
A Sorcerer's Promise

XueYa slowed his steps as he reached the archway to his and LiangLin's sleeping quarters, still deep in thought over Sheng Hai's situation.

He needed to know everything about Sheng Hai's escapades during their fallout. Otherwise, XueYa might just accidentally kill the man for good by unfreezing him.

Fumbling sounds from within the house caught his attention. XueYa stepped back, hiding in the shadow cast by the wall when the doors to their sleeping quarters flung open.

LiangLin rushed out, eyes wide as saucers as he looked around the yard in a frantic state.

Was LiangLin looking for him?

"Hm, why are you up and running around at this hour, my love?" XueYa didn't miss the worry that fell off LiangLin's visage when he stepped out of the shadows and stopped before his beloved.

LiangLin's shoulders relaxed, his fingers that clung to the hem of his robes eased.

"I could ask you the same."