
To LOVE-Ru: System, debauchery and troubles

Finding himself after his death in the body of Yuki Rito, the guy not only acquired a cute little sister who now needs to be taken care of, but also received the Perfect Human System. And, apparently, even this is not enough for the universe. A divine artifact called the Notebook of Love appeared on the horizon, provided by the enchanting Goddess Freya... The goal is simple: accumulate Attachment Points with the help of girls and develop at the expense of them! More chapters can be read here: patreon.com/Rocky124

Rocky124 · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs


Haruna's heart twitched fearfully. She unconsciously covered her violet eyes, feeling disoriented and falling backwards, and intuitively tried to grab onto something to keep from falling. A quiet sigh escaped her lips, yet somehow the inevitable fall did not follow. Sairanji opened her trembling eyelids and felt the warm palm of a stranger's hand holding her bare wrist from behind the sleeve of her light brown jacket, saving her from a possible painful impact with her back on the hard floor.

- Yuuki-kun... - was all Haruna could manage to squeak out before Rito pulled her toward him and suddenly clutched her in a hug in the middle of the empty classroom and the lonely single desks.

- You need to be more careful," the boy said in a calm tone, turning his brown eyes on his classmate's face red with embarrassment. Even Sirenji's ears, hidden behind a bob of dark blue hair, were blushing. What can I say about her cheeks burning like hell?

- S-thank you... - Haruna couldn't shake off her shyness all at once and to the end, which made her stammer and fearful of meeting Rito's eyes.

[Attachment Points: +1]

[Attachment Points: 4]

It was all the more embarrassing for her if she looked at their current situation globally. Yuki put one arm around her waist while the other continued to hold her wrist. Perhaps they had never been so close to each other before, with the exception of yesterday with that ridiculous fall of Rito. Something like that made Sirenji's heart burst with sudden feelings. In truth, she had sympathized with him since middle school, but she couldn't admit it out loud....

- By the way, will you let me call you by your name? - The boy immediately asked, squinting his eyes and finally letting go of Haruna's wrist. But it was only to lift the girl's lowered chin with his freed fingers, making her blush even more.

Although, it would seem, where could it get any bigger? Her true beauty was blossoming under the sunlight from the window.

- А?.. Я?.. What?..

Therefore, Sirenji seemed to have fallen out of reality the moment the question was asked. Rito, however, quickly realized that he had to act while he had the perfect chance. Luck was on his side, that much was obvious. So Yuki lowered his palm from Haruna's waist and stopped at her ass under the short plaid skirt, squeezing the soft roundness with all five fingers.

- Ouch!... - Sirenji cried out in shock.

Normally, she would only receive such an action in a joking manner from the conventional Risa Momioka or Mio Sawada, her school friends with perverted tendencies. However, definitely not from a guy in her class, so this situation was now much different from any previous situation in Haruna's life. That was why she didn't know how she should react to such a vulgar act from Rito. Should she hit him and run away, or should she give in to the fire of passion?

- What if I said I wanted to get close to you? - Yuki's unforeseen question made Sairanji's pupils narrow to the size of needles, his heart rate jump as if it were the tenth cup of coffee, and his breathing finally stray from normal.

[Attachment Points: +1]

[Attachment Points: 5]

The girl's mind refused to function adequately. Haruna hadn't realized that Rito also harbored special feelings for her.

That was the way it was, though. That was until the day a person from another world appeared in the guy's body. The current Yuki thought Sirenji was cute and sweet, but only Lala Satalin was truly in love with him. Nevertheless, for the sake of Affection Points and his own development for a good future, he chose the classmate in love with him as his new victim as the easiest target for using the Love Notebook.

Freya's divine artifact already had Haruna's full details on page three. Rito had entered her name during class, because he knew she had intentions of apologizing to him at the end of the school day. And the incident with the puddle of water under Sirenji's feet was really just a fortunate circumstance caused by the guy's incalculable amount of luck.

- Uh... I... Yuki-kun... - However, the trepidation in her classmate's voice didn't annoy him in the slightest.

On the contrary, her behavior contrasted perfectly with Lala's personality, who even though she could be embarrassed at times, she still felt confident when naked. Haruna, on the other hand, did not at all, thus remaining at Rito's mercy. But Sirenji's meekness also had its advantages. It depends on one's tastes; some people are attracted to it as much as to debauchery. Yuki, on the other hand, loved almost all pretty girls, regardless of their personalities.

Haruna couldn't even pull back now, feeling her knees shake. Rito pulled the girl tightly against him, his hand still clutching her ass, his nails digging into the fabric of her panties. Goosebumps spread from that spot, trailing all over Sairanji's body along with the heat of mild arousal.

