
thrown into naruto (Up for adoption)

being thrown into naruto was kinda exciting. getting a system is helpful too. but remembering the fact that there was a man with a God complex, danzo, and madara that are just tip of the iceberg, all I could so was sigh. I won nothing, just the oc. no harem though

Idk_wqe2 · 書籍·文学
59 Chs

queue: Shippuden, but different

"so you just up and killed them?" asked Kankuro, with a dumbfounded face.

"...yes, didn't take me more than 3 minutes," I say with a shrug.

it's the next day and Temari is back, so I'm telling the sand siblings what happened.

"...that was fast," remarked Gaara, hands crossed and face blank.

everyone gave a nod to that statement, Even me, I didn't argue.

"so then, you're leaving now?" asked tamari, tone a little disappointed, we started dating a bit after we came back from that one mission I followed her on.

"yeah, the village wants me back, even naruto sent me a letter with his toads, "a wolf needs to protect its territory", I bet it was the Third Hokage who wrote that," I say with a small chuckle as I stand up ready to leave.

"I'll see you off" stated Temari as she stood up with me, Kankuro was about to say something but a glare silenced him.

we start walking down the street in comfortable silence for a while.

"so, how have you been doing?" I try starting a conversation, which mind you, im not good at.

"I've been fine, nothing much happened until now, before the Akatsuki attacked, and even then you ended that fast" she responded with a shrug.

"...well, in my defense they were at a disadvantage," I ask more than say.

"oh? and mind I ask what that was?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"...they didn't know I was here" I respond simply.

"we're here, so this is goodbye for a while"...damn it now I feel bad, what can I do for her....wait the gift right.

"here, I got this for you while I was traveling," I say as I extend a scroll towards her, and with that I body flicker away.

in case you were wondering there was a new fan for her and two smaller fans in case of a close-quarters fight, all of them are chakra conducting metal so yeah, I had to look for those for a while.


"Haruto Hatake, reporting back to the village from a training trip," I say to the gate guards, who nod back at me and write something on a paper.

I continue my walk to my House, The Hatake estate, where I moved in when I got adopted.

on the way there, I see my father, who was looking at the sky, deciding to see what's up, I head over there.

"hey dad, Long time no see," I say with a lazy wave, as I walk up to him.

"oh? hey, how have you been?" he answers with the same.

"So what's on your mind? you look troubled," I ask as I sit down next to him.

"...well you see, The new Kage of Kiri is into me... and im into her..." he started explaining.

oh...wait what?!

"Pfft," I almost burst out laughing but managed to suppress it.

"...Haruto," he said with a sigh, but I cut him off.

"oh don't worry, im sure you two will work out...somehow, maybe if you become the Hokage you can form a treaty with marriage, your happy and the two villages are happy" I recommend with a shrug.

"nothings decided yet, we're not even dating" he chimed in.

"...sureeee" I stretch my answer as I stand up, "by the way, remember when I told you how we were attacked by a fish-man when I and Naruto went to get Tsunade?" I ask while taking out my scroll, seeing him nod, I unseal samahada and show it to him.

"you can send this to your girlfriend when we deal with its previous owner, since he's still alive, he might go for it if we hand it over," I say as I seal it back inside the scroll.

"... she's not..you know what never mind" he responded with a sigh.

"so how's the team? they don't miss me much do they?" I ask with a smirk.

"Sakura is studying under Tsunade for medical ninjutsu, and sasuke is as good as me so with you we will be the strongest team in Konoha currently" he responds with a little pride seeping in his voice.

"you know, I defeated two S-rank ninjas yesterday, didn't even break a sweat, I can probably Run for Hokage if it wasn't for the paperwork," I say absently, and he just hands me a Bingo book...I don't have a good feeling about this.


Name: Haruto Hatake

age: 16

Rank: S

description: has short black hair, wears jounin vest, black pants, black sandals, and a coat with kanji for " wolf sage" on it, wears a black wolf mask in combat

alliances: Konoha

known jutsu: [Chidori], [water prison] and makes two swords jutsu name unknown.


Iwa: 45 Million

Rain: 38 Million

Sound: 49 Million


...Orochimaru wants me dead more than Iwa...damn.

"...well, I didn't expect the sound to want me dead more than Iwa," I remark as I close the book, and hand it back.

"well, that happens when you become an S-rank," he said shrug.

"so, home?" I ask as I turn to him.

"home" he agrees with a nod and we head off.


done, amma study now, I'll fix the mistakes later, bare with it for now, please.