
Chapter 15 - To leave

Having eaten enough, she had some strength. It was just that Susan was still tossing and turning with her, which made her feel a little guilty, and she was busy saying, "I'm not occupying the bed here, so I'll just rest a little in the living room. You can go to bed first."

Susan gathered her hair and said in boredom, "I'm not very sleepy, tell me first what's wrong with you? Do you still want the baby?"


Being asked again, Alice nodded, sure of her answer, explaining in passing, "There's no one around. I want to have this baby, after all ...... it's the only thing I have left to think about."

Susan shook her head, "How silly. Haven't seen someone as stupid as you."

Alice blushed, and didn't say anything.

The latter only said, "Let me help you, seeing as you are so pitiful. I know a doctor friend, maybe he can help you."

Alice's eyes lit up and he was busy asking after him, "Really?"