His mother threw a fit I've the nee mural upon his wall.
Harry still looked back at the moment she'd return from socialising to seed the large shadows upon his wall. She'd screeched for Kreacher to tamed it die , then proceeded to kick the elf down the stairs she. He failed to do so. As powerful as house elves may be, but they weren't able to overpower the hallows. Harry had taken the elf back up to his too. Once Walburga had left to take off her make-up and dress, patching the creature up as best he could whilst Kreacher looked at him with a reverence that'd once been reserved only for Relgulus Black.
Even now, almost three year on, and the ageing elf was tripping over himself to look after the three brother. Harry had only had to cuff Sirius around the head twice for being mean to the house elf. Regulus had been the one to stop it though, pointing out how alike Sirius was with their mother if he behaved that way. Harry hadn't had to cuff him again.
Currently, Harry had been forced into a set of smartly cut wizarding robes, the fancy kind and informed he would be attending a ball, the last ball to be held before he was shipped of to Hogwarts for his first year there.
His first year away from both Sirius and Regulus.
He worried for them, rightly so if their mother's temper was anything to go by. She was starting to get irritated that they weren't showing the promise that he did, Harry had been forced to distract Walburga several times this year already for his younger siblings. He needed some black-mail to hold over their heads, but the safety of his younger brothers. Or rather, see to it that his brother would not be harmed in any way whilst he was off at Hogwarts.
He had one ace up his sleeve, an ace he really would have liked to save for another time. But it looked like he was going to have to play it, if an opportunity didn't present itself.
Kneeling down before Sirius and Regulus, who were both his sat i. The floor of his room, playing about with the magical creatures figurines he'd made them for Christmas, Harry gave a weary smile.
"Play nice. I don't need to deal with mother's temper after going out to socialise." He spat the last word like it was a curse, the two younger Blacks grinning at his words.
"We'll be good Tutsis promise."
Nodding, Harry stood up, turning o. His heels and approaching the hallway where Orion waited. Looking at his mother, Harry offered up his best smile, giving a polite incline of his head.
"Well, I guess I'm ready."
"Congratulations Arcturus, I must say, I am quite envious, as is every other Lord her, no doubt about it."
Internally frowning, Arcturus gave a slight nod of his head at the words, trying fruitlessly to figure out just what in merlons good name lord Nott was going on about.
There was plenty of things that all the other lords could be jealous over, but for the life of Him, he could not recall anything that'd happened since the last ball that would see the House of Black becoming the envy of the nation. Again.
Clearly he kept his confusion from his face, for lord Nott let out a wishful sigh, eyes sliding over to the substantial crowd on the other side of the ballroom. In fact, that crowd had grown from what he believed to be gathering of little heirs to include a vast majority of the lords and ladies of the ball. His son and Walburga seemed to be as left out of the loop as he was, for they were looking over at the herd of pure-bloods with puzzled expressions.
"I'll admit," lord Nott continued, gathering Arcturus' attention again, slowly joining him in his walk to the crowd as Arcturus became more determined to find out what was going on, " I was a bit cautious when I let's. Your so had married his second cousin. Cutting it a little close, some said. And even when you reported that the heir had a little burst of magic upon his birth, I admit I took it with a grain of salt. Didn't really believe it. But well, I can see why you've not allowed the boy to come to any gatherings will be had a wand. Too risky otherwise. The marriage contracts will no doubt be flooding in."
Now Arcturus was beyond confused. He felt almost blind-sided. What I the heaven had Orion oldest done now?
He'd kept the boy fro. The line-light because he reduced to go anywhere without his brothers. He'd fought tooth and nail, accidental magic -that he'd begun to suspect two years ago as not so accidental in any form- bursting from his body until Arcturus agreed it was best not to appear in public till his magic was under control. He was now sure that it'd all been an act, just so he could stay with his younger brothers and entertain them while his parents were out and about. It was good to see the ties between the black siblings were strong, but it didn't stop Arcturus from almost throwing a fit that he'd been tricked by a six year old.
" I assume you've been teaching the boy to defend himself, he'll certainly be a high profile target now. Who'd have thought it. A parseltongue I. The black family."
Arcturus didn't hear anything after that.
Parseltongue? What I. Heavens name was Nott on about?
