

When I was little my mother used to read me stories, books where the heroes were smiled upon, showed love by everyone and everything always worked out in the end. Some say it was the way of the past, but I know better, in this world there are no heroes, the only thing that comes close are those whos use what they have to fight for their countries. What do I mean by that you ask? Well let me explain, as you know everyone is born with at least one power, despite it being possible for some can be born with multiple, that is often not the case. Some people can be born with strong powers that enhance combat prowess, such as the ability to move at insane speeds, push their body past its limits enhancing strength beyond comprehension and much more, however... Some aren't that fortunate and are born with weaker powers such as the ability to move small objects with your mind helping you grab the tv remote, or hover only an inch off the ground, and theres many more.

With the wide variety of powers and potential the governments all agreed that once every year once a child turns the age of 10 they are to be evaluated and given a Tier Rank, this ranking system changed everything, both for the better... and worst... In this world the lower your rank the less likely you are to be recruited to fight for the government. The ranks are as follows,

Tier 1-4 are useless in combat and have to find normal jobs.

Tier 5-7 are strong but not by military standards allowing them to join the military, but they would never actually gain any respect.

Tier 8-12 are Valuable in battle and often are accompanied by lower ranks which follow their commands.

Tier 13-16 are powerful and have superiority over all who they out rank, when they are sent to battle more often than not they go alone since their powers can fend off most enemies.

Tier 17-19 are in a rank of their own, it even has a name, all those in that rank are known as "Silencers" most wouldn't dare risk angering one out of fear of losing their life.

The strongest Tier however, is kept secret, when a person is given the Tier 20 Rank they are worshipped, its a rank that is given to those whos power exceeds anything ever before seen, It is quite literally the God Tier rank.

Despite every other Country having chosen their God Tier and released a video displaying their strength my Country is an Outlier, as far as anyone knows we have no God Tier and probably never will...

In order to work around the sheer demand for training those with powerful abilities the government released a new project where instead those with potential would go to a school made to hone and sharpen their powers into something greater this project was Active Reform of Endurance and Noble Ability or A.R.E.N.A. for short.

Arena teaches everything a normal school would, however it makes training mandatory. One would expect that being put in Arena is an accomplishment, but its not, its a privilege, which is why every year a competition is held where everyone in the program face off in a battle royal, not with guns or anything, its a battle where the only time weapons are allowed is if its a part of your power. The competition or battle I guess was made in order to balance the growing population only those who earn the right to stay in the program are allowed, the first 100 to be eliminated pack their bags and go home in shame and tears, however despite how cruel it would seem the systems actually has a reason for its cruelty, those who are sent home are replaced by new or returning Students. I said returning as a way to show being sent home isnt game over its more so being put on break, you can always apply for re-entry after a year, and its because every year roughly 400 students graduate and 100 are sent home, that leaves 500 open spaces for those who wish to be registered as a new student or a returning student.

I stated how at the end of the year a competition is held where the first 100 eliminated go home, however what I neglected to mention is after that competition ends a new one is started, however the new one isn't for the students of Arena, but rather those who are applying to get in. You would probably expect it to be a very similar set up, but that would be where you are wrong. It is insanely different only thing similar is the fact its a Battle Royal where only Powers and Power based weapons are allowed in combat, Unlike the End of Year Battle, which ill refer to as EYB, the entrance exam battle is displayed on Live television for all to see, If you go down first congrats your now the laughing stock of your town or city, there can be no mistakes, and as you know with the EYB everyone in Arena facing off and first 100 go home, in the Entrance Exam the first 500 go home, each Mistake lowers your chances of making it out.

Despite how stressful the exams can be it does have one good benefit if you make it through, You will be given a public Tier Rank that can lower or Increase if and when you progress through the years at Arena. Though to some that rank is worthless, to most it means everything, and shows those who had no faith in them that they aren't worthless. That is why I plan to take the Exams, I want to be noticed, as of now nobody pays any attention to me, its as if im invisible, as if I don't exist. However that will hopefully all change soon enough.

My mother always told me that it's not about ones power or ability, but the willingness to push forward no matter how hard the battle or math test... you know.. she might have just told me that to cheer me up when I thought I was gonna fail, but regardless the sentiment is still there, Its about the strength of ones heart and their courage that defines them not how strong or weak their ability is. I may not win and come out on top, but I know one thing, I will not fail, I will make it into Arena and Ill make my Mother proud, and thats good enough for me.