
CH:6 The New teammates

Once Donnie realized he was staring at this cute little fox before him, he quickly looked away just to notice that behind him is a wall of rubble and concrete, "Well, Splinter is definitely gonna give us a round of Randori if we don't get home soon..." He sighs out.

"What's Randairy?" Roxy asked with her head tilted like a lost puppy.

Donnie's heart swelled at her innocent curiosity, "I-its pronounced Ran-dori and Sensei says it's training to detect a hit you can't see, but its just my fathers excuse to give us a beating with a stick when we misbehave." As he nervously rubs the back of his head in painful memory.

On the other side of the rubble pile, Leo stands for a good second in the dust, frozen from pure shock. Before he flips his lid rushing towards the debis of train wreackage and concrete bolders and starts frantically digging, "Donnie, DONNIE! Can you hear me?!"

April is also in a paniced state as she to rushed right behind Leo to try to free her two friends. "ROXY! DONNIE!"

Just then Leo's shell cell went off, it was Don and he had seemed extreamly flustered for some reason. Still slightly panicked when he answered the phone Leo automatically yells, "Donnie!? Are you ok?! How bad are you hurt?!"

"I assure you Leo that I'm fine but....." Donnie sounded even more flustered as he says in a hushed voice, "But I have a throbbing pain in my groin area...."

There was a long pause as Leo finally registered that his younger brother was experiencing his first hard on, and around a human... 'Wait a minute... She had fox ears and a tail, humans don't normally have... What is she?' Leo questionly glances towards April before hurriedly saying, "Uhhhhhh, don't worry! We'll get help, just hang in there Don!" Leo said into the phone, though he too was flustered at the thought of what might happen.

Then to Leo surprise, he hears someone clear their throat over the phone. Then, in a meek quiet little feminine voice, he heard a girl say, "We should probably move away from here since people are going to come check on the damage soon."

April yells in Leo's ear, "Roxy! I'm so glad to hear your voice!"

After his older brother comforted him, Donnie can finally think straight and suggests, "Perhaps we should double back through these tunnels and meet up at the closest subway station on Delancey. From there we can catch a train and head back to the lair to regroup."

April perks up once more, "Oh! Vern is still waiting up on the surface. He can just drive me over to the lair entrance, so I'll just meet you guys there." And with that, she turned on her heels and ran to the stairs.

Leo thought to himself as he watched her run off, 'When is our mating season anyway?' then his eyes widened with realization, 'Oh no.... This can't be good, we probably should have stayed home... At least she is cute.'

-meanwhile in the lair-

"So this is how it's going down, we are going to break in to police headquarters." Raph said as he unfurled a map of the main police station, "So, we come up through manhole and— "

As Raph explained his plan to Kasumi, Mikey started to scarf down some pizza hardly paying attention. The newly turned Rogue had a really bad feeling about the whole plan, 'I almost feel like they haven't had much practice for stealth missions in a highly occupied area. This so-called plan is full of holes, for starters we're going to need some kind of distraction...'

Suddenly April comes rushing into the lair with Vern on her heals. They are both out of breath and with a panicked look on their faces. April quickly rushes up to Raph as soon as she notices him, "Guys…. Wait why is there a map of-"

Raph quickly steps in and says, "Good timing, April, we need help with a super-secret mission… You up for a challenge?"

April glanced over at Kasumi and thought, 'Who the hell is she… Is she a mutant too? Why are her clothes…. Ripped to shreds and barely covering her?'

Kasumi took one look at Aprils reaction and knew exactly what she was thinking. So many people before had the same look, even when she was human she got suspicious glances left and right just for being different.

As a growl was forming in Kasumi's throat Raph stepped in and said, "April this is…" he glanced at Kasumi, "A new mutant, Leo found her and… Well, her name is… Rogue…."

"Rogue?" April glances at Raph then at Kasumi.

Kasumi scoffed as she then said, "Was not my first choice in a name but yea, call me Rogue."

April looked at the newly dubbed Rogue, and held out her hand for a handshake, "I'm April O'neil. Its nice to not be the only girl in the gang now, I hope we can be friends…"

Kasumi just looked at her hand and raised what she thought was an eyebrow, then said, "Really? You wanna shake hands with a freak like me?.... Claws and all?…." She glanced at the unmoving hand before her once more as April just smiles at her and with a strug she gently grabbed it, "Ok then.."

"This is so awesome! First my roomie grows some ears and a tail, and now I get to meet a wolf! Despite how it started, this is turning out to be the coolest day ever!" April excitedly shakes the wolf's hand the whole time she's rambling.

Vern suddenly stops in his tracks, "What do you mean little Roxanne grew ears and a tail?!" He then begins to ramble, mostly to himself since everyone else was not paying attention, "This is imposible… She seemed like a regular human during our shifts together… What the hell is she?! Where did she come from? How did she get here?"

"Does he do that often?" Kasumi couldn't help but ask as an amused look spreads across her face while her hand is still getting the life shooken out of it.

April finally let's Rogue's hand go as she turns to face Vern, "You should have seen her! She started to glow before her ears and tail came out of nowhere. And she can fight too! Her moves were insane, I haven't seen anyone move like that other than the turtles!"

Raph chuckles a bit, "Sounds like she would make another good candidate for the team." Then he gives a quick glance towards Kasumi, "But all that can wait till we get back, we got a job to do." He says with determination as he cracks his knuckles with anticipation.