
To Hot to Handle

"You look beautiful, Camellia. How could a guy in his right sense reject you?" Kendra consoling voice mumbled as she drew her closer. "I don't know but I'll do all it takes to make him mine" she said amidst her tears. Camellia, a young beautiful damsel in her mid twenties fell in love with her best friend's lover and swore to get him by all means even when she had thousand of men drooling over her. What do you think would be the fate of the two friends, Camellia and Kendra? Would Camellia succeed in taking her friend's lover?

Daoist9n8yBu · ファンタジー
12 Chs

The bound is fixed

Camellia waited for Kendra to reply her text but she was taking too long so she packed her breakfast, hoping to have appetite as she had lost it since the previous night that Kendra had been missing, and went to work.

She was not her usual self which Imogen noticed with ease but kept mute about it.

"Still waiting for my order, pretty lady" a male customer said, spanking Camellia on her as she walked passed his after serving a customer. Camellia turned back and landed a hot slap on his cheek.

The man stood up, seething, "Where's the manager?"

Imogen heard his raging voice and rushed to his table, "What's going on here, sir?"

"Your waitress here slapped me, is that how you treat a customer?"

But before Imogen could reply, a manly voice replied, "Is that how to treat a pretty lady? All because she's a waitress? This is a restaurant, not a motel"

"This is none of your business so stay out"

Other male customers supported the latter and got the man who harassed her out the restaurant and asked for her number as a compensation which she obliged.


Camellia changed back to her clothes and nearly arranged the uniform in her closet in the bathroom, she gripped the knob and was about to leave but Imogen emerged.

"Why the rush? What's going on with you?"

"We'll talk about that some other time, I have to run along now" she said and sprinted out of the restaurant.

She sluggishly dragged her feet as she kept checking her phone to see if she has gotten any call of message from Kendra but there was none.

A gush of air hit her face making her hair move slightly as she walked down the last street leading to the house, earnestly praying that Kendra was home already. She was about to grip the door's knot but was scared what awaits her. She mustered up courage and flung the door open but it was just as she had left it this morning, the remote was still on the table she left it, if Kendra was home, she would have taken it to watch a movie. She walked in, slammed the door and threw herself at the couch. She had started crying when she heard the crackling sound of the door behind her, she instantly flung her head up in the air and a beautiful smile escape her lips as she stared at Kendra.

"I've missed you, Ken " she stood to hug her but Kendra stopped her.

"What's wrong? Why are you being this way?" She asked kendra

"Really? Are you being for real? You don't know why I'm like this? He left and it was because of you that I lose another friend" she said, almost poking her face.

"Who are you talking about? Edgar? But I already told you I don't love him"

"Then why did you promise me to give him a chance? I don't want to have anything to don't with you anymore, I'm tired of losing everyone around me. It's enough! "

She made to leave but Camellia grabbed her hand, her eyes still swollen from the sobbing earlier, "I'm sorry about that, I promise it won't happen again. You don't want to lose me, do you?"

Kendra looked away but her heart aches at how sad Camella looks because of her, she pulled her close for a hug, "I'll always love you, thanks for being a sister from another mother."

Kendra prepared dinner and they reconnected at the dining, they decided to watch a movie together before going to bed.

"How is work going?"

"To be sincere, it has been hell, I might even quit"

"Quit, you say? Why? What happened?"

"Men kept harassing me and asking me out, it's just tiring"

Camellia's phone vibrated as a call came in before Kendra could reply her but she ignored the call.

"Aren't you going to pick your call? The caller seems persistent."

"And the receiver is adamant"

They both chuckled.

"It's one of the men from the restaurant"

"You're really lucky, I wish men could drool over me like that. You should pick one and get married, you're not getting younger and wrinkles are beginning to appear on your face" Kendra teased, smiling.

"I've seen the one I love but he doesn't seem to like me"

"What? There's a guy who doesn't like you? I'm sure he's a blind man, it must have been hard for him to be survive"

"C'mon! You know how to make me feel better. Tell me about the latest at your work"

Kendra huffed!

"I didn't go to work today because I spent the night with a guy....... "

"Wow! This is the first time you're talking about a guy since the demise of Milo and look at how you're flushing"

"Stop it, would you allow me gist you the full gist or we should go to bed?"

"Never! Not after I hear the full gist about this guy who's making you this happy"

Kendra readjusted her sitting position and cleared her throat.

"The first time I met him, he came as a lodger, then a savior. He kept on saving my ass, though I don't know what happened last night but I know he must have saved me because I was drunk"

"So did anything transpire?" Camellia winked

"Of course not, he didn't take advantage of me but he wants me to compensate him for everything else he's going to make me lose my job. I had to message the manager I was going to skip work today and a coworker resigned"

"A coworker? That's not important, how and when are you going to compensate him?"

"He said this weekend"

"Wow! That's perfect, we'll be going there together."

"No problem about that but I might be last from work tomorrow"

Camellia smirked and raised one of her brows, "What's happening tomorrow?"

"I'll explain it to you later but it's about my coworker that resigned"

They switched off the television and went to bed.