
Chapter 17

The defense looked a little stunned at the quick play.

They had been expecting a slow start to gauge each other's roster changes— especially since both teams were accommodating the lack of their last year's seniors.

Last year, Ivan was obviously not a starter and this year he hadn't played that much so no teams had good information on him.

Their coach looked especially confused, just like the students when Ivan walked into the court.

They did not expect a sophomore to be in the starter 5.

However, experience allowed them to quickly recover and bring the ball up as our team laid back into their side to defend.

Back in defense, Ivan slowly approached the approaching point guard as he walked into our side. Knowing he'd probably look to make a play to get back at our team and stabilize their morale, Ivan unhesitantly pressured the dribbler.

Ivan backed off slightly and allowed him space. The point guard raised his arm up to signal a play and looked at their center.

Right as he looked up at their center, Ivan exploded and tapped the ball right out of his hands.

It's easy to say Ivan just tapped it out, but what made it so different and simple was the fact that Ivan played on the opponent's psyche. His speed, explosive movement, and timing were just too good for the other student to counter.

"YEAAHHH!!!" Since the game had just started, the crowd was especially excited and full of energy.

He ran and the defense chased after him, not wanting to be behind 5 points by the same person.

He was too fast and as he approached the hoop, he did not slow down at all.

"No way,"

"He's going to—!!" Several yelled out.

He took off from one foot, his lower body muscles tensing and suddenly exploding.

Suddenly, I found myself standing up along with the crowd, watching with clear and open eyes.

He soared into the air, as his leg kicked out and carried the ball with one hand with a heavy-handed striking posture.

He raised his hand and slammed down.

A loud bang shook the hoop, and an even louder clamor from the fans shook the gym.

I found myself yelling along with the crowd, experiencing an intense excitement I had never felt before.

He gracefully landed on the floor and his powerful gaze suddenly sliced across the crowd.

Scanning from one end to another, he slowly looked across the wave of students. Facing the massive number of people watching him, his gaze didn't shy away and his eyes apathetically looked for something. He quickly recognized my eyes glued onto his figure.

Feeling the intense rush of raw emotions and the strange atmosphere the gym was producing, I felt my face heat up and a blush rise.

Seeing me, his eyes sparkled and his confident, near-arrogant smile, flashed brilliantly.

I couldn't help but look away.

His teammates ran to him, bumping him with fervor as they ran back to defend.

"He just smiled at me, didn't he?"

"That was me. I could literally feel his eyes on me. I think I have a new crush."

"Don't go for him sis, he's a mega fuckboy."

"Wait, really? Ugh."

I wasn't paying attention to the conversations around me anymore, instead, I felt the urge to hide my face and take a private five minutes to calm down my heartbeat.

His smirk came to memory again and I unconsciously began fanning myself.

"Oh, there's no hope anymore."

"Even Alice too?"

"I'm gonna cry…"

"No way…"

"I'm gonna be an athlete."

Hearing them loud and clear even though they were whispering, I tried ignoring their comments though my face heated up again.

Before the game started.

"Alright man, you'll be there for the game, right?" I shoved the rolled-up posterboard into my friend's backpack.

"Uh, huh. For sure," he slapped his chest confidently. "No way I miss the first home game. And your invite to Alice…"

I slapped his shoulder.

"By the way, if Alice says yes, then you have to put in a good word about me to her friends."

"No worries man."

The fans clamored intensely and happily. Suddenly a small voice evolved into a whole gym chant. "Overrated!"

It's not always that the rival school we usually compete with is slammed down and smacked around with.

The senior section of the crowd was especially louder since they were supporting the team they'd been watching since they were freshmen— four years ago.

Anyway, I suddenly feel a little younger going through something like this.

My heart rate increased in excitement as I noticed a friend shakily asking Alice to walk down the bleachers.

He seemed more nervous than I was about this. I chuckled to myself.

I went to… Love Doctor Nathan and zipped open his bag to grab the poster.

I walked with slow steps towards her and the poster in my hands made it seem obvious what I was about to do.

The students in the bleachers quieted down and whispers and gasps sounded out.

"No way…"

"Who is she?"

"That's Alice, you haven't seen her before?"

"Pass me her @."

"Shes so fine."

"He's actually going to ask her out?"

"What's even special about her? Like, imagine having a personality as flat and boring as hers…"

"You just jealous."

"Girl. I still don't understand… she used to be such a bitch to everyone and now that she's acting a little friendly, guys are asking her out."

"He played well but didn't Alice already reject like two guys this year?"

"She's rejected more than five by now."

"...Fuuuuuck, brutal."

"Boutta add one more to her kill count. I don't feel bad for the guy though 'cuz I've seen him in parties pulling."

Finally, as I got close to her, the useless gossip stopped ringing in my ear.



I unwrapped the poster in my hands and spread it out towards her. I heard useless gasps towards my sides, but noticing Alice's features, my senses were instantly drawn and attracted to her form.

It felt as if the world had shrunk and now suddenly only the two of us were in it.

Her cheeks were red and her eyes were watery.

Her clothes that I was used to seeing very sharp and formal, were now unfamiliarly casual and unkempt from all the jumping around that she was doing.

She looked at my poster with a smile and took one long step to get in my face.

She fixed her gaze on my eyes. The smell of her usual perfume, a smell that I had already unconsciously ingrained into my mind, pierced my nose and wrapped around me.

"Well?" I gazed into her eyes.

She looked down from my eyes into the poster again and seemed to contemplate the answer.



The crowd had quieted down, and the nosey students all zipped their mouths to hear her words.

Even though she was speaking at a normal volume, her voice echoed in the gym.

"You're too young," the crowd gasped, but she quickly silenced them by speaking again. "That's why, since I'm older, I'll be the one to invite you to Hoco."

My heart that initially dropped finally stabilized again and I felt relief wash through me.

So mischievous at this point?

I sighed and scratched my cheek. "You said we'd both accept each other's invites."

"Teehee~" she smiled cutely and mischievously, "I'm just messing with you."

Close in distance to me, she suddenly headbutted my chest. Then she pasted her face to my chest.

"Sniff. Sniff." She dug her head around. "You smell like deodorant."

I wrapped my arms around her.

"Should I not spray myself with deodorant then?"

I felt her features scrunch, displeased by the suggestion. "Do that and I will not approach you for two days."

I sweatdropped, "Is my smell that bad?" I asked, puzzled.

"No. I've just… never smelled sweat and deodorant mixed together."

My eyebrows met, and my face was a confusion of emotions. "I didn't think you'd be that interested in sweat and deodorant..?"

"Cry about it."

"Stealing my lang again?"

"Shut up, virgin."

"Didn't you promise you'd taint this pure and innocent body?" I whispered to her ear.

Her head dug deep into my chest and she refused to answer, hiding her shame at the memory.

In the stands.

"HE DID IT!!!!"



The boys cheered.