
Time Robbery: The System Will Reboot

The universe was at the peak of demolition when Azazel set all the galaxies in a row and opened all the pathways of each globe. Two things could have happened, Number one the cosmos could have stuck into the time loops. Number two the universe could have lived his whole life within seconds and could have obliterated after a couple of minutes. His zeal for taking vengeance had made him wild. Luckily, the Monarch of Magic, Leonard was there, standing against Azazel to save his dominion and other planets. Monarch of Magic, Leonard's sharp reflexes and alacrity to save the universe earned the victory. Their fight could not destroy Azazel but his intentions. Their fight, Monarch Leonard's Victory, and his loss had made him more furious and eager to take his revenge.

Sumbal · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Sword combat.

"I am hoping that your night was good. Hope that I have furnished full comfort to the next monarch," the fella voiced carrying a cup of drink for Gavriel. His facials were so subtle and his behavior was so cordial.

"Don't say you were here all night," in his heavy voice Gavriel sounded rubbing his sleepy eyes with both hands.

"Here you go. A morning tea of our world," the man drove his hand and passed over the cup to Gavriel.

"You are something weird today," Gavriel stared at the wide torso standing in front by lifting his head to his face.

"The man is faster than the chameleon. He has so many sides," Gavriel thought in his sanity.

"What the..! What is this?" Gavriel spilled the sipe he had just taken and took no more while to pass the cup to the fella resting beside him in the bed.

"I should have known the reason behind your friendly behavior. I would choose dead instead to have this," Gavriel yelled and immediately ran toward the curtains and started wiping off the leftover of drink from his tongue.

"I was just making your morning good. This, the favorable tea and you spilled that out." "If the is your favorite drink it is sure that the people in your world have the worst taste."

"Not your fault," the wide torso came on his feet. "I have just remembered it tasted like this on the first try. Even my reaction was the same as yours. I remember my childhood when I first tried it."

"Whatever it was I am not gonna sip it again," Gavriel uncovered his upper body and made his way to the lavatory.

"I don't know why I am here..!" Gavriel murmured looking at the wide torso. His facials were so sulky.

"Did you just say anything?" Young one asked in his whisper.

"I said I am not feeling happy about being myself here. I want to use magic. That would be very cool."

"Magic..!! Huh..! Like this," the fella opened his hand in the air and the small hole arose onto his palm. That seems like a galaxy.

"Now that is something cool," Gavriel sounded excited.

"You will be able to do but first you have to prepare for that. It will take time."

The phrase "it will take time" left a wave of sadness on Gavriel, which was so obvious on his face.

"Once you prove that your reflexes are good and sharp enough to beat me physically then you will enter the world of magic. A monarch should not always rely on his magic power but also he should know what can he do without it. Imagine your sigma has gone which happens in very rare cases then how will you fight with your opponent."

"Sigma..! What is that?"

"You will understand everything later yet for now besides knowing that, the thing that is more important is why you are here."

"I see..!" Gavriel narrowed his eyes with a little head movement.

"Take this!!" the fella caught the sword from the air using magic making Gavriel amazed and annoyed at the same time.

"Fencing..!" Gavriel sounded questioning.

"Yes...fencing. I think the best way to test someone's reflexes is this game."

"You are not going to use magic like you did yesterday. Right!"

"What magic did I use yesterday."

"Nothing. Now is the time for me to shine," Gavriel smirked and held the sword with both hands sixty degrees before his face and focused his eyes.

In a short, he ran to the fella and a thud voice thundered in the atmosphere as the two swords struck with one another.

The force from both of the sides was equal. Trying to let down their opponents.The tension on their faces, their grip on their sword. The fella never thought that Gavriel had such courage to beat him like this. In a while, Young-one could see himself losing his balance yet in a spurt he let Gavriel out of his way.

"Impressive Gavriel," the man smirked and they both balanced themselves.

"What do you think about me now? Huh!" Gavriel talked. His eyes were on his target.

"Seems like someone is taking the act personally because of what happened this morning?" The wide torso stood straight. His expressions were so stable.

"Ahh!! Very thanks for reminding me of that act of yours," said Gavriel and ran to the man and attacked.

"Listen...Gavriel...I...was....just....trying...to....make....your...morning...good," the fella voiced while defending himself from Gavriel's dense attack.

"And there you go," the fella in his one attack beat Gavriel.

"The boss will always be the boss," said Young-one pointing the tip of his sword towards Gavriel on the ground. He highlighted each word.

"I have never forfeited anything. Not my style," Gavriel in a deep voice uttered making the fellow frown.

Shortly he rolled his body to the side to get himself free from the man's sight.

The fella drove his sword before him for his safety when Gavriel came on his feet and threw his hand towards Young-one.

Gavriel did not stop there and kept attacking the man with full zeal. He shortly came on his knee and showed the movement of his hand clockwise making his foe jump in his protection.

Gavriel did not stop there. He came to his second knee and swirled his body to come on his feet.

The man took a step backward at the moment Gavriel whirled in the air in an attempt to kick the opponent.

He missed the first attempt and then he went for the second and it touched the man's clothing.

"That was close," Young-one reacted. His expressions were so surprised.

A drop of sweat traveled from Gavriel's forehead to his jawline but it did not stop him and he seized a step forward.

He swirled his arm along with his torso and threw the sword at the fella. His act was so quick that it ripped the corner of the man's gorgeous silk clothing.