
Large Waves

Tao didn't know how he ended up in most situations, but he was rather quick to adapt no matter what - except right now!

Uncle Hua was so mean! Tao didn't like women other than as comrades, so why was he dragged all the way here, not to mention pushed into a darkened private room in the back.

If this was some sort of from boy to man ritual, Tao didn't want any part in it!

"What is your name?"

Tao nearly jumped out of his skin at the low voice.

Madam Mu was seated by the floor table, eyeing him with curious eyes that gleamed almost golden under the warm, flickering oil lamp.

Tao wouldn't usually even be this nervous if he was in front of any other woman.

With him blabbering how he only liked swords like the rest of them usually saved him from any further advances - not that many of the fairer folk tried to hit on him anyway, thankfully.