

"I'm the what of what now?" Four kids chosen to protect the world and it's inhabitants. But due to the cruelty of mankind, two of them become evil and seek for revenge. The other two have to endure the pain of loosing a loved one again and do what's right. Join them in their world of Vengeance, Romance, Musicals and Fun

K_Poper_Mercy · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 16

When I arrived at The University of Bluebell, many students were rushing into a hall dressed in matching uniforms. I know it seems complicated and odd to wear a uniform worst in a university right? But it will interest you to know that those of us with that uniform are ninjas from different branches in training. I, Ivy for example, am under the medical training field

I rushed into the hall and spotted my sister Nora, who as usual filled in for me. I know it's not something to be proud of. "Where have you been" Nora said the moment I reached her. Although she knew what I was going to say, she asked anyway "Busy" I said taking my sit.

"Erm students. Could you keep it down for a while?" a man dressed in a black suit was standing on the stage trying to keep the swam of bees steady. "I bring a message from the royal district" he said and everyone became quiet.

The man continues"On this coming Monday, you all are to transfer to the royal district for further training and studies. I would advise you to hang out with old students to explain some necessary information about the school. Increase your training hours because you'll start going on missions. And by missions I mean battle. That would be all. See you in Bluebell"


Still at Bluebell, in Donald's father's mansion. Donald and George had just entered and a girl of about fourteen years jumped on Donald and pulled George with her hair and engolfed them in a tight hug. "You're finally here. I was worried you'd go out drinking and leave me again" "Gabbie you're chocking me" George complained trying to get out of her hug "Me too. Gabbie loosen up"

Gabbie allowed them. "Is Dad at home?" Donald asked glancing up every now and then. "No" Gabbie said and removes a drawing of a young girl from her pocket and shows them "Who is this kid brother? I found her in your bag when I was on my way to welcome you two" "Gabbie what_" "Dude that's my sister." George cut Donald short and took the drawing from Gabbie"What are doing with a drawing of my sister?" Donald just scratched the back of his neck looking everywhere but George.

"Donald?" "Look I didn't know she was your sis. Not until some day that I came across her picture in your room back at the camp in Foreville. I just dreamt of her and drew it" Donald said and took the paper from George "And Gabbie, quit going through my stuff" he said and went to his room.

"There's no need for you to get all angry over a drawing" Gabbie said and pulled George upstairs "Come. I'll show you to your room"