

"I never knew the Garden of Eden was an island world," a surprised young Unevolved audibly voices out.

"Interesting! How is Eden floating in the sky when it is surrounded by water?"

"This is beyond science. It is magical."

"The Eden's Gate is well sculptured and has this magical vibe."

"Like the ancient movies - Barbie's enchanted castles"

"It is beautiful."

"I just love the calligraphy. They have this ancient divine aura."

"Can you see the flaming sword spinning around at an absurd speed? How I wish I could wield it. I will cut in asunder any of my enemies."

"Ha-ha, we got a dreamer here. A mad dreamer."

"Are these runes calligraphy? Where is that beauty that reads the runes in the lobby?" someone in the crowd commented.

"Yeah, where is she?"


Searching and piercing eyes focused on Ariel Sebastian. The agitated and wary Alec Sebastian stood in front of Ariel Sebastian, shedding all their gazes. April Angela witnessed this and chuckled at the brother's overprotectiveness. However, she is not supportive of the fact that a lot of people are trying to compel Ariel Sebastian to use her special eye.

"Alec Sebastian, let your guard down. We are all curious. Maybe your little sister has a unique eye for reading these ancient languages," Miss April Angela said to Alec Sebastian.

The meticulous ones infer the relationship between Ariel Sebastian and Alec Sebastian.

"Are they siblings?"

"Yeah! The beautiful lady close to them said it."

"Don't jump to conclusions."

"They are too beautiful. Both the girl and boys"

"That is not all. Everyone around them is either beautiful or handsome."

"Haha, this is a league of beauties."

"This is totally unfair. They should shuffle between beauty and ugly. We are losing self-esteem."

Listening to the gorgeous Miss April Angela speak. Alec Sebastian shifted aside, but he stayed on guard. Ariel Sebastian stepped forward. She recounted after Arvina's words. Meanwhile, deep within her, she was having a different thought.

'What bullshit unique eye? This is the doings of a freak with a name—Arvina and her accomplice V01D'

["Babe, that is a terrifying introduction of me, the first Tinder lifeform. Advanced from mechanical 0's and 1's"]

'Yeah, yeah, brag but you won't betray me in front of these nerve-wracking audiences'

["Don't worry, you are my home girl. I got your back. Recite after me."]

"This is an ancient writing. It once appeared at the time of an ancient king; King Belshazzar, son of King Nebuchadnezzar. According to the tales of that time. The writing on the wall was from a Christian God. It states, ONLY MY BELOVED SHALL PASS..."

"Huh! The beauty can interpret rune writing."

"Wait... Wait, don't interrupt her. Let her finish the translation."

'Cough... Cough...'

Ariel Sebastian clears her throat to get the attention of the slowly noisy audience. Eden's gate entrance became silent. Those Evolvers who planned to use Eden's gate paused in their steps. Time froze. Everyone was eager for Ariel Sebastian to continue her translations.

"I have seen the afflictions of my creation from other races. Who was made in my own image? I heard their cries. This Garden of Eden was made to turn my creation into a flawless model of me. Masterpieces who can stand head-to-head with my angels. However, evolving into a perfect human will entirely depend on their hard work. Only humans can access the Garden of Eden. UNIVERSE… HEED MY DECREE"

"Whoa! So, those fancy calligraphies contain some message."

"I thought they were just designs."

"Didn't you grab it? It is a writing from Babylon's era."

"Yuck! How long is the Babylonian era?"

"You do the math. I got no brain cells to spare."

Clatters went on and on until the gate of Eden began its usual but abnormal glow. Illuminating the whole entrance of Eden's gate. The interests of newcomers were piqued because this is the sign of baptism. Everyone wants to head first to the baptism pool. Yeah! A pool materialized from an unknown source. Filled with godly energy. Gradually, the pool was shredded from the eyes of Baptist evolvers. To the Unevolved, it was just a bright, attractive light glowing around the pool with godly energy.

A majestic and booming voice. Shivering, the souls of all present.


"I can never get used to this voice. I have witnessed many baptisms, but my soul trembles every time I hear this voice."

"Yeah! So true"

"Me too"

"It's so majestic."

"You guys can go ahead. After your baptism, I will hand over the spirit souls. We got on weekend shopping," the gentle voice of Alec Sebastian encouraged the girls.

Unevolver walks to the glowing light. They were enveloped in the divine light. Immersed deep by a mysterious force into the pool filled with godly energy. Protecting them from the eyes of onlookers. Ariel Sebastian and her cliques arrive at the divine light. Like a caterpillar enveloped in a cocoon for its final metamorphosis into a butterfly. So, are the Unevolvers?

