

this is a story meant for the daughter of thor, read to discover her true power

david_afolabi · SF
7 Chs

The near end

Time passed by and Odin now knew that his doom was coming soon and felt uneasy. Thor whereas, was busy drinking his heart out. Thrud was simply preparing to become a Valkyrie, as the other kids were also Odin's descendants, they had to also be trained in case of war. Thrud's name translated from Old Norse means strength, thus giving the impression she may have been able to stand on her own and make a name for herself. Alvis (who'd find in Neil Gaiman's and Showtime's ) was a dwarf who forged weapons for the Gods. As a form of gratitude, the gods of Asgard promised to give him a wife. Thrud was the chosen one.This didn't sit well with Thor. The idea of giving up his daughter to a lowly dwarf repulsed him. Still, Thor went along with the proposed marriage with one condition. In an uncharacteristic move, Thor decided to put Alvis to a battle of wits. In this case, Alvis had to pass a test of wisdom to prove his worthiness to marry Thrud.

The test, however, was a trap. Thor's real plan was to do away with the dwarf. And to do so, he devised a test that would last until sunrise. Dwarfs turned to stone when exposed to sunlight. Thus, Thor kept asking questions for Alvis to answer until daybreak.

It appeared that Alvis had answered all the questions correctly, but he didn't see the trick. Thus in the last stanza, Thor sprung the trap:

Thor spake:

In a single breast | I never have see

More wealth of wisdom old;

But with treacherous wiles | must I now betray thee.

The day has caught thee, dwarf!

(Now the sun shines here in the hall.)

Eventually, Alvis met his fate.