
To love you for eternity

What happens if two childhood bestfriends become strangers when they meet each other after seven years? Meet Lizzie Cooper and John Taylor and join them in their journey... On the other hand, Daniel White is a cold and aloof person and everyone fears his vibe. What turned him into such a person? Will he be able to love someone in his life?

twinkling_star · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Prom 4

Back at the prom...

"Are you sure you want to do this alone? I can talk to him along with you." John asked her with concern.

"Yes, I want to do this alone. I am the answerable one to him and I will do it." Lizzie answered assuringly.

"Okay, as you wish," he said kissing her knuckles one by one. Lizzie smiled looking at him being cheesy.

"Okay, that's enough. let's go back now," she said pulling her hand out of his hold.

John pouted as she pulled her hand away from him making his beloved chuckle. Both of them went back to the party where their pals were bewildered about what happened and waiting for them.

While the couple was walking towards them, Lucas felt something was off as they looked so cool unlike when they left. He immediately ran to Lizzie and asked "Are you okay? What happened? Why did he take you like that?" he spilt out all his qualms at a time making John roll his eyes.

"I am fine Lucas. I need to tell you something." Lizzie said not knowing how to tell him the matter.

"If it is about my confession, you can take your own time and tell me later."

"No, I need to tell you now because no matter how many times I think about it, my feelings and answer won't change." she took a pause before continuing.

Lucas somewhere felt that this will go bad.

"You are my friend, a very good one but you are just a friend. I love someone else." Lizzie's words crushed his heart into pieces and he felt his eyes becoming wet.

Taking a deep breath, Lizzie continued "I love John. We love each other. I know I said that I don't love anyone but I was wrong. I loved him before I knew it. Today he made me realize how much he means to me." She said looking at him and holding his hand.

John offered her a warm smile and both looked back at Lucas. Lucas who felt like breaking down remembered his mother's words. She was right, he has to overcome it. He pulled himself together and spoke "I can understand. But we can at least continue to be friends, right?" trying to be cool or at least show them to be.

"Yes," Lizzie said smiling though she knew he was heartbroken.

John also felt sorry for him as he knew how he felt, someone you like doesn't like you back. John went through the same when he heard Lucas saying that he likes Lizzie and thought that she might like him too.

Kiara and Matt felt bad for Lucas when they heard everything. Lucas excused himself from the party and left for home.

Kiara said "I feel sorry for Lucas but at the same time I am happy for you both." and hugged her friend while Matt hugged John.

After happening a lot everyone decided to go back home.

"Where is Bella?" Lizzie asked as they were about to leave.

"She left for home. She called me on her way and told me that she was having a headache." Kiara responded making Lizzie nod her head. Back when Bella ran away, no one noticed her as all were busy looking at Lucas and Lizzie.

Matt and Kiara left leaving John and Lizzie there waiting for their car. "Let's walk home," Lizzie said as she interlinked her arm with his.

"Okay. Let me tell the driver."

As the car arrived, John opened the back door and took his coat and told the driver to go back. He made her wear his coat as it was cold outside. Both started walking with heir hands interlinked.

"When did you realize that you love me?" she asked leaning her head on his shoulder.

He kissed her forehead before answering "Yesterday. Mom made me realize what I was feeling. I thought of telling you tomorrow but after hearing Lucas, I couldn't stop myself."

Hearing Lucas's name made her smile disappear.

"I feel guilty for Lucas."

John stopped walking before saying "You should not be guilty as you didn't do anything wrong. You can't decide whom you can love. It just happens and he will also find his soulmate one day or other." John said cupping her face.

Lizzie smiled at him and both started walking again. "So aunty knows about us. How should I face her tomorrow?" She asked panicking.

John giggled before he spoke "You need not be scared. She is happy for us and she likes you very much. So don't worry." making her smile.

After a few minutes, both reached Coopers' home. John hugged her tightly and kissed her head before letting her go.

"See you tomorrow," she said and gave him a peck before running inside the home. John laughed at her cute actions and walked away.

At Lucas home...

Lucas went home crying and fell in his mother's sight.

"What happened Lucas? Why are you crying? Cassie asked getting up from her perch and walked towards him.

"She rejected me, mom." he said wiping his tears.

Cassie hugged him and patted his back. "Everything will be fine. You can get over this. You will find someone who will love you the way you love her." she tried to pacify him.

"I don't think I can love again anyone." he said before retrieving himself back.

"No, Lucas you will find someone who will make you know what true love is. You are saying this because you are heartbroken now but when you meet her, you will think otherwise," she said.

"I don't want to think about it. Please let's not discuss this anymore." Lucas said before rushing into his room. He needed some time to get over this.

He went inside his room and looked at himself in the mirror. 'Why him? Why not me? I don't know if I can stop loving you, Lizzie. You are my first love and I don't believe in second chances. I will stay with you as your friend but I will not stop loving you.' he uttered.

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