

Ava was bathing and humming loudly in the bathroom whereas Emma was soundly sleeping in her bed when she was suddenly brought back to reality from her dream world by the loud d ringing of her phone. She opened her grumpily and yelled:

"Sister you better shut up you are disturbing my rest and I would like to go back once I am done dealing with this caller calling me by 9am in the morning. Like what-gives…" Ava kept quiet after her sisters ranting.

"Hello! It better be for a good reason you are calling me this early Darla…"

"Damned it Emma quickly check your news feed!" Emma yawned and checked the news feed on her phone. As she was reading the knew her eyes grew wide open in annoyance. She screamed at the top of her voice;

"Shit! I thought we were passed these. Wasn't she going to NY for good? What changed? What happened? Damn it"

Ava came running out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped around her chest.