- Trust me," Yuki whispered, before boldly kissing the surprised classmate on the lips.

She certainly hadn't expected such a crushing move from him. As it happened, close lip contact meant much more to girls than any carnal caresses. That's why Haruna's heart instantly froze as it seemed to her. Rito's hot breath was burning her lips, and in addition, he despotically captivated Sairanji's mind with a kiss, making her immediately forget herself in passion. The man's hands stopped at her ass and began to actively squeeze those forms.

[Attachment Points: +1]

[Attachment Points: +1]

[Attachment Points: 7]

After a couple seconds, Haruna herself began to respond to the guy. Her lips moved, she came out of her log state and eagerly kissed Rito, mimicking his actions. She was inexperienced after all, but Sairanji's lips, so sweet to the taste, beckoned with her efforts anyway. Even more so, they had swollen slightly during this fervor, becoming even softer than before.

- M-m-m~... Haaaa~...

From Haruna's powerfully captured lips, languorous inhales and exhales were spreading. She felt dizzy, and her throat felt as if it was simultaneously dry and overflowing with saliva. In addition, everything was burning from the inside out, including the area below her stomach, as if a hot volcano had gotten involved. The schoolgirl had never thought that kissing someone could be such a pleasure. Or was it her initial lofty feelings for Rito that was to blame?

- Now let's take a step forward," Yuki smiled, moving with the girl to the wall of the classroom and looking at her desk individually.

"I don't think I'll be able to have sex with her here and now, Haruna will probably refuse it and run away in a fit of embarrassment..." - flashed through the boy's mind.

However, he knew very well how to solve this problem. It was enough to apply a bit of magic, right? So, after gently pressing Sairanji against the section of wall between the windows in the study, Rito quickly walked back to his desk, then took a pen and without even looking at it, scribbled in the Love Notebook the new degree of arousal in the aforementioned scale on the page with Haruna.

The movements were sharp, naturally prepared and already honed during the past lessons. Yuki then stowed Freya's divine artifact in his backpack, as if he had simply wished to clean up his own desk from the start.

- Let's get on with it, shall we? - allowed himself a chuckle, once again getting as close as possible to his classmate, whose body temperature instantly rose.

- I... I'm a little too... It's hot... Yuki-kun... - The all red Haruna spoke out, folding her palms nicely at her heart.

Unlike the mentally more resilient and experienced Mikado-sensei, Sirenji, considering all of Rito's past actions, still floated from the effects of the Love Notebook. The sudden avalanche of lust hardened the innocent schoolgirl's mind, yet even so she didn't lose herself completely and jump on the guy in a fit of passion. Her general meekness was still with her. Now, however, Haruna's gut was longing for salvation in the form of unity with her classmate....

- I'll help you," Yuki said carefully as he approached her and removed the girl's bow and jacket, underneath which was a white shirt. No loose uniforms, there was a dress code for the elder Sainan.

- Y-yes... - Sirenji said in a small voice, as if she didn't fully believe what was happening to her.

Are they really going to do this at school? But to her own surprise, Haruna didn't feel any kind of rejection at the thought of having sex right within the walls of this school. I mean, come on, is there such a thing? Is she really that secretly perverted at heart? Questions were flitting back and forth.

"But... I want Yuki-kun to be the one to take my virginity..." - the scarlet-haired girl with the scarlet hardening on her kara caught herself thinking so sincerely, feeling a pleasant shiver run down her spine and a cozy sense of anticipation.

[Attachment Points: +1].

[Attachment Points: 8].

All the more reason for Sairanji to only hesitate a little and blink her purple eyes a couple times as the buttons of her shirt stopped holding the white fabric that concealed her underwear. Haruna's thoughts became completely confused. Steam was almost coming out of her ears. The cute pink bra was revealed to Rito, causing the latter to show the grin of an excited beast.

Of course, about her classmate's shape, Sirenji's breasts were inferior to those of her peer Lala. And Mikado-sensei, the school nurse, was out of the question. However, Rito wasn't disappointed either way. Big ones, small ones. Yuki liked absolutely any kind, as long as the girl in front of him has good looks...

- You're going to let me do this, aren't you? - The boy gave in with a sympathetic smile, stroking Haruna's pale belly diligently but gently.

[Attachment Points: +1]

[Attachment Points: 9].

Sairenji nodded excitedly as lust flared in her purple eyes. Rito kissed her again, forcefully pushing his tongue into the girl's mouth before reaching behind his classmate's back and snapping the bra's lock. Haruna's pink nipples stood firm, expressing her arousal, and were clearly more daring than their owner....

It felt good. A new day, a new sex. Yes, Yuki was really enjoying his current life.