

"i'm taking a break," he snapped, his eyes were dark, eyebrows scrunched.

"but hyung—"

"no, wooseok-ah, it's final." he interrupted the tallest maknae, who was clearly trying to change his leader's mind.

you see, after a rough encounter with the management, lee hwitaek, also known as hui, stormed off from the room, and quickly accepted his father's offer to go somewhere and work. he had been in such a twist just because he was blamed with something he didn't do. he swore, he didn't break any rules nor did he not look after his members. it wasn't pentagon's fault that someone got hurt one concert night, and it seemed his bosses were putting all the blame on him. it was rough being the leader, if could he says so himself.

"well you have to do an announcement if you're going to leave, hyung," shinwon frowned, tugging on hui's tshirt.

"i will. but not now. i'm not in the mood," he spoke harshly, "if you need me, i'll be in my studio," he added and then stomped away towards his room.

"aigoo, what will we do now? we have a lot of projects coming up," wooseok finally spoke up after a couple of minutes of silence. the atmosphere was thick.

"i don't even know now," jinho, the smallest hyung, sighed.

the rest of the boys went in for a sigh, too. the look on their faces clearly show worry, worry about their leader, and worry about what was going to happen after their leader goes away.


"so," hui started, "i have a big announcement to make, i hope you guys listen,"


he couldn't say a word. something was choking him from telling his fans what his decision was.


"hyung, just say it already," a member said in the background.

hui sighed, he felt tears forming up, and it felt that the tears were ready to fall.

"i am... i am taking a break, from performing. i... i'm not quitting no, that would be too much for you guys, but i will just," he let out an exhale, "take a break, from all this. it seems like entertaining you guys, my family, is easy. the truth is yes, because i love performing for you guys, and i love that you appreciate the stuff we always put out. but, i am exhausted for entertaining people who aren't you guys, and jeez, there's a lot. so there, i'm going to take a break. i'm sorry, but i promise to be back. i pinky-swear," he held up his pinky finger.

comments were two sided, there were ones who supported hui's break, while there were ones who bashed him for doing such a thing.

hui choked up once again, as he reads his fans' comments to him.

"i really, really am sorry everyone." and then he turned off the camera.

tears streamed down his face as soon as the camera was off. the eight boys he took care of rushed to him immediately, everyone was either consoling him with kind words, or was hugging him.

"don't you worry hui, i'll take care of them," jinho said, patting hui's head.

"i'm going to miss you so much hyung!!" yanan exclaimed as he hugged his leader tight.

hui smiles, but at the same time, tears flow down his face. he was going to miss his boys a lot.

after the intense, very emotional scenario had ended, hui came up to his room once again, this time to pack his things. hongseok and changgu offers to help hui pack his bags, and he most certainly accepts their offer.


"i'm going to miss you guys," he said, as he carry one of his bags. the boys were accompanying hui to the airport. yuto was pushing hui's pushcart full of his luggage for him.

yuto sighed, "i'm going to miss you a lot, hyung," he frowned.

"aigoo don't make that face, yuto," hui frowns as soon as he sees yuto's face.

"eh, you're leaving us, i can't help but be sad, you know," yuto replied.

"where are you going anyways, hui?" jinho asked.

"the philippines. it kinda sucks, i can't eat foreign food, but now i think i should train myself to,"

"what are you even gonna do there?!" hyojong exclaimed.

"yeah! just stay here pleaaaaaaaase," kino puts his two hands together, clearly begging hui.

"i can't, my dad has a business partner there, and he wants me to observe the place."

the boys sighed. the all went down to sit on the airport benches. they waited for almost an hour until the intercom blasted out hui's flight number.

"i guess that's me, boys," he stood up, stretching his legs.

"aigooo, don't go please hyung!" wooseok pulled hui into a tight hug.

and there comes the waterworks. all the members of pentagon cried. they all cried like babies, to be honest. and for what seemed an eternity of crying, hugs, and backrubs, hui hurried on to going to his flight.

"i'll message you guys when i land, don't worry," he said, then finally walking over to the direction of where his airplane was.

he sighed as he sat down on his seat. he took out his earphones and listened to his playlist. he drifted off to sleep when it got to the third song. his head was on the plane window, and he was snoring quietly.