

"I'm the what of what now?" Four kids chosen to protect the world and it's inhabitants. But due to the cruelty of mankind, two of them become evil and seek for revenge. The other two have to endure the pain of loosing a loved one again and do what's right. Join them in their world of Vengeance, Romance, Musicals and Fun

K_Poper_Mercy · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 29: Bring it on

"Master. We spotted some kids and some of them were following some of our converted. I think they're looking for us"


And down went his head on the ground

"You talk too much. So she went to get backup rather than accepting. She wants a fight. BRING IT ON EMPRESS"

Downstairs, SR, Heroin and Belle were still singing. Some people stopped by to watch them. They were really amazing

"~So chick make it chill

Chill on twitch write that check

Don't call me Heroin

Shout out queen

Cause I'm that star, mark ma words

My body so hot. Don't cool down"

"~So Belle call me Bella Vista

This show's still getting Twista

I'm that lucky crystal

You suspect We All Stars Babe

Gotta.. gotta... I'm lost" Belle said scratching her head and then people started cheering and asked for Heroin's autograph as they recognized just her

"So how about that disguise?" SR asked Heroin when the people left

"Later. We should check on your friends now. It's already been twenty-five minutes and no one's coming"

"They're not my friends" SR said and stood up to leave

"Giant fireball!"

"Stop! Are you planning on destroying the

entire building?!"



We searched and searched and searched, but still nothing. This is the last floor and I was sure George must have checked it. We walked in and met George and the others. They looked like they were about to fight but something was holding them back.

I looked forward and saw a man holding a boy and another one was laying unconscious on the floor

"Let me go! Jordan wake up. By the time my sisters find you, you'll regret it"

Brave kid. He was crying but could still make threats.

"Jordan? What are...let them go. Seriously speaking you won't like when his sister comes here sir"

"And who are you to give me commands?"

The man was about to push the kid into a portal but Albert shot his arm with an arrow causing him to drop the child. George caught him with his hair and I pulled the other one with my hair

"Giant fireball"

Alvin was prepared to launch a fireball but we heard someone

"Stop! Are you planning on destroying the entire building?!"

" Are you kidding me? You care more about the building than them?!" I yelled at SR.

She's really getting on my nerves now. Everyone turned to look at her. She continued walking and stopped when she saw the kids.

"Jordan? Jordan wake up"

She rushed to them. At least I don't have to reveal who she is cause she'll just do it herself

"Jonathan what happened to Jordan?" she asked trying to wake him up

"He tried defending me from your stylist. He kept forcing us to join him_"

"Join him uh?". SR moved closer to the man

"Am I not enough? Now you want my brothers too? Dude they're just kids!" she said this last part and pushed him into the portal, took a headphones from the table and jumped in it

"Let's go home." Belle carried Jordan

"What about big sis?" Jonathan asked looking at the others

"Don't worry. We'll bring her back. Let's go" George ordered and entered the portal.

When we all entered, SR was on the ground with her head in-between her legs with the headphones on.

"Hey. SR? Where'd he go" Heroin said and tapped her shoulder


"What's going on? Where's the demon guy?"

"He's hiding. Let the champions find him. It's not our job. If we ever stopped any demons or humans before, it's because they were not here. Let them do their job. If they need help they'll ask."

She kept drawing some sign on the ground with a stick. She suddenly looked sad. Why do I care? Alvin was the first to start searching for the demon guy. There were a lot of trees. It's like we were in a forest.

"Donald, Albert stay with them" George ordered and left with the others

"Okay Ivy. What's your plan. You can stop pretending now"



"Donald let her be. Can't you see she's not in the mood?" Albert said and moved aside

"Hey. What's wrong? Did any of your roommates disturb you?" Heroin asked and glared at Donald

Suddenly they heard an explosion

"Should we worry?" Albert asked

"If you wish. You should probably warn that boss of yours. He's immortality won't help him here. In this zone, your greatest protection won't work. Like your teleporting won't work"

"Why didn't you say that earlier?"

"I don't know. I forgot since I don't have a special protection apart from force fields which I hardly use"

Kelvin ran in with heavy breath

"What's wrong?" Heroin asked him and gave him a bottle of water from her backpack which he quickly drank

"We found him...but... Why didn't you tell us he has backup?"

"Did you ask? As an army you should always keep in mind they even the weakest enemy has backup somehow. Let's go" SR said and stood up and with a snap of her finger, her clothes changed to normal black.

George had never felt this much pain before, except for that one time. He was badly wounded. He was stabbed in his stomach and his left hand was broken. Sarah was trying to heal him but she was scared and panicking so she couldn't concentrate on healing. She wiped her tears and turned to look at how the others were beaten up

"I'm sorry George. I can't do anything right" she apologized and didn't even noticed the arrow that was shot at her. George saw it and pulled her and turned her around to take the arrow

"Don't. It's not your fault okay? You just need more training. You'll get there. I believe in you" George said and pulled the arrow out of his chest

"George? What..." SR absentmindedly said and moved to him

She looks at his wounds and places her hand on top of his chest and put his right hand on her cheek. He wanted to resist but she held him tight.

"Stop being stubborn. How could you let them do this to you? I'm the only one who could do this to you"

If she had any disguise on, then it's all gone now. The additional red stripes were gone to just three like George's. Dark eyes back to blue, whisker lines gone, wolf fangs reduced. She was prepared to heal him. All she needed was a song to sing. The song on the headphones changed to UNHOLY by Sam Smith and Kim Petras. So she closed her eyes and sang Marilyn Bailey's version.

~Mommy don't know daddy's getting hot, At the body shop, Doing something Unholy

He sat back while she dropping in she be popping in. Yeah she put it down slowly...

Donald, Albert and Heroin were the only ones fighting now and were doing well but couldn't finish all of them. Donald too, like George, was well wounded but refused giving up. Kelvin tried attending to their friends.

George stared at SR in confusion. As far as he knew, only Gina was tested as the only kid who could heal when singing. And if his eyes were not deceiving him, SR looks exactly like Gina. When she was done, she fell to the ground. George held her. He felt much better than ever.

"Gina?" he asked unsure but she nodded before closing her eyes.

"Here Sarah" she placed her head on Sarah's laps and left

"Hey. Sarah. Please don't tell of my other identity to him yet. I don't want his life in danger. You already know too much and it's dangerous" SR said in a weak voice before darkness consumed her view