

Mahina smiled and said:

"You are right Emma; he is a beam of light just like his name. I should take Him to father too"

Darla squealed at the cuteness of Mahina's baby and said:

"Hina I didn't want a baby before but if I could have one as cute as this one, like yours, I don't mind, I will spoil him senseless." 

They all laughed together as Mahina handed her baby to his grandfather. The baby cooed in his grandfather's arms and smiled at him warmly. Brown's heart was filled with warmth and joy until he teared up. he sniffled and said:

"Indeed this child is a beam of light."

The night passed away with all of them chatting and playing with the babies. It was a merry night but as soon as the morning came they were all preparing to return back to NY city once again. Leaving behind only Alba, Mahina, Dora and Ford along with their babies.