
Time god

Title: Time god Genre: Fantasy/Adventure Setting: The realm of Astoria, where time is currency, and the fabric of reality is woven from the threads of past, present, and future. Characters: - kallus the young Time God, who inherits the throne of Astoria after his parents death grows to fight every obstacle that would emerge. - Lyra, the daughter of the god of law who becomes Kallus unlikely ally and potential love interest - lord morphos (kallus uncle), the rogue Time god, who seeks to manipulate the timestream for his own power and revenge Plot: - kallus discovers his father's hidden journal, revealing a catastrophic prophecy threatening the fabric of time - kalus flees to the land of law, seeking the law god's help to prevent a war in his world and also finding love with Lyra. - Kallus and Lyra embark on a perilous quest to prevent lord morphos from altering the timeline - They navigate treacherous time loops, rival gods, and ancient secrets to reach the Heart of Astoria - Kallus must confront his own destiny and the true nature of time to restore balance and save the multiverse Theme: The story explores the consequences of power, the importance of balance, and the interconnectedness of time and human experience.

DaoistCILDRn · ファンタジー
1 Chs

A child

Have you ever wondered how it would feel like to live in a world or realm that was not limited to time it self? Well let me journey you to the land of time which was ruled and governed by lord tiarus the time God.

"My lord your chariot is ready" amir the head soldiers had informed the king. Tiarus headed straight to the palace library to sort out books that can lead him to the solution of his life. Now it been a thousand decades since lord tiarus had ruled Astoria , he had been doing well ever since he exceeded the throne but after he got married to his wife queen Juliet, the kingdom began to collapse and shake from one enemy to another, simply because of their inability to have a child a heir to the throne. After all their effort in getting a child, lord tiarus decided to seek for a solution that led him to the palace library, he searched different books that could deal with different challenges but later on his eyes fell on a book called "THE HISTORY OF THE TIME CAVE" it was said that all solutions lies in the midst of this book, the king got hold of the cave whereabout and decided to journey to that cave as soon as possible with his wife queen Juliet.

The cave was said to be a spiritual place that only comes alive once in a year, and luckily for the king and queen they were in that time of the year, for the cave to come alive. It also said the cave didn't have the power to create solutions but the water it held, the water was the life of that cave and it never for once had a reason to dry up or evaporate. The king and queen had journeyed to the cave immediately he got hold of the book. it was indeed a long journey of about three days, the king had given a strict order, to the kingdom officials not to announce his absence to the time cave, which was so....till they returned.

The king and queen had found an inn to rest for a while before they had continued their journey, the rain had met them on the way including storms simply because they sailed on the royal ship. They finally arrived at the cave which looked really ancient, and had an aura of magic itself. As they walked in , the reflection of the water was seen from afar, the king had held his wife walking straight deep into the cave. Their lives were also reflected on the walls of the cave as they walked in, simply trying to tell them that nothing was hidden in the time cave.

When they got Infront of the water, the king and queen knelt down and prayed to the water paying their respect to the cave. They had read in the book on their way here, and one of the instructions that was written was that they should pay respect to the cave immediately they got close to the water, then telling the water what their problem was .

"Please help me, I need a son a heir to my throne"

The king said and urged his wife to also say her prayers to the cave, " please oh great time cave, bless me with a child so that my Lord's lineage wouldn't end with him " she pleaded and cried and immediately her tears dropped into the water, they could see how the water began to turn and turn like it was creating something or someone was emerging from it. The king and queen waited patiently, till their eyes could see a child floating above the water, till it got close to the queens feet. They both looked at themselves and back at the beautiful baby boy that was layed Infront of the queen, she picked the child up and immediately the child began to cry. What was this!!! it was indeed a miracle ...the king thought and they both thanked the time cave and headed back to the kingdom.


Now on the other side of the Astoria, there lived different lords who had interior motive toward lord tiarus, infact they hated him and envied him and how he got to rule the time land for decades of years. But only one of the Lord's called lord morphos who was related to tiarus, infact his brother had not given up in finding a weakness or something that would be used against lord tiarus and would make the people of Astoria decide to make him decend the throne. For decades now lord morphos had been unhappy about the result he had been getting, it had not favoured him for once, untill today.

" My lord" a servant approached him

"Speak" he ordered, not interested in what the servant had to say....he had not for one day brought good news about tiarus that could be used against him.

" I have found a weakness my lord , against lord tiarus" the servant had said to morphos , whose countenances changed immediately with joy. He stood up from his throne and ordered a servants, who stood at the doors to lock the doors.

" Are you serious about this?" He asked... The servant, because he would not spare the servant for once if he finds out that he was fooled. 

"My lord I swear on my life" the servant chorus, said as he bowed himself to morphos. 

"Then what is the news" he asked unable to hide the evil grin from taking over his face.

"The king is unable to bare a child my lord"

Morphos eyes had opened wide, could this be true?....if yes! Then this would be what he has been waiting for to take over Astoria. 

"What are your findings, I don't know why I find it hard to believe you chorus" morphos sat back on his throne, who told you this?" He asked again, this time he wanted to be sure.

"My lord I implanted a spy amongst their servants in the castle, that over heard the kings discussion with his head soldier, that he was in need of a child .....due to the queens inability to conceive a child" chorus replied morphos who was already deep into thoughts, strategizing and planning how he would lay that accusations on tiarus and attack him with a war, this would be the best weakness ever.