
Time to grow

Learning how to transcend from being a teenager to being an adult. 19 year old Cole was what you'll call a typical rich spoilt brat who thinks he can use his father's wealth as a source of his power and bully those he thinks is beneath his league. Well, life had other plans for him when his parents died in a car accident and all his father's wealth was taken over by the government as Cole's father didn't prepare any will in the case of his demise . Now Cole has to learn about life the hard way and appreciate it on the long run.

Daoist2000 · アクション
21 Chs

A new family

   We've been driving for almost two hours now and I don't know where in the world we're going. I thought about asking Mr Finley but I don't want him to think I'm a scared of him so I keep my mouth tight.

   Please try to get me, it's not that I'm scared he'll hurt me, it's just that I get this weird feeling from him and it's really creepy.

    After approximately two hours ten minutes, we arrive at this beautiful neighborhood (I don't know what it's called). We pulled at a beautiful mansion. It almost looked like a mansion. Mr Finley got our and I followed suit. 

    When we got to the door, it opened automatically. Wow, do doors really do that these days, it's sooo cool.

"It's cool right, I know " Mr Finley said with a satisfied grin plastered on his face.

  My only answer was a rapid nod of my head. Mr Finley laughed and opened the door for us to go in.

   My jaw dropped when I was inside, the inside was none like I'd seen before. It was richly furnished in the most expensive materials there is and they were all in white and gold colours. It was more breathtaking than the outside.

"Make yourself at home son" Mr Finley says before dashing out a door which led to god knows where.

    I sat on the couch slowly, careful not to make any little damage or stain the oh-so-fine! couch and trying so bad to make myself as comfortable as possible...but guess what....it wasn't working. I didn't know when I'd started counting the seconds until Mr Finley showed up.

   I didn't know how long I'd been counting or whether I even stopped but I finally saw Mr Finley appear from the door he went out from earlier and felt relieved.

  Relieved?! That I saw Mr Finley?  Na, that's impossible. I couldn't have felt relieved, more or less like 'glad to know I was still on planet earth' feeling. Still I was relieved that I haven't been forgotten.

   I stood up from the couch to give Mr Finley my biggest smile when something...or should I say someone came out the same door from which Mr Finley came out from earlier, and made me stop midway.

   Harry! I was glad to see he was okay but I was still shocked to see him in front of me...what's he doing here.

    Note: anytime he goes out with his gang, he always comes back a little roughed up...just so you'd understand why I was glad to see him unhurt even though this was the least place I'd expected him to be.

"Harry, is that really you? " don't blame me, I still can't believe that Harry of all people was who I'd bump into at Mr Finley's house.

"Yeah, it's me buddy"

"You're not hurt!..." I ran to him and hugged him,

"....but what are doing here" I asked.

   All Harry did was laugh and pet my head. I know he did it to avoid answering my question but I didn't push further.

  Mr Finley who was watching the whole scene in front of him laughed his guts out before calling out to whoever was at the door telling them it was safe to come out.

   Just then, five men stepped in...or should I say three boys who were around my age and two men who looked around Mr Finley's age, if not older.

"These are my sons... " he said pointing to the three boys and Harry.

"...and these are my comrades" he points to the two men.

Did I just hear him correctly or was I beginning to hear things. How could he be the father of these three boys including Harry. There's gotta be something I'm not getting here.

"Hold on, so you mean you have like four grown up sons... Jeez how old are you anyway? "

  I know I sounded stupid right now but I was confused as hell. What in the world was going on.

"Oh dear, how... naive you are" Mr said laughing. His comrades also joined him in laughing.

"I didn't mean biologically silly...just like you they're adopted "

"What..... "I looked over at Harry and he had a hearty grin on his face.

"We're officially brothers buddy " he said bumping my shoulder.

"Welcome to the family, I'm Jeff..." one of the boys introduced himself.

"...and the others are Conny and Mike" he said pointing at the other two who waved at me with smiles on their faces and I in return waved back at them but not with a smile on my  face... I was still confused.

   I guess Mr Finley saw my confusion and saved me from being a nervous wreck.

"I know you're confused but don't worry, you have Harry here to keep you company. If you have any questions, just ask him and if you're not quite clear about any, ask me okay? "

"Ye...ss...i...r"I stammered.

"Oh and please, don't refer to me as sir anymore, just Nico would do"

  Since word got stuck in my throat, all I could do was nod my head.

"Take him home so he can rest" Mr.... Oh I almost forgot...it's Nico now. Anyway that was what he said to Harry before I felt Harry lead me by my hand to a car.

   He told me to get in as he climbed the driver's seat. I didn't even know he could drive!

    Wow, we are so going to talk about a lot of stuffs when we get home but for now...I was mentally drained from all the drama earlier plus I was hungry.