He got his answer when the crowd parted, showing him exactly what was going on. His son's heir, the first of his grandchildren to be born, was stood talking to the Parkinson's. Heir and the young crouch lad, both of whom looked awe-struck. If he remembered correctly, the crouch boy was a year younger than Regulus, he couldn't be older than six, the Parkinson's boy a year older than Turais. Through what really caught Arcturus' attention was the large snake wrapped around the shoulders of his young heir.
He was unsure of what terrified him more, the thought of the huge snake suffocating the black heir, or when his own flesh and blood turned to the snake and began hissing to it.
"What did she say?" Parkinson, the heir to the household they were currently in, was staring at Turais with huge eyes, looking back and forth between the snake. He wasn't the only one.Arcturus couldn't summon the will to make his legs move forwards toward his heir. He was stuck still trying to Absorb the knowledge before him.
His son's heir, the heir of the House of Black, was parselmouth.
"She's displeased with the name you gave her, she's gone by lady well before she came into your home. And she wants done live food. Apparently it's not the same if there no struggle." And then the boy ran his finger alone the snakes jawline, who butted her head against the digits.
Arcturus forced himself to not to react she. The boy hissing again . It was best to act like this was all old news to him, even if he could see Orion on The other side to the circle, struggling to hide his surprise just as much as he was.
The boy's head snapped up from where he'd been conversing with the snake, a pleasant smile forming upon his lips when he realised who was addressing him. He spoke to the snake, lady, who managed to look quite dejected as she slithered back to Parkinson, no doubt her owner.
"Grandfather." Turais dipped his head, but Arcturus could see the sparkled amusement in his eyes. The boy had planned this, to reveal he had this taken in such a fashion it could not be hushed up. That, alongside his impressive control of magic, it's be what he was recognise for outside the House of Black. Arcturus was beyond please that the boy held such a significant talent, though where it's cone from, he had no idea. However, he was pretty sure the boy was going to pull something the second he got home.
He just had that look in his eyes.
" I think that's enough of a show tonight. The House of Black will be leaving in half an hour.say your goodbyes."
Turais nodded, stalking off with grace, no doubt to inform the rest of the family they were leaving shortly.
Arcturus watch him go, weary.
He'd underestimated the boy once before.
He wasn't about to fo it again.
Ears pressed to the wooden door of Turaid' room, Sirius and Regulus shared a look, a promise to remain silent so that they'd be able to hear the entire conversation that was happening beneath their feet. Their mother had returned home from the ball first, furious. She'd ordered kreacher to keep them in Turais' room. But said nothing about eavesdropping. The House Elf that Turais tested so well had agreed to amplify what was happening on the other side of the door; Sirius could see why his brother was so. Ice to him now. House elves were useful little creatures once you had their loyalty.
"How Dare you not inform us of such a talent!"
"What possessed you to showcase something so delicate where everyone could overhear!"
Turais was apparently in big trouble.
Their father rarely, if ever, raised his voice to any of his sons. Sirius wasn't blind, Orion Black loved his sons far more than his wife did. Turais seemed to hold a special place in his heart though, even if the man did his Damn best not to show it. So if their father was really shouting at Turais, he had to be in huge trouble.
"Because now I have a leverage," the smooth, calm voice of their brother flowed through the door, the words only reaching them thanks to kreacher's charm work, "so if you try to force Sirius and Regulus into believing in the death eater and their cause, I'll go straight to gryffindor."
"You will want?!"
"Imagine a parselmouth in gryffindor, how anti-sly heron he must be to boy end up in the house known for this gift."
The sound of flesh Merton flesh saw to it that both Sirius and Regulus jumped, sharing a worried glance but knowing better to try and leave the room. Kreacher had been forced to cast a locking charm by their mother, to not allow them to leave. She never said anything about being overheard
Though even after what sounded suspiciously like a slap, a vicious slap, Turais' voice was calm.
"And if you hurt them, I'll leave the House of Black."
There was silence now, as if their parent and whoever else was down there were trying to figure out just what in the name of Salazar Turais had just said. Yet, their brother continued unaffected.
"Can you picture the faces of your fellow lords? How bad must the House of Black be to ru. Off an heir, a parselmouth heir? I won't have to worry, no doubt any family will accept me if I wed their daughter, simply for the gift I could bring. They'd risk a feud with the House of Black for a parselmouth."
Sirius swallowed heavily, clenching his fingers until the neatly cut nails dug into the tender flesh of his palm. Turais really wouldn't leave, he'd promised to be there for them. He wouldn't
Their mother seems to have recovered form her shock.
