
To make a King

He killed me, I wasn't a good ruler nor was my brother... I died from the hands of my enemy whom we thought would help us out... I begged God.... in the end I came back to life, I came back as an orphan that boy, sell me to that boy! he needs a master

A13x_z1s · アクション
4 Chs

C2 Magnus

We arrived after hours of ride to their home, it was up the hill quite far from the city along the sea, Klaus showed me a herb land which the family owned and a plain meeting the sea... it was a lovely sight near a beach with white sands and small village near it... but it's at the other part of the beach.... 

their mansion is surrounded by trees making it looks ok elegant and unique with those little cabins near it, and beside that is an animal farm and large barn at the edge where horses and sheeps happily play and eat 

"welcome to Magnus Mansion!!" says Klaus jumping down the carriage and expanding his hands as a welcome sight for me, he pulled my hand and showed me to the entrance door where a lady who is familiar to my foggy mind came with a bright smile but faded upon setting her eyes on me

"where is the horse?" she said looking confused, racing her eyes back and forth to me and my master

"there is no horse, only a kid!!" says Mr Magnus coming down looking tired holding a bag of goods

"What!!" The lady said 

"Don't ask me anymore, I'm tired please!!" He said before putting down a bag and going after the other

so their surnames are Magnus? wait a minute, Magnus!!!!.. I glanced at the big man beside me feeling chill down my spine..... this can't be

Arius Rame Magnus.... the imperial doctor and inventor of Plague medicine, he's Magnus Rame, my heart sunk seeing him next to me as fear collapse right on my body


Aryus Rame is the imperial Doctor that created a plague medicine for the entire kingdom together with his father and his son, but in the end he died just before even publishing it to the continent... and behind that is the pharasee and false church law teacher who was spies to put on war to this country, they deceived us and our solution to cure our people, we became evil in the eyes of people and with their power we were killed and hunted one by one and that assassin who was manipulated and brainwashed is none other than-

I slowly turned my eyes at the boy to my left...I couldn't feel anything but freeze on my spot seeing his smile run down my image as triumph cuddle on my core, the boy whom I kept running away, the one who I asked to be sold to, that assassin who killed all the imperial family and was used as a weapon to kill even the innocent... it's Klaus Magnus, the one who killed me in a single blow of a shotgun and ended my life.... how? It's little Klaus!


'where is your God- why did he do this? why am I killing you? can you make me stop your majesty!!!' and with a click I died and met God

shaking on my pace I felt him touch my shoulder and shook me

"hey- it's ok? don't be terrified now!!" he said, but I really zoned out starring at his yellow eyes

"Forest!!" he chanted my name once more, I was awaken back to reality and swallowed the lump on my throat

"uhhh- y-yeah I'm sorry I just got out of reality for a moment your house is big and nice!!" I reasoned still shaking... All I could do was hold my shaking hands together from my fear

"it's ok- Forest this is my mom- her name is-"

"Evangeline!!" their look questioned me while I shut up

"how do you know my name?" she asked in distress

"uhh- I don't know!!" I said not knowing what to say or reason

"that's clever Forest, I think he heard dad earlier when you were sleeping..." Klaus don't seem to mind at all and just smile in surprise thinking he heard me mumble Eva's name while Arius sleep, the truth is, I couldn't hear him 

"mom can we go inside so Devin and Anya can see him!!" Eva nod still looking stressed at me, Klaus pulled me inside going to the spiraled 2 set of stairs leading to a second living room, Klaus yelled the names of Devin and Anya and after a while I heard a tapping of shoes coming inside with a wide smiles on their faces

"big brother is back- did you get what I asked!!" A boy with a blonde hair came out looking all shabby still in his pajama in the broad afternoon... he's beautiful I can tell and beside him is a girl with darker hair

"oh how about me, did you get the flower seed!!" two of them came running but eventually stopped when they saw me

"who is that big brother?" the boy said pointing his finger at me

"An, Dev this is Forest- Forest, this is my sister and my brother Anya and Devin!!"

"hello there? how old are you I'm 12 Devin is 11" Anya is dark haired like Klaus while Devin is blonde and has ice blue eyes... Anya has light brown eyes like her mother and dad, Klaus is different among them all because of his amber eyes, like an eagle ready to prey on whom he sees

that night when I was killed, this boy's eyes blared right on my face as if an eagle snapped me to be eaten for its flock

"uhhmm, I'm Forest!!"

