
To Find: Darkest Mind Season 1

Set in a twisted, dark disturbing world inside Soren's Darkest Mind; he thought he could free himself but instead met his demise. A soul, reborn from the cries of Soren, named Just. Created to save Soren from his imprisonment and to take down the Season 1 antagonist, D.E.F.E.AT. who is a manifestation of utter pain and torment, a complete nightmare. D.E.F.E.A.T has taken over Soren's mind, trapped him in a prison cell with no hope of ever getting out. Just must venture deep into Soren's mind, encountering many dark creatures and entities wanting to rip him apart. Each tape contains a song that explains the mood and the atmosphere of an event, having a deeper meaning towards the story. Use your imagination as you see fit, immerse yourself in an emotional rollercoaster, witness the horror through Just perspective as he tries to avoid Death grasps. Please, enjoy the story of 'To Find: Darkest Mind Season 1.'

JustttHere · ホラー
32 Chs

To Find: Season 1 (At Ease Tape)

Story Tape #7

The song (Suffocation, By noturgf) softly plays in the background, capturing the mood with a sense of hope. "Rest easy Just you're safe," Whisper reassured me as I breathed heavily on the ground, my body screaming in pain due to my adrenaline fading. I finally got up off the floor after catching my breath, my heart racing from that feeling of danger I've felt. I looked around the inside of the building. "The cross led me here. God, I feel at ease knowing that You created a safe place for me. Thank You, my Lord." I was prostrating to God, worshiping Him for a moment till I got back up. I walked into a room and sat on the bed, removing my mask to catch my breath. Whisper appeared, the TV making static noises as he said, "So, how are you feeling?" I stared at him, already annoyed since he should know how exhausted and terrified due to everything that happened. "How do you think I feel? Terrified because of what the hell happened! I just got here, and all I've been dealing with is nothing but bullshit after bullshit after bullshit!". Whisper raises both hands, trying to calm me down. "Hey, hey, relax. I was only asking you a questi-" I interrupted Whisper filled with rage within my heart, raising my voice at him. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" I threw my mask at him as he faded away, hitting the wall as I screamed out in frustration. I started to cry as I lay down on my back, looking up at the ceiling as I cried myself to sleep. I knew that when I woke up, I'd have to go out there to find Soren. I have to be strong, or else I'll die.~

-End of Story Tape #7-