Sirius didn't know the spell, but it had to be beyond painful. Turais had never screamed like that before. Regulus let out a cry beside him, but he could hear their grandfather Arcturus over the scream.
Turais' scream stopped and Sirius hugged his younger brother close, not daring to breath in case he missed anything important.
"You stupid girl,can't you see that's exactly how he wanted you to respond! Turais."
There was silence as their sibling was addressed.
Sirius knew little about the death eater, all he knew was that they didn't like mud bloods. Turais always shuffled both of them out of the room whenever the topic came up. But he knew Turais didn't like the death eaters. Sirius wasn't sure if Turais agreed with their parents beliefs regarding mudbloods, for his brother always played things close to the chest. He only played his winning card when it would be the most advantageous to his goals. His older brother wouldn't have taken a risk, a big risk by the sounds of it, unless he knew he'd come out on top.
Turais disagreed with killing mudbloods and blood-traitors, for who would work the menial jobs If they weren't there? That's been the only thing Turais had ever said on the topic, and he'd encourage both Sirius and Regulus to hold off forming their own belief until they got to Hogwarts. And Turais always knew best.
"What do you want." Arcturus didn't ask a question so much as he demanded a response.
There was a pause, as if Turais was trying to catch his breath of plan out his words.
" let Sirius and Regulus form their own opinions. I see no need for us to become branded like cattle before a hypocritical madman. I am heir black, I refuse to bow my neck to a man who won't even wear his family name with pride. What do Houdini when all those not of pure-blood are dead? Who will run the shops? Who will be the clerks and secretaries? Surely you do not expect pure-bloods to stoop to such a level? Society would crumble with just us alone. I fell no need to show people that I am superior because if my breeding and background. I already know that I am, why should I feel the need to lord it over them? If you stare that they are beneath us, why do you spend so much time on them, even if it is just to belittle them? I don't need to put anyone down to make myself feel as if I am their better. I already know I am a powerful wizard, I know I one will beat me unless allow it to happen. I don't have time for such a thing. I am better that that. Sirius and Regulus deserve better than to have their lives dictated for them, be it by a madman or their family. And I refuse to stand aside when I can do something. Even if I must stand against my own family, so be it."
There was dead silence.
Which was, of course, broken again by their mother. The sound of another slap arrived just before hers screeching voice.
"How dare you! You-"
"Walburga. Be quiet," Arcturus had never sounded so stern, and Sirius couldn't picture the older mans face at this moment in time.
"Turais, you have given me a lot to think about. Go to your room. I will expect you at my manor by lunch tomorrow. Do not be late."
" yes grandfather."
There was no sound of someone climbing the stairs. It had to be Turais, because he was the lightest on his feet out of all their family, thru wouldn't hear him if not for the trick squeak if the seventh step.
Turais opened the doer, closing it almost silently beside him. The black hair that was usually tied back in a low ponytail or messy topknot had come undone falling around his face.
Sirius and Regulus, who'd scrambled back to the bed once Turais had been sent away, cautiously approached their older brother when He sat down beside them. Sirius was the one who brushed the hair set from his face, revealing the dual hand-prints that rested upon Turais' left cheek. Their mother's handiwork. Turais frame was also trembling, no doubt from whatever curse he'd been hit with earlier. It's made him scream;. Turais hadn't even cried when Sirius had jumped on him and accidentally broke his arm. He'd Tom their parents he'd tripped down the stairs, unused to his new robes. Sirius didn't want to know whatever curse had mad Turais scream.
Regulus had shuffled forwards now, his seven year old form hesitant to touch their older brother. Turais let pubs long sigh through his nose before capturing them both in a hug, one arm around each of them.
"I'm okay. You will write to me every day when I'm at Hogwarts. I don't care if it's just to tell me what you had for dinner. And if mother dates to hurt you, you remember the lookup-talkie mirrors we play with?"
Since nodded. They'd been present for uncle Alphard, something the mad had charmed personally. Three mirrors connected to one another, and when they asked do a brother, the mirror belonging to said brother would heat and vibrate. They were a favourite present amongst the three of them.
"I'll be taking mine with me. You call me the instant it happens and I don't care what it takes. I will come and get you."
Sirius nodded, biting his forehead into the crook of Turais neck, Regulus coping his movement.
Their family might not be right, their father strict and unused to showing them the love he felt, their mother far too stern and free with her wand, putting the House before her sons.
But Sirius didn't care about all that. The unconditional love that Turais showed both him and Regulus was more than enough.
Sirius would never trade his brother for the world.