"Forest what?" Devin said

"uhh- just Forest!!" I answered

"Forest is an orphan and I got him in the market, from now on he will be my servant!!" Klaus said patting me in the back

"that's great, I can have someone to have tea party with me and Devin- oh how old are you?" Says little Anya, I'm not sure about tea party but I was bought as their playmate and Klaus's servant

"s-sure- I'm 6, I'm from the west orphanage of Daphee!!"

"good-" Devin said with a smile

"off you go! both of you, prepare for dinner while we go ahead and prepare ourselves- come along Forest!!" I followed Klaus to another stairs leading to his own chamber

Spiraled stairs and marble floor, walls has a well carved angels and flowers, whoever made it put all their heart on them for it's exquisite and lovely at the same time, while frames are decorated among them, I saw their painted portrait and newly framed glass picture of the Magnus couples

"you house is lovely?" I adored looking up the palate with splendid chandelier coloured in auburn and gold

"it's too big to live in such- you'll get lost if you don't put in mind the directions!!" Klaus explained, he opened a big room towards a center chamber and showered me a room with second floor, below looked like a living room and up the ceiling is a small chandelier and a spiral stairs going to a bed with a big window and balcony, it looked like a mini enchanted library room with a bed and living room since books are all over the place

"you like reading don't you?" I said!

"I do?"

"so will you teach me to read?" I asked

"hmm- do servant need to read!?"

"I want to?" I said with my eyes gleaming, I actually know how to read using my past knowledge but for some reason, the letters are blurry... like an ink scattered on a wet paper... it must be a curse to take things step by step... this little boy needs to be taught 

"I assume you're smart, but will you be smart enough to rule-" I said out of the blue

"I'm not gonna rule? I'm not a king!!" he giggled at me and opened the bathroom door

"off you go boy!- there is a prepared hot bath at the edge, take your time while I freshen up and look for some old clothes for you to wear!!" he smiled walking away.... broad shoulders and big hands... it's incredible, he's really made for killing me... even I find it hards to cock and click a shotgun

did I ever mention that he has a bright smile along with his yellow amber eyes... and as I soak, I asked why I said such a question earlier

Ruler!!! if only this country has a decent ruler....

a cold air came and kissed my skin, my head dangled on the open window which welcomed cold wind, I sank down on the water and let myself drown from this hot bath... it's been a while since I soak on a luxury... that's would be in my past life

as I close my eyes, I saw a chess part on my mind... Magnus always love their country, devoted themselves to this place only to be betrayed by their comrade to save themselves, moreover they don't recognize themselves as a pawn piece but rather a player outside and never play but watch... Magnus don't give a F* of the throne 

Magnus Rame proposed a solution back then when I was a prince to expand the farmland and each noble donate or let their land be borrowed by farmers to plant food, It helped the hungry and people's needs, but nobles never liked the idea of borrowed land.

My father got a praise but Magnus got nothing in return, I asked to reward them cos of the unfair treatment of political government and lended him a land to proclaim his work in working on a project to create medicine for the sick cos of a starting plague.... that's would be a near stage from this year

He has been given a big favor and a reward of a big position as a headmaster of all hospital... he had plans which I read and sit on my room trying to acknowledge him in any way... but as he go on and expand his solution, the more his enemy grew and manipulate him in a way of using him and plotting false treason against him

Magnus people are well known for their original and uniqueness, moreover famous for being an assassin cos of Klaus killing the imperial family one by one...

maybe, if God would let me, I could make him king, I will make him kill all those who used him back then, after all this boy's destiny is to bath his hands in blood

I reached to the surface and up I go to my freedom and put soap and take off all the dirt lingering in my body before bathing a cleaner water

It's been a while since I stared at a mirror while wrapped in a towel, servant knocked to prepare me and by chance made me stood next to this full body mirror here in the bathroom

my appearance is rather too thin for a six year old, a dark sandy hair and forest green eyes, no wonder my name is Forest given by the Midwife, they sure have a good taste giving me that name

"come child- let us put on this clothes on you!!" says the nanny, she pulled down the towel revealing my body and put on clothes that look rather new to my sight 

"these are old clothes of the master, you are lucky you get to wear them, they're expensive!!" she said with a bitter look on me

"you don't look happy- are you sad?" I asked, she looked up with a tiger look and shut me up

"you are lucky, Boy!" he spat!!

