
Tied between his devilish contract

An orphan who had find pleasure in singing, and had become one of the member of a famous female musician band, had gotten betrayed by people she trusted most, her band members, who had acted like her family, but that was just an act put up by them, to bring her to her doom Because of plain selfishness and Jealousy, her band members had drugged and sold her out for a one night stand with a certain man they didn't know of, after seeing the good pay that came with it. Her kindness, easygoing, and gentle manner was what was used to take advantage of her Her first was taken by a stranger, a stranger she knew nothing about. She promised to get her revenge, but she was brought to nothing but crumbling dust after pictures of her sex tapes with the stranger was revealed to the world, all hopes was lost. But surprisingly to her, the stranger who she had had a one night stand with, promised to help her, but on certain conditions which was had to choose from

Hazyhailey · 都市
1 Chs

One Night Stand

Adeline woke up in a massive body pain and a pang of head ache rushing through, her blurry eyes, fought for a clear view of where she was

The back of her palm rubbed her eyes, begging for a clear view of where she waa, and it gave her the view of her in an unfamiliar place

'This is not my room' she taught as she quickly sprang up from the soft, bouncy bed in surprise of her in an extravagant furnished room, and in the middle of a king sized bed with white covers which covered her body

She dragged the cover off her body, only to find out she was naked, and her eyes caught the blood stain on the mattress

"No, no, no" she shook her head "tell me this is a joke" she continued shaking her, as she stared at the bloodstained part on the mattress

She had something like drizzle of water coming from a closed door in the left part of the room

Without thinking she she got of the bed, and ran towards the door, as she flung it open, and the naked broad back of a man and bum in the shower greeted her

Assuming she was in her normal self, she would have blushed and looked away at the naked sight in front of her, but now she was in a fit of rage

"How dare you do this to me" she rushed towards the man, not even knowing if he was responsible, but since he was the only man she could find the he was.

The man turned to face the raging woman who had plunged herself on him as she hits weak punch on his muscled broad chest "How dare you do this to me" tears rolled down her cheeks as her punch grew weaker as she stared into the stranger pair of brown eyes, which just stared at her doing nothing

She felt both her wrist unceremoniously pushed into the man larger palm as he pinned her to his body, which she tried to wriggle out her hands from it

The man's cold eyes glared at her, and made her body shudder, she felt her half covered back kiss the cold wall tile of the bathroom

"I didn't force myself on you, never would I rape, I bought you for a one night stand" his hoarse deep rich voice sounded off in the bathroom

' then who had sold her ' 'how was she even sold' 'or was he lying' looking at his face, he looked damn serious, questions flowed through the ring of her mind as her brow creased trying to remember how she got here

The last thing she remembered was going with her band mates, to a rich club which they would be hosting a live performance, and when they where done performing, what happened next' she couldn't remember any particular thing after that

"Who sold me for a night with you" she asked curiously

"Didn't bother asking, just place a quick order and I got you in my room" He said simply, still pinning her to the wall

"You ordered me" she whispered in disbelief 'she wasn't a prostitute but a talented artist, to a popular female band' "was I drugged" she whispered to herself

"Yes" and Adeline raised her brows in disbelief

"You knew I was drugged, a... and you took advantage of me" she stuttered in tears as she started struggling her hands out of his again " get the fvck of my wrist" she screamed as her face showed hate and disgust towards this stranger of a man

The man held her in place, to stop her from struggling, and his naked body pressed on her body which was still leaning against the wall, as he held her hands above her head, and he leaned closer bringing his head towards the crook of her neck

"What should I do when I was already turned on" he whispered on her neck, as his breath on her fanned her skin, sending instant goosebumps to her skin.

His wet tongue landed on her collar bone, as he began to give her gentle sucks their, Adeline felt a strange current course through her body

"Entering the bathroom when am taking a bath, now see what you've caused" a moan escaped her lips, as his left leg pressed into her between, and she felt something hard poking her

"Let me fvck you again, and I would pay you greatly" he whispered seductively on her skin

But getting to realize what he had just said, she pushed him off her, and a resounding slap sounded off in the bathroom, he just indirectly called her a whore

"You bastard" she glared at him, as she bit her lips to fight back her tears, and ran out of the bathroom.

The still naked man, rested on the wall tiles where he had pinned Adeline on before "Love her guts" he smirked, and looked down at his still hardened man down their

Adeline ran into the room that she found herself in earlier, in search of her clothes, phone and purse, she later saw her cloth which was lying on the floor, with her purse in another angle, she quickly picked then up and got into her clothes, with unsteady hands, as her body shook and tears rolled down her cheeks

She removed her phone which was in the purse, and was surprised, to see all the message and calls she had gotten.