As Ariel Sebastian was enveloped, she felt she was in an enclosed space. Divine light flew toward her and penetrated her skin. At this moment, different, noticeable changes were felt. Every cell, nerve, bone, and so on was alive. There was a feeling that Ariel Sebastian could not fully understand—it was bittersweet.

She was enjoying her divine bath when an unheard phenomenon occurred. A majestic voice sounded in her mind.






Feeling confused, Ariel Sebastian calls out to others, but they never hear her.





"What is happening? Why are you all silent?"


"It hurts... Ahhh! It hurts badly. Will I die here? This is unheard of"

"Noooo, I have to live."


Minutes pass...

Unevolvers turned Evolvers. They were teleported out of the evolution pool.

Ariel Sebastian was still enveloped in her cone. She was refusing to submit to the voices in her head who were advising her to give up. Gritting her teeth, Ariel Sebastian held on. Her stubbornness pulled her through until she heard the voice of V01D.

[Divine energy obtained…

Refining blood, bones, muscles...

An amalgamation of normal cells to divine cells

Chances of obtaining bloodline 0.000000001%

Unexpected phenomenon...

Bloodline obtained…

Bloodline triggers...

Unexpected phenomenon...

Restructuring the body

Skeleton advances...

Blood refined and upgraded…

The soul sea evolves into the Divine Sea.

Divine cells and DNAs mutated...

Divine bloodline acquired...

Divine bones acquired...

Baptism is completed.]

Arggghhhhh… Ahhhhh… Nghhhh...

Different screams from Ariel Sebastian were contained in her egg-shaped cone. If let out, the scream will cause unrest among the waiting audience. Each restructuring of DNA, cells, and bones comes with a death scream. A pain... Ariel Sebastian would not have survived if she had not undergone the hectic training.

Meanwhile, at Eden's gate, every Unevolver had left the baptism pool. Ariel Sebastian was the only exception. Some meticulous fellows noticed this incident. As time passed, many noticed. Questions, theories, and speculations were formulated.

"Where is the beauty that translated the rune calligraphy?"

"Yes, I have looked around, but I can't find her."

"It is over three hours. Had this strange incident happened?"

"I can confidently say there was no such incident."

Thirty more minutes,

Standing in front of Ariel Sebastian was a screen that only the soul-bound Evolver could view. Although Ariel Sebastian already has a system, the Eden system was not wasted. It merged with the existing system. Giving Ariel Sebastian's existing system a rare theme.



Name: Ariel Sebastian

Age: 15 years

Genetic ability: Evolver (Wheel of Life: 150)

Race: Human

Soul: ??!

Supernatural Cells:

Supernatural ST (stem cells - evolved) - 0% (0, 000, 000/10, 000, 000)

Supernatural BC (brain cells - evolved) - 0% (0, 000, 000/10, 000, 000)

Divine Neuron activated: 0%

Evolver DNA

* 0 DNAs gained: Exotic - 0/100

* 0 DNAs gained: Unique - 0/100

* 0 DNAs gained: Radiant - 0/100

* 0 DNAs gained: Valour - 0/100

Each DNA gauge is maxed at 25% Supernatural Cells.

Bones: Creator's skeleton

(The DIVINE ORACLE known as V01D has interfered. An unexplainable bloodline was gained. You mutated. You gained the Creator's bones; your bones can heal themselves. You just need time. Hint: Death can't claim you. Congratulations! You are a cockroach!)

Bloodline: Creator's bloodline

(A mutation that only exists in the realm of gods. You are a breaker of rules. An anomaly. Hint: This should not exist.)

Spirit soul: None

Gained genetic memory:

* Initial stage: Aikido, Angampora, Araki Ryu, Karate, LINE.

* Intermediate stage:

* Pro stage:

*Senior stage:

* Master stage: Reaper


V01D credit: 50 void credits

Max out EXOTIC DNAs to evolve





AN: (ST + BC / 200% * 100)


A bright light sparks around Ariel Sebastian, who was dipped in the evolution pool. It was the legendary soul crystals formed from gathering and merging the godly energy in the evolution pool. The gathered soul crystal flew to the forehead of Ariel Sebastian and settled in Ariel Sebastian's consciousness. Forming a soul sea, she instantly mutated into a Divine Sea consciousness. This strange mystery is yet to be unveiled.

The V01D crystal, which was embedded in Ariel Sebastian's forehead, melted into her consciousness. Circling around Ariel Sebastian's consciousness is like a country bumpkin. The V01D crystal melted into the Divine Sea consciousness. The Divine Sea and V01D crystal became one. This time, the V01D crystal was no longer at the forehead but within Ariel Sebastian's consciousness. Forming a rainbow ring around Ariel Sebastian's Divine Sea consciousness. Protecting Ariel Sebastian from unauthorized prying eyes.