
Time loop ends, means, the start of a real adventure.

The world, the people, even you don't love yourself, walking and helping the world outside with no reward. how many times must you die for these worlds to be whole? What is your breaking point? follow the mc as he finds out if these worlds are truly worth all that he has done. P.s Mc is ugly on the inside for a while, but he will change over time, the women he has will love him for him, and he will only have 6 wives so pick carefully. *Mc past is dark so, I don't want to hear edge lord bs, he has dies 100s of times, even you would be fed up. That being said he will have happy moments and try to change. This is a kinda inner voice novel, not everything he thinks but a good amount. Mc has Orsted Template, so op to a certain point, but is Issac from castlevania as his character. I'm black and Samoan so, don't mind some of the music I suggest please. First world - Castlevania I own nothing.

Disillusion1 · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Chapter 2 - Only you..

[Glitched timeline]

I watched. Looking on at the masses of men who bowed there heads. Watching on as firewood was brought up in mass for something unimaginable. The peoples eyes looking on as if blank, crowding like a festering of roaches their eyes glossed over as if zombies, while their hands moved or for the women and children, stayed in place as they listened to a so called man of god.

[The stage made, the people crazed in a hungry mess of violence, in front of a church no less. Tell me, what manner of shit is this..]

My eyes drifted over the shit of human kind, those who would rather watch someone burn than to hear reason or understanding. The city, from each dark corner bringing all its filth and shit forth, no house left unwatching, and no alley left packed, even if only to ease the cold of the night. My eyes looking across the vastness of rows upon rows of people bowing to a man in a high head piece and long red bishop attire. His hands behind his back, looking out in a proud stance as if an angel.

[Look at them, while some believe it is God's will, some come only for enjoyment.. while few come from true fear. fear not only brought on by what is true or not, not only because of what is to happen, but also because of fear of their own understanding.]

My eyes looking over the people once more, some bent on their knees, their hands in a praying moment as they closed their eyes. While others held back laughter, and smirking looks within their own dark heart. Yet even still some women held their children behind themselves, their eyes better off bleeding as they looked at the raised platform of wood, only as if to be speaking with their hearts and not the outside world.

I knew from my lives doing this, I would only make this world closed off, that i would never be allowed to return to this world, yet it did not matter.

[I have moved through this world after she has died, with no answer, with every life, I could not bring myself to watch her die over and over. You may hate me if you ever knew I had watched you die, but after so many lives, I truly did,want, want to save you.. even if I lost myself.]

My eyes once more looked over the masses, my legs hanging over the side og the bell towers stone, only as if I watched the beautiful luster of gold blow in the wind, my hands moving to pull something closer from behind my back. The wet sounds and heavy stone mixing in my ears as I looked up to the sky. My hand resting on the thing beside me as I let the dark sky wash it away.

[Forgive me girl.. you have passed on, let not your heart be mis-led, and go into that light, For those who understand God, know why we fear him..]

My voice low, talking in a voice of understanding, Hoping the person that I dragged behind me would understand my blight, as well as my understanding, even if I knew it would not be the same. my eyes adrift as I looked down to the pillars of wood that were set of blaze. The smoke of black cruelty rising within the air after each passing moment

[I am sorry, i can not be like you, lisa.. you who is so willing to let their sins go unchecked. Even forgiving them for their broken and misguided understanding. Many if not all will call me a hypocrite, because my world held these same traits. Yet seeing it with your own eyes makes all the difference. What of man's belief? That a Miracle will save you, as you pray only for your loved one to still die, or just continue to waste away, is your goal not to see God, but you reject the very Miracle he gave us to save others.. I will never say that their is no god.. I've seen one.. but it is not how he thinks of us.. Science and medicine, are those very Miracles we wished to deny, even as they heal us, was it not god that blessed us with this power. Or does it make it worse than the devil, then again who made him and Dracula]

My heart was full of unwillingness, if I saved this woman, I would most likely die again as I have done many times. My task were given, but not to save this same one, over and over in all my lives, Dracula's wife's death, is what set this animated world into motion, his pain is what brought about the pain to the world.]

'Their are things even I can't do, but all the same I tried and tried again. Hoping to save it, or save you.. yet all I want is a world were I can be free..'

[Once this is over, I will go to the fog of worlds, and find what it is I'm looking for..]

My eyes looking at a blue stone, as tiny as a small Acorn nut as I rubbed it gently, my hands looking at its soft glow with faint understanding.

[You can not be saved like the others, your death is what brought this world to its knees, that being said, god never said I could not make it someone else. I tried it with myself, but that has no meaning in Draculas heart at this time. And while some might think me cruel, their are many who die outside the eyes of man that could take your place.]

The world Must into a cacophony of on answer questions and a Myriad of fogish color, my eyes looking up to the sky once more as moved my hand over my bald head.

[Ahh? Why.. why? Why would she be looking up now?! Or even looking up here in thw first place]

My eyes soon rested below me, my arm pulling the body towards me as i pushed my dagger into its heart.. 'scream.. scream in pain of a women's voice when.. i tell you.' My thoughts had already left this world, I knew that this world would be saved,, but as I whispered, I looked down to bright pale blue eyes that felt like they looked into my own.

My heart pounding hard as I watched her fixated to the spot I was sitting. The loss and an infatuation deep in her eyes felt as if they sout out to drown me in a wave of emotion.

'What the hell? S-sh-she has never looked this way before, her head was low as she asked her husband to forgive them, right?.. right?''

My mind raced, loss of what I just felt and even more so why I felt her eyes were so strange. Out of every woman I've met, she loved humans the most, the rattling within my mind, only calming for a moment as I shook my head. Looking back at the woman with beautiful blonde hair, it's luster given more brilliance by the flames behind her. As if my eyes played tricks on me, her head was

down and her figure unmoving as i shook my head.

'I have lived for too long, it's must be, just my mind playing tricks on me.. like before, she would never know me, or why I'm here..'

My thoughts forever cascading down in a mess of an dreadful understanding, Soon coming into line as I felt that what I was thinking was ridiculous.

[No one would know of this, and soon.. ill be..]

[Worry not.. I will save you.. because I know your heart.. one not shaken by man, or their greed, I wish.. I wish I could.. I wish I could not love that heart..]

The world became silent, the talk to the bishop, The mixing winds throughout the city, The hollow understanding of everyone within the masses of people, Soon came to a silence. My mind far removed as I moved to end it all.

[So you came to save me..]

[Ha, who am I kidding, if you had to pick..]

[You'd probably always.. pick to save me.. that which i had to watch for lifetimes.. even as i would burn, soon aftef you'dsave me.. losing yourself in the flames.]

[Yet, even as I looked back, I.. I can. I can't understand you, your still just so.. so.. so lonely as you were before.. so why? Why do you keep trying to save me.. to save us?]

'I wish I could not.. could not love that heart..'

The words echoed out to no one, a thought born from the void out of nothingness, the words held by a force beon their control, hoping it would reach out to that person's ears.

[Even if I can not accompany you truly.. allow me to warm your heart.. if.. if..]

[If even a little.. you no longer need to give.. because i will take everything from these worlds..]




[For.. only you..]