
Chapter 1: In the house of the rising sun

Year 2895

They won't find me.

They won't find me.

They won't find me.

I'm hiding here, and they won't find me. They have been following me for a while, but I'm pretty sure they haven't seen my face. They don't know my face. Only my name. And in this place you don't need to give your name; you just have to ask for a needle and your drugs and pay. Even though that the drug always sends me to one of my past lives, it's worth it if I can hide, as long as I don't start using them too much and become addicted. I can feel the drug kicking in, and I know I'm going to see him. The man that always appears in my past lives. The man they all loved, and that they all lost, over and over. We always remember, and he never does. We try not to fall in love, but we always do.

I close my eyes and feel myself disappearing into the mind of another. I'm no longer Khaara. No, I'm...

Year 1915

I'm Eliza Lowell.

My hands are tied. This is the first time they have found me in my lifetime, even if I remember the times in my previous lives. They want something from me, a memory so ancient that is hard to remember, a memory about an object that my first life hid.

"Good morning, Miss Eliza." a man says, walking into the room. He's wearing a grey suit, and even though he doesn't carry a weapon, he's the scariest man I have ever seen. And he's smiling.

"My father will miss me."I answer, trying to free myself even though I know these ropes are perfectly tied."He'll look for me."

"Will he?" the man asks, walking towards me, still smiling. "I doubt that, in the middle of a war, the general will have time to worry about his daughter. Especially since he's in France right now."

Well, it was worth a shot. My father left yesterday, so not everyone knows that he's gone. I should have guessed that they would know. This damned organization.

The man comes closer, and I can see the excitement in his eyes. The eyes of a madman. "Well, Miss Eliza," he says, and his voice makes me shiver."why don't you search your memories and tell us what she did with our weapon?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I answer, and I honestly don't. Those memories are too far away for me to reach. "Please, sir.."

"Please, what?" he asks, and his eyes shine for a second before he slaps me. That's when I figure out that, no matter what I tell him, he'll hurt me. He's not after the information, but after the pain he can cause me.

In that exact second, the door opens and another male silhouette appears. He's tall, with dark hair and dashing blue eyes. I smile. It's Ike. The man I always meet, under one name or another. Without a word, he shoots the torturer and he frees me before welcoming me into his arms. They feel warm and comforting, like they always do, and I feel sad because I know that he will die. Like he always does.

Year 2895

And he did. Eliza's Ike died a year after that. The organization shot him in order to get to her, but she managed to escape.

As I wake up from my memory, I find the owner of the place looking down on me. "It's time for you to leave." she says, and she's no longer smiling and being nice."We're closing."

"Alright." I answer, and I leave my comfortable seat.

Outside, the sound of all the running engines hurts my ears, like it always does after I visit the past. That's my favorite part about it; that during most of my memories, there were no engines, and the air was clear, and I was on Earth instead of this hellhole we call "Skrull". As I leave the joint I was hiding in, a very old song jumps into my mind. A song about a place where people went to do drugs. I taste the name in my mouth for a moment before I can remember it.

It was called "the house of the rising sun".

"There is, a house, in New Orleans,

they call the