
Time take every thing from me even the one whom I. love

yumnam_geeta · 若者
3 Chs

chapter 1 Family and foe

My father Kain who is one of the famous business man ,he is one of my dearest member in my family .Grace my mother is a well known social worker. I have one younger sister Yealina she in a collage and our last member of our family .With out him our family is incomplete my younger brother Prit. Every thing was alright until one day when I was in my room .My mother shout Alaida !!!!! ohhh!what have I done now . I rush down stair my father was standing next to my mother she was holding a letter .My brother and sister rush down stair ,we stare each other....! Mom....is every thing alright !!!!Prit ask nervously. ohh god help me she is staring me with those evil eye. That ,I scared the most "what is this ..what...why you always ruined every thing ???" I reply with clear confuse and scared in my tone "what I don't do anything ...

Stop it she cut my word and throw the letter she was holding .There is a photo OMG ! the photo was mom its not what you think ."Than explain" my sister said."sister you said that you didn't have any boyfriend " Prit spoke

Yes its true that I don't have a boyfriend Yealina do you remember ,I went to this mall before a week ?A man who wear a cap directly come to me and kiss me and I thing some one capture that.They seem not satisfied with my answer but I was telling the truth .So I ask my father and mother to give 1 day to prove that. I am innocent they agree I call my best friend Mary we go straight to the mall. What the hell is going with you?she said when I said that my parents saw the photo.Than she continue "if your parents know about my affairs they will die ,I mean it is just a kiss " I know what she is saying but if my grand parents know this they will kill me because they does not belive in love marriage and my one of my aunt divorce her husband after 1 year of her marriage. I am doing this because of I marry someone they do not like I am not going to get my property as per rule of my grand father.

As per my thought with out money what are we supposed to do right.They all control our family not only ours also our cousins family.

"Alaida we have been searching him we went to each and every shop where are we going to search him now ." Mary said "Mary !Mary !! a male voice call . He is my new boy..ok!ok!I cut her and ask "how do you handle all of them.??"

Its easy I will teach.she said and I reply " ok you can go" she went with his boy friend .I went to parking load all of sudden I fell some one catching me ,I try to escape but I felt my eye closing itself!!...When I open my eye I was in a luxury bed the room was decorated with blue and white curtain .After some times some maids come in and said Mrs Tryan

Mr .Tryan want to talk with you .What !!are talking with me.???I will saw you the way. I follow her and we reach a place where some mans are talking there .Than I saw a man sitting middle his brown pair of eye ,his black hair he was very handsome . They saw me and and motion me to come inside. I go inside he stare at me and one of his man start daughter of business man Kain and well known social worker Grace .Before they could say anything I ask "how much money do you want I will transfer to your account"?? The other man laugh . I am Tryan remember me the one that kiss you in mall .Sing it he give a papper "what is this I ask ?"He reply contract marriage " "You cause many trouble is it not enough "I snapped ,with a devil smile he continue your grand father tollaly mad ."you!!"

I know you are doing this for your property if you do not want to lose than marry me ."I will give you half of my property" .Who is this man? "Who are you??" I ask ,His man said" he is the C.E.O. of P.K. company " I was shock to hear that he is the owner of such a big motors and vehicle company . "Why do you want to marry me " My grand father is going to die and his last wish is to see all his grand son wife".

"If I sign than would you de able to handle our crazy family ." "Left that to me " "I need time to think give me a day " "ok than than lets meet tomorrow I will sent people to pick you up " "Thanks but please don't sent them at my home , if my mom saw them than your man will beaten in such a way that you cannot even imagine"" ok !my man will drove you" "Thank you ". " its ok !!an...and sorry for today .

His man standing and had maid open his mouth like they saw something they never expect. " Good night "I said in hurry ,With a sweet smile he reply " Good night " after he left head maid said "impossible!!!! "did he just smile .....