
Chapter 30

Ivan's POV

I hurriedly walked to my office to see Garret standing in front of the closed meeting room.

Garret looked at me with an apologetic expression before opening the meeting room for me to see people in a meeting I didn't call for.

I grimaced because I knew who was responsible for calling the meeting.

I instantly changed my mind, deciding not to go to my office yet.

Until I am done with him.

I walked into the meeting room unannounced and there was sudden silence.

"Look who finally showed up", my uncle finally said breaking the silence. "Our very own irresponsible CEO who decided to take a vacation in the middle of all this".

I ignored my uncle and said to everyone in the room, "Am sorry everyone for all that is been happening although am still not quite aware which is not my fault as I needed to be there for my wife after her abduction".

Everyone began murmuring and I raised my hands to restore silence.