Returned

♥ Volume 5 : Shadows of Sunflowers

♥ Volume 6 : To My Sunflower [Eji's POV]

♥ Volume 7 : To My Sunflower {The Final}
