
Time cycle: challenges always find our ways

"I'll make it quick," the man said holding a knife. I never expected an end like this. Betrayed by my most trusted man. But is this not the end? I am back... Was it all a dream? It couldn't be. I continued my long-lost normal life. But unexpected events keep turning up. Can heroes never rest?

CharlotteTTViolet · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Ch 1: Dream of Past

It hurts...

my insides are burning... It's hard to breathe...

Someone... Anyone...


someone is there. Who is it? what are they saying?...

"..~~//~ I'll make it quick "

I saw a vague image of the man. He was holding a knife.

It was hard to speak. As he said he made it quick.


I woke in my bed.

(... a dream...again...

It's been 3 months already and I still have these dreams everyday)

Someone knocked the door

"My lady it's time to get up" the maid said outside the door.

"I'm up" I answered as she entered.

"Today is your first day at university after 4 months break" she chatted while helping me dress up.

I took off the robe and the maid fell silent.

(Of course she's terrified. It must be first for her to see a wound this big.)

I had a knife wound on my liver. And an old scar on my back.

How I got it?

Well these are signs of glory to me.

" Lady are you ready yet?" my butler called from behind the door.

"I'll get dressed myself" I told the maids.

I stepped out of the room after getting ready and saw him waiting outside.

Stefan, my butler and my childhood friend.

"You look good" he complimented.

"Thanks" I smiled. He stared at me. "what?" I asked.

"In past you would be delighted to hear these compliments" he said.

The past he speaks of is only a few months back,

... But I don't remember much of it. Its not a memory lose just...

Its been too long so everything is hazy.

"I am delighted" I replied.

"If you say so"

Stefan and I grew up together. We knew each other so well and shared all our secrets, until four month ago. But right now I have a secret that even Stefan isn't aware of.

A secret so extraordinary that no one will believe even if I told them.

A secret of fight, comrades, love and ... Death.