
43 - Jesse Barnes

Bandit Barnes was horrified by Maisey's back, horrified that members of his family were accused of that. After he'd checked things at West Ridge he'd gone into town with the excuse of needing to order some things with the feedlot's tack shop. Before he did that he pulled into the motel behind a small black car with BC plates. Frankly he was surprised to see Jesse's car still there.

1C was directly in front of the car: Bandit could hear the TV on in the room and sobbing, he knocked on the door. Jesse was in boxers with his jeans open and half pulled up and a bare chest, he grinned at his cousin, "Hey James," Bandit could smell the alcohol, "We're having a little party, want to come join us?" He opened the door wider so Bandit could see the naked woman tied to the bed, red welts on her stomach and thighs.

"Shit Jesse, who is that?" Bandit was mentally wondering what to do, should he call the Sheriff--family was family, but abuse just wasn't right.

"Some broad I picked up yesterday," he grinned, "She likes it rough and with some pain."

There was fear in the woman's eyes, "She's bleeding." Bandit pointed out. Jesse grinned wider and everything Maisey said fell in place, "I didn't come by for that." He said, "I wanted to know if you wanted to grab dinner and catch up. I've got chores this afternoon but I could meet you at the diner for five thirty."

Jesse gazed at the woman then back to his cousin, "I think I could be done here for that, you sure you don't want a taste?"

Bile rose in Bandit's throat and he shook his head, "Linda's dinner at 5:30 then. I'll see you there." He walked away and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. "Sheriff Curtis please, tell him its urgent thank you." He started the engine of his truck, "Hey Sheriff, Jesse's in 1C right now with a woman, she's bleeding." He glanced up and everything went black.

"Idiot," Jesse dragged the unconscious Bandit into the motel room and picked up his phone to call his uncle, "your dumbass kid just called the cops on me." he recited.

"No I am not wrong. Bitch must have said something to him. I can't get out fast enough, he parked behind me and the cops were already looking for me after last night." he listened "Fuck that Uncle, I'm going to take it out if his hide before they get here."

He hung up the phone and took his belt to his unconcious cousin: teach him a lesson about turning on family. The sheriff slammed open the motel room door and Jesse dropped the belt with a lazy grin, "Afternoon Sheriff," blood spatter covered his face and hands.

Andy and the nurse that was on duty when Anna was not pulled in as Jesse was getting into the squad car. The deputies were taking photos and collecting evidence. Andy went to Bandit while his nurse checked the woman. Andy called for an ambulance from Medicine Hat and did what he could for threw unconscious man.

"He was a man possessed," the woman said shakily, "I seen alotta things in my line of business, but I think he'd'a killed 'im if sheriff hadn't turned up. Nothing turned him on except the hittin and blood." She rubbed her wrists, "I've gotta get back to town, don't suppose I can catch a lift?"

"You're going to the hospital before you get turned loose," Andy told her, "You need to have a scan to make sure he didn't leave permanent damage."

The prostitute swore but didn't argue. Andy turned back to Bandit, "Nurse, let's clean him up the best we can. I've already done a tetanus shot."

A deputy came and took the prostitute's statement and waited with them for the ambulance to arrive. Andy passed over everything he knew and watched them load up the two patients. With an angry sigh Andy threw his keys to the nurse and asked her to drop it at the office: he was taking Bandit's truck back to the ranch.

Brett and Maisey had just gotten out of the truck when Andy pulled in. "Where's Bandit?" Brett leaned in the window as Maisey answered her phone.

"Ms Barnes, um Maisey," the Sheriff spoke, "We have Jesse Barnes in custody. I need you to come down to the station to ID him."

"On the way to the hospital in Medicine Hat," Andy parked and handed Brett the keys, "he went after Jesse himself and might die for his efforts. I need a lift into town."

"Brett," Maisey's voice shook, "they want me to come ID Jesse."

Maisey was silent as the three drove into town. Seeing Jesse was almost as bad as seeing Luke. The last time she'd seen him was at the trial. Andy listened for her breathing to change or any audible sign of a panic attack. Brett drove.

"I'll call you if we need you," Brett told Andy and took Maisey's hand: it was ice cold.

He guided her in through the sign in process, she seemed like she was on autopilot. The Sheriff took them into a small room and explained how 2 way glass worked. Maisey tensed when Jesse came in the room with two other men: they were all cuffed. She recognized him immediately: he and Luke were near enough in age and looks to think they were twins.

Jesse had the same cocky lopsided grin that Luke and his father shared. He still had blood on his knuckles. She pointed him out and heard him say, "I know where you live bitch, when I'm out I will teach you your place since Luke couldn't do it." She clenched her fists, "this time I'll kill you and have your corpse."

A Deputy hauled Jesse away.

"We charging him with assault with the intent to kill, breaking and entering and now uttering threats. How Bandit recovers will play a role in the charges." Maisey learned into Brett, "I'll keep you informed."

"Thank you Sheriff," Maisey was grim, "Please let us know when Bandit's mom and sister have been picked up, we're getting the house ready for them." Sheriff nodded and had them fill in some paperwork before they went.

Jesse didn't fight against the officer that took him to a cell, his lazy grin never left his face: Maisey Barnes would suffer for what she'd done to his brother, he would see to that as soon as he was released--and James too. Luke would be pleased to know he was getting revenge for her putting him in jail: the woman needed to learn her place.