
Titanomachia: Seed of Yggdrasil

作者: Eaneas
連載中 · 12.3K ビュー
  • 7 章
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What is Titanomachia: Seed of Yggdrasil

WebNovel で公開されている、Eaneas の作者が書いた Titanomachia: Seed of Yggdrasil の小説を読んでください。there are other authors involved in this project, until now only the author itsurbff (hasn't been updated in along time)with her story: Titanomachia; Daughter of War. If you want to join comment your ...


there are other authors involved in this project, until now only the author itsurbff (hasn't been updated in along time)with her story: Titanomachia; Daughter of War. If you want to join comment your discord ID under the shameless author review. Enjoy ! My name is Pan. If you could see me right now you would laugh. why ? well... there is no person that would not be suprised by a talking tree. thats right, I am a talking and walking tree otherwise known as a Treant. so let me tell you my story...

10 タグ

Love Is Just Impossible For This Goddess Of Hell

// Ju Xi, a businesswoman whose is known for her weird affectation; not everyone can see her whenever they pleased. ''In the year 2020, Miss Ju Xi got the No: 1 Businesswoman of Asia award'.', as the host called her name, a slim yet elegant, beautiful girl walked to the stage as the people gawking at her beauty. But one man on the corner didn't pay any attention and seemed uninterest to his surroundings, being immersed in his phone. '' Song Shen'', as he heard his full name the man looked up to see his aunt while Song Yi smiling at him. ''Aunt, why you asked me to come here to talk about business? you know that I am not interested in this'', said Song Shen. Song Yi asked, ''Interested in what?'' ''Don't you know what I mean?'' he asked her coldly. why not of course she knew, she bought her nephew for matchmaking, but still he came even if he knew her true intentions and that was because Song Yi told she wants to discuss something important about business, of course as the No:1 business person of Asia he will definitely come to that place if he wants to talk business with his aunt. Suddenly she looked at the stage hearing a roar of applause, she saw a beautiful women, no! no ! a beautiful girl on the stage wearing a galaxy-themed golden dress with big innocent yet beautiful eyes with a magnetic smile plastered to her beautiful face, as she saw the girl on stage, she exclaimed, "She's just perfect !". Hearing his aunt's words without even looking up, at the stage he said, " No woman in this world can make me love her ". ''Yes'', said his aunt taking him by surprise , ''She's not a woman but a girl'', said his aunt making him annoyed. Song Shen rolled his eyes at her and said, ''Since you are not interested in talking business, I am leaving''. As he walked away he never would have thought in his wildest dreams that one day he would cry for a girl in the future, much less for the same girl whom he ignored now. ....................................... // Hey my dear readers, This is my first novel hope you guys would support me and if you find any mistakes in any chapters I am very sorry about that and feel free to point it out and I hope to see your valuable comments on every chapter. As this is my first book, so I may not be a perfect writer but I will try my best to improve. ................................................................. what happens when the paths of two different people with similar hatred towards their opposite gender crosses, Will love bloom or life wither, We might have seen a bubbly girl and a cold CEO, Let us see if both of them are cold what happens then, Will, they survive the coldness or freeze to death, Let's wait and watch if the red string makes them come closer or would it disappear in hatred, Travel along with me to know more about this roller coaster ride. CTO, I've only edited the picture, and special thanks to my lovely friend and fellow author (Alovia) for suggesting this picture. Join me on discord and chenguang-jinjing#9288 my discord account chenguang_jinjing is the Instagram ID I'll be posting new book covers, spoiler alert, and other information about the book, THANK YOU :) //

