
To Love And To Loathe

When Tara agreed to the marriage of convenience between her family and that of the Blackwaters she didn't know what to expect nor did she have an opinion about it being the only child of her father. It was common knowledge amongst children from Mafia families that they were not free to marry just the way they like, it would always be with proper consultation and strategy to ensure the marriage was a form of reinforcement for the family. Power comes before Love. However, as the saying goes not all that glitters is Gold. The Blackwaters coated their words with gold but underneath them were plans to have revenge. Revenge shattered the world of Tara who had completely fallen in love with Lakan against the advice to be always watchful. For the sake of the true love she had in her heart the universe decided to reward her with another opportunity to be watchful but how does she go about it when she is still struggling with the fact that the death of every member of her family still seems like a dream to her? Excerpt. Tara walks into his office with uncertainty in her heart. She wasn't sure of what to expect but was sure it would surely contain some secrets after all why would he say "Of all the rooms in this house my office is out of bound to you. You should never find yourself inside even by mistake " Those were the clear words he gave to her from the day of their marriage and she had always heeded those words. But not today. she was determined to find clues that Lakan and his family were making plots against her family. She has made it her life assignment since that dream or since she came back in time. she was still yet to conclude on that. She noticed a red file on the table, the only one with that color, and headed straight for it. "Do you have a death wish? She heard a cold voice ask from behind her. Fear gripped her as she turned slowly, she already knew who it was. There he stood staring at her with a fierce look on his face, his cold eyes penetrating her heart. How could he have entered without making a sound? And I thought he was sleeping. " Do you have a death wish? He repeated this time advancing toward her with steady steps his eyes not looking away for one second. She swallowed hard and wondered what possible lie would save her right now or if this was the end for her.

Delta_Line · 都市
28 Chs

First two requests

Tara and Sarah exchanged glances without saying anything. Now that Tara thought of it she knew having that meeting with Sarah in that room was a bad idea. She will need to insist on having her own space where can have good discussions without having anyone intefer. Lakan's mansion had so many rooms so sparing one for her would not be a problem.

Sarah made to quietly walk out of the room.

"You better don't think of going outside," Lakan said stopping her in her tracks.

"Allow her to go, I will tell you everything you need to know" Tara informed him.

Lakan waved her off and Sarah quietly slipped away thanking her stars that she won't have to be there. She just barely stepped out of one trouble and was not ready to get into another. She knew men like Lakan would hardly take out their anger on their wives but will focus it on any other person that may have been involved with her.

Lakan decided to take a seat on the only chair in the room while Tara was sitting on the bed. He looks at her with such an intense look that she wondered if he had heard everything and was just testing her. She also noticed he was barely showing signs of pain from yesterday's shooting. How could he have healed so fast?

" Yes, what is it that you want to tell me? Lakan asked looking at her eagerly.

" I have a lot to tell you and I wish you would grant all my requests " she started trying to study him closely to see if he was in a good mood for all she would have to say.

" Don't worry about me, I am fine " Lakan assured her thinking she was thinking about where he was shot.

"Okay, first of all, I want to request a separate room for myself, " She asked observing his reaction. Lakan said nothing as the facial look on his face didn't change. He just kept a calm face.

"Won't you say anything? She asked frustrated with the silence from him

" Continue till you are done with all your requests " He replied.

Tara felt frustrated with his response but she reasoned maybe he wanted to hear everything before he gives her his reply.

"Okay, I also want a team of my own, men loyal to me and me alone. " She started looking at her fingers to ensure she was not forgetting anything.

"Anything else? Lakan asked still without an emotion on his face.

" nothing else...for now? she added as she flashed him a smile.

"Granted, you can have all you want " he replied getting up on his feet.

Tara couldn't imagine what just happened. He granted his request without even thinking too much about it. This whole thing looked too good to be true.

"You can move around and choose any room of your choice but anytime I need you to know that you will be the one to come over " he reminded her as he tried to walk away from the room still maintaining a straight face.

Tara wanted to react when she heard those words but she quickly swallowed her words when she remembered they were married. Besides, she doubts if he would be needing her often.

"Then for the men, may I ask why you want to have your team.?What exactly will you be needing a team for? He asked as he stopped at the door.

" As you know I didn't sign off my right to my father's business. I still have a mafia business to run"

Her words completely took Lakan by surprise as he had no idea of that. He looked at her with a confused look on his face.

It was then Tara remembered that she didn't inform him of that decision.

"I never knew you retained your right to the business. You told me you will be giving it to your cousin before we married. What is this about keeping your rights? He asked looking worried this time.

Tara observed as his expression moved from surprise to confusion and now to worry.

" why was he worried? She questioned in her heart.

"I changed my mind about it and decided to keep it to make my father happy. Since I decided to keep it I would need to do it very well " Tara replied

"I guess so, you will have to do it very well. Do you even know what to do? Why will your father allow this" Lakan asked looking worried as he lost his sense of direction not knowing if to go outside or stay inside.

"Why are you so worried about this? Tara asked. The last time she saw this look on his face was when her family was killed. Even though he tried to hide it she remembers that was the exact look.

But Lakan didn't give an immediate reply he just stared at her for some time.

" Lakan what is wrong with me taking care of my father's business? She asked again.

" You have no experience in the mafia world. You will become a prime suspect for so many people. Being my wife already puts you in that position and if word gets out that you are the true heir to your father's business trust me, the heat would be too much for you, for us" he later added looking away.

It was now Tara who began to make sense of his worried expression. He was worried because there would be heat on him also but she didn't understand how.

"What do you mean by heat and why is it affecting you also? She asked looking at him for a proper explanation.

" Do not worry yourself., just do your thing I will get you everything that you need and even more than you think you will need"

With those words, Lakan stepped out of the room with a lot running through his mind.