"of course I am!!" I mocked and smiled to stab her envy

how nuisance, if I were a prince I had you flogged and kicked out of the castle, I assume she's jealous, but I'm just a boy...

"Forest- are you done yet!!" I heard Klaus

"I'm done your majesty-" I jumped to meet him while his eyes widened

"you don't say majesty to me- I'm just a doctor's son!!" He said laughing

"boy, bow your head and greet him properly!!" she slapped me behind so I bowed

"Lidia, prepare me a bath so I can go next- Forest come!!" he said and sat me on a couch

"don't call me majesty, that's only addressed for kings!!"

"but you look like a king!!" I said trying to catch a glimpse of his reaction

"what makes you think that?" he was confused rather than exited, most people would like being addressed like that, back in the orphanage, we would call the owner, highness and he likes it while sitting in his big belly, it's also our way to eat, but addressing him with royalty

"Kings are natural born in royal family!!" he answered

"you're right, but it doesn't feel like this land has a king at all but rather a puppet who listens to someone lower than him!!" a slap dashed on my face, to my surprise I looked to see him and saw a furious eyes

"you do not say that to the king, we devote ourselves, alright!!" he commanded me with a pointed finger

"alright-" I muffled, Lidia came with a few more servant and went to the bathroom 

"I'm sorry- how about you play while I prepare for the meantime" he got up pat my head and left to bathe, he look quite tense and guilty, I didn't mind, I needed his reaction!

Lidia came and dropped a hard box Infront of me

"there- toys!!" she said and walked away pulling her dress in anger

"is she ok!!" I asked and opened the toy box, there are various toys that are inside and what cought my attention is a map below all this toys, I scattered all the toys just to take the map out and read them

it's the map of this continent, my kingdom's name is called Heshzron Nyxaz, named after the great emperor who ruled over this kingdom which was my ancestor, well- no longer I don't belong to the imperial family anymore but living as a servant, but either way

The kingdom is in the top center, behind that is the trading sea port and Nyxan city where it is a huge market between Heshzron and Dimal a distant country who is partners with ours, and Infront of the kingdom is the living town of people and market, and far away are hotels, Inn, apartments and homes of citizens... on the other side towards the west is supposed to be farmland but the soil there became very bad and it won't even produce any crop... but behind that is a place where people actually plagued the waters turning soils to absorb such a horrible chemical, I know exactly the person who keeps making this action to keep his business going, using mercury and mining gold... for their greed people's land and health is a sacrifice, but yet again, I have to remember and unlock who that is in my head

Heshzron is a wide country decorated with big ancient trees, there are gold on mountains which people tend to fight on

now that I realize it, I really should've fought for the throne, but what for when the past me is greedy itself, it's better to give the seat a new king and I choose the one who killed the imperial family... his eyes are the mark and I like him even if he is my nightmare, I think God agrees

Yes, I will give it to him but I have to find a way to dethrone my brother, I know exactly how!!

"what are you doing?" says a wet Klaus looking on the map I spread out

"my- you found my map!!" he said

"you have a map!!" I repeated

"exactly little one- it's what you're holding right now!!" I looked down and saw a

'B.T Klaus M'

"why do you have a map?" I asked him, he sat down next to me and smiled on the map

"my grandpa used to tell me, I should be familiar of where to take the herbs in this land... and after that I took a liking of trying to memorize each rout..... look here in Ri Anch, there are rare herbs here which dad discovered, but because of strong guards and land owners, they won't let us discover it, we asked the imperial family to explore it but they won't let us!!" his face fell sad, but I am amazed at how he memorized the land and sites of herbs, there is also another herb forest, The Vi-con near a big river.

"there is a cave right at this place where you can enter and come out to a plain and take as much herb!!" I said showing him a line of caverns and landmarks...

he fell silent for a while then examined the map

"how did you know that?" he said looking down on me

"uhh- I-I've been there.... we were a collectors of herb back then last year and collected at that plain-" I was actually talking about another place and not the Ri-Anch plain

back then I was with orphans gathering tabaco, weeds and a lot of illegal herbs...

"ok- tell me more then-"

"Klaus!!" we heard his mother

"come and eat!!"

"Forest will come" Klaus got me up

"well- ok then!!"

"how about we go to Vi-con, it's a herb forest too!!" I said holding his hands coming down the spiralled stairs.