Chenguang_Jinjing · 都市
40 Chs

Pahlawan Teknologi di Era Sihir

Di dunia fantasi yang dipenuhi dengan sihir dan ilmu berpedang, lima kerajaan yang berkonflik saling bersaing untuk mendapatkan keunggulan. Di tengah perang dan persaingan ini, terlahirlah Ethan, seorang pria yang reinkarnasi dari dunia modern dengan pengetahuan tinggi tentang teknologi canggih. Ethan dilahirkan di Kerajaan Valoria, sebuah kerajaan yang terkenal dengan keahlian pedernakan dan pertanian, serta keterampilan pedang yang ulung. Namun, dia memiliki pengetahuan yang jauh lebih maju tentang teknologi, yang membawanya pada pertanyaan besar: bagaimana dia bisa menggabungkan pengetahuannya dengan dunia yang dikuasai oleh sihir dan pedang? Saat tumbuh, Ethan mulai merancang alat-alat teknologi yang luar biasa. Dia menciptakan alat bantu sihir yang lebih kuat, pedang yang tak tertandingi, dan bahkan mengubah cara tradisional sihir dilakukan. Namun, tak semua orang menyambut baik inovasinya. Beberapa menganggap teknologinya sebagai ancaman terhadap cara hidup mereka yang sudah mapan. Namun, Ethan tidak sendiri. Dia membentuk persekutuan dengan teman-teman yang percaya pada visinya, termasuk seorang penempa ahli dan alkimia yang ulung. Bersama-sama, mereka berjuang untuk menciptakan dunia baru di mana teknologi dan sihir bisa hidup berdampingan, meskipun banyak rintangan dan perlawanan yang harus mereka hadapi. Prestasinya menarik perhatian kerajaan lain, termasuk kerajaan-kerajaan yang sebelumnya bermusuhan. Namun, dalam perjalanannya untuk menjadi pahlawan, Ethan menemukan bahwa konflik antar kerajaan tersebut direkayasa oleh kekuatan jahat yang lebih besar yang ingin mengambil alih dunia ini. Pertempuran epik mendekati klimaks ketika Ethan dan sekutunya menghadapi ancaman jahat tersebut. Di tengah pertempuran tersebut, Ethan menyadari bahwa untuk melindungi dunianya, dia harus mengorbankan pengetahuan teknologi modernnya dan menemukan cara untuk menggabungkan sihir dan teknologi tanpa melanggar keseimbangan alam. Novel ini adalah perjalanan epik tentang perpaduan antara keajaiban sihir dan kecerdasan teknologi. Ini adalah kisah tentang pertempuran melawan kejahatan, persahabatan yang kuat, pertumbuhan pribadi, dan pencarian untuk menemukan keseimbangan dalam dunia yang terbelah oleh konflik. Ethan menjadi pionir perubahan, membuktikan bahwa bahkan di dunia fantasi yang penuh dengan misteri, teknologi dapat mengilhami kemajuan dan keharmonisan.

vaynetheofratus · ファンタジー
1 Chs

livE within. . .

What do you do when you realize the whole world is slowly crumbling before you? You fight back, knowing that if you try hard enough you may be able to return to your nice, peaceful life. This story, unfortunately, is centered around a spineless wimp who doesn't want to fight back. Everything he worked so hard for gets destroyed and yet he does absolutely nothing. The sight is sickening...that's why I have taken pity on him. I'll force him to put on his war paint, to FIGHT. I'm gonna change him like a remix, then he'll be reborn like a phoenix so he can take the world back from the heart attack that it suffered! Why am I doing this NOW? Because all of his flaws are now aligned with this mood of mine! IT'S IRRESISTABLE!~ The main character is a young 20-year-old Japanese man who has the usual low-paying office job. He isn't dumb by any means, he is most certainly a genius, but because of his weak will and shy personality, he is forced to be what he is today. One day, something takes pity on him and gives him the possibility to change his fate by sleeping. I know that sounds weird but it's true!~ Why did I choose him? Because when I saw this timid powerless Japanese boy try to save a life, it inspired me to act too. There are stories about every hero, how they became great, but most have 1 thing in common. Their bodies moved before they had a chance to think, almost on their own. For some reason, I remembered my mother's words in that moment when I saw him " I'm sorry ###, I wish things were different..." and in that day, that's what happened to him. This kid was exactly like me...You know, back then, my mom never told me the thing I wanted her to say, NO, the thing that I needed to hear..."###, you too can become what your heart desires!". I will make that boy feel what he needs to hear. I won't let him fall...not like me. Watch this wacky, original RPG-style story unfold! What are you waiting for? Go give this book a shot! If you try to resist my supreme authority, you shall know the devastating power of an angry weeb!~~

ElectroBrain1 · ファンタジー
3 Chs


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  • 世界観設定

Shameless author review. If you want to join in comment your discord ID down below. I recommend deleting it after you have confirmed that you are on the server for your own safety. Enjoy!



General Audiencesmature rating