
To love you for eternity

What happens if two childhood bestfriends become strangers when they meet each other after seven years? Meet Lizzie Cooper and John Taylor and join them in their journey... On the other hand, Daniel White is a cold and aloof person and everyone fears his vibe. What turned him into such a person? Will he be able to love someone in his life?

twinkling_star · ファンタジー
27 Chs


The next morning

The music of the birds, the warm hug of the sunlight woke Lizzie up. She got out of her bed and strode towards the bathroom laggardly. She freshened up and got ready for the school.

She came out of her room to find Alice preparing the table for breakfast. "Good morning mom!" She beamed as she saw her favorite items on the table.

Seeing her daughter's happiness Alice chuckled.

"Good morning Lizzie"

"Why are all my favorites?" Lizzie asked as she sat at the table.

"I observed you were upset with something yesterday. So I cooked your favorite food to lift your mood up. And I guess I am successful."

Lizzie lost her words as she remembered what happened yesterday. She remembered how close she was to John.

Hearing no reply, Alice asked "Why is your face so red? Are you sick? You know you can say everything to me."

Alice was worried about her daughter. She thought Lizzie would feel better if she sees her favorite food but she was still the same as last night. She cursed herself to bring up that topic in the first place.

Lizzie was still lost in the last night's incident and she did not even hear what Alice was saying.

Alice looked at her child who wasn't responding and tapped her shoulder "Lizzie, tell me what it is!" Alice spoke sternly.

Lizzie snapped out of her thoughts and answered "No mom, it's nothing. Everything is fine and I am fine. Please don't worry."

She put up a smile as genuine as she can. She couldn't bring up herself to tell her mom about her feelings.

"Okay if you say so" Alice said and started serving breakfast.

"Mom, when is dad coming back?" Asked as she was eating.

"May be in a day or two honey."Alice replied looking at her daughter with a smile.

She knew how badly she was missing her father. Lizzie is very close to her father.

He raised her as a princess. But she had never been a spoiled child. Lizzie nodded and dug in savouring her food.

After finishing her breakfast she started for school. The whole time on her way she only thought of how to face John. But to her disappointment she came up with zero ideas.

The time went so fast that she didn't realize she was already at sschool. As she came in front of her classroom, she peeped in only to find John nowhere.

'Thank god for now' she released a sigh of relief as she entered the room. The classroom was occupied by a few students. It was filled with people's chatters and giggles.

Lizzie sat in her bench and took out her books to study till the teacher comes. She was totally absorbed by the book that she didn't realize a tall, handsome figure sitting beside her.

As she turned her head, she saw the boy already staring at her supporting his head on his hand placed on the bench.

Lizzie rolled her eyes "Stop it already. All eyes are on us" she stated.

"It's not my fault that I am very handsome." The boy replied.

Rolling her eyes once again, she said "Yeah yeah whatever."

"What? Don't you find me, the great Lucas handsome?" he said raising his eyebrows.

Taking a meticulous look from his top to bottom "Not even a little" she countered with a grin.

This was Lucas's time to roll eyes. Both laughed as they talked more. All the eyes in the class were stuck on them. Anyone who did not know them might mistook them as a couple.

Meanwhile John who entered the class just a while ago saw all the people gaping. He adjusted his line of sight to meet their center of attraction.

As his eyes fell on Lizzie, a smile appeared across his face without his knowledge. She seemed like a goddess smiling.

But then the smile disappeared immediately when he saw the source of her smile. He couldn't bear to see how close they were. An unprecedented feeling took over him. He was fuming with anger seeing them. He did not know that the feeling he had was jealous.

He stomped off towards them making everyone to notice this handsome one also.

"Lizzie, I have few doubts from yesterday's topics. Can you come with me?" He said sternly looking at Lucas.

Without waiting for her answer he grabbed her hand and took her to the playground leaving Lucas and everyone stunned behind.

Lizzie who was still processing what had happened didn't speak a word and kept staring at him.

John sat on a bench under a tree and Lizzie mirrored him.

"What doubts were you talking about?" Lizzie asked breaking the silence.

John who was still angry softened upon hearing her voice.

He just blabbed on earlier whatever came to his mind to bring her away from that boy. Now what should he say?

'Think John, think something' he thought to himself not knowing what to say. He acted searching his bag for the book.

"Oops! I think I forgot the book. You can clarify them this evening."

Lizzie narrowed her eyes and kept glaring at him.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that? It's not like I lied. I really have some doubts." He averted his eyes not able to look at her.

"Okay then let's go to the class. It's about the time the class starts."

John nodded his head and both soon got back to their classes.

Hello readers!

Sorry for not updating yesterday. I've been busy with my assignments.

I'll release two chapters today. One more to go!

Please comment your thoughts on the story. It helps me to do any necessary changes.

Thank you!

twinkling_starcreators' thoughts