

Ford gulped as he steals glances at Mahina. He wondered if she was angry at him as well. Even though somewhere within him he knew she is bound to be angry at him. Still he couldn't help himself from wondering what the chances are of her thinking he was part of the rebellion which led to her death. The moment he raised his eyes to look at her briefly again, she caught his eyes in hers and smiled at him saying:

"Ford! You are stressed, calm down and have your soup while it's still hot."

She stood up from where she was seated gradually and went to where Althea was lying down on the couch. She sat next to Althea and smiled at the unconscious Althea as she fixed her disheveled hair behind her ears:

"Thea! Wake up!"

She caressed her cheeks until Althea gradually woke up. when she woke up and saw Mahina looking down at her she reflexively moved back wards:

"What the f*ck do you think you are doing? Stay away from me!"