She ran out of the room in a flash, and found out the room was in an hotel, getting to the outer part of the hotel, she saw how people eye's boring deep holes into her body, and she could somehow sought disgust from their looks, even though it felt weird, she quickly stopped a cab and gave a quick address.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The cab stopped in front of a huge building, with DNGirls at the top of the building, she pushed herself through the huge gate, and ran into the building, as if she was being chased

'her band mates, needed to explain what happened after the show of yesterday' she got into an elevator, which took her into a very massive neatly arranged and furnished living room.

"Look who is here" A pink haired lady named Melissa, the head of DNGirls said sarcastically as she stood up and clapped her hands together

Two other girls walked out of other rooms "woah, the ruckus queen is back, from her one... night....stand" Isabelle, another girl with tinge purple hair said, pronouncing the last statement in ones

'how did they know' Adeline looked at her band mates with shock filled eyes

"Or would you doubt it, because we have proof here" Clarissa the third member said and shoved an iPad to her face, the picture of Adeline body being pressed down by a man, and her face in an erotic pose showed

Adeline covered her mouth in shock "see, she wants to deny her pretty face" Clarissa mocked, and the others laughed " Hey what a pity, that poor Elene, getting fvcked, is a public and internet topic now"

" A really hot topic on the internet" Isabelle added, Adeline couldn't believe it, and brought out her phone, and immediately she moved to a social media app, and goosebumps covered her skin.

'what was this' her hands moved to cover her mouth seeing her erotic pictures with a man flooded on the internet

A post read as follows "what a lewd and disgusting woman you are Elene, taught you where the best of all DNGirls, not knowing you are a cover up prostitute selling her body to men. Shame on you big time" her phone dropped from her hand weakly

" Help me" she cried out to her band mates, who had suddenly changed towards her, they where always good and like a family to her, but because of this, they suddenly change their behavior towards her "I.. I" she sobs as she shook her head, looking into their faces "I wasn't in my mental state, I was drugged" she ran to meet Melissa the band head and tried hugging her, only to be pushed away, as her butt kissed the floor in a harsh manner and she winced in pain, looking at Melissa in shock, trying to see if this was still the Melissa she knew of, with the way she had changed completely towards her in just nothing up to a day

She used to love lissa, because she usually taught, they almost shared the same pain, and feelings, Melissa parents to had also died close to the same age as her's, they would cry together, and share funny and painful memories, without their parents

Melissa walked up to her, and placed her barefoot on Adeline thighs, as she pressed on it, and her toes squeezed on it "Opps my bad Elene" she removed her leg, and bend towards Adeline sitting position, her fingers curled into Adeline's Brunette hair

"At first, I always adore you, no lies, I loved you as a sister then" Melissa stated still playing with the strands of her hair "But now, I hate your face" she said as she made a hard tug on Adeline's hair, making her wince in pain, as she stared into Melissa's eyes, which held nothing but deep hatred

"Am sorry to say dear Elene, seeing you almost taking our shine away, we had to do something about it" Melissa said as she stood up again, going to sit on one of the couch in the room

"What do you mean" Adeline asked not getting what Melissa had said

" We had to do the needful, it really unfair, seeing only you taking our stand where all of us are meant to be, the people loves you more, every one says they want to be like you someday, we could all be in a show, and you would be the one taking the honors, like we are no one, just like yesterday concert if you could remember, but we just had to do something" Melissa said, and Adeline could only pray her guess wasn't right

"So you...you mean you guys where the one's who sold me out yesterday for a one night stand, and even gave me a bad image" Adeline stuttered in some lines

" So intelligent, I think that the reason why they love their woman of many men Adeline Schaeffer, so smart and understanding " Clarissa teased as a smile curled up on her lips

" N..no" Adeline used her hands to cover her head, as she shook it in denial "No, it can't be you guys" she said still shaking her head, as tears rolled down her cheeks "spit it out that what you said was not true" she screamed as she raised her body from the floor

" That life my dear" Melissa said as threw a wicked smile at Adeline

"How dare you do that to me" she ran to where Melissa was seated , and raised her hands to slap Melissa's face

" Hey you girl, just look ahead of you" Adeline turned her head only to see a little camera on the flower vase in the sitting room "so, try anything crazy, and another news of you would pass through the internet, 'Elene beating and bullying the head of the band' just a little show would I make for everyone to believe you are the one at fault" Melissa said, looking straight into Adeline's eyes

"So simple advice that would benefit you, just go to somewhere no one would ever catch a whiff of your face again, because you would just be knocking the gate of death, if you still stay in the eyes of public" Melissa taunted and flung Adeline's hands away from her

Muffled sounds came out from Adeline's mouth as she sobs

"Here is your bag miss" Isabelle pushed a baggage in front of her

"Even you to Elle" Adeline face showed betrayal and disbelieve

"Sorry princessa, didn't like you a bit from the start, truth to be told I always have this kind of urge to want to strangle you, any moment am with you, just like now, but thank heavens you are going" Isabella said in a smile

Adeline pushed her hair to the back, and a sad smile played on her lips, she popped the baggage handle up, and walked back into the elevator where she had used in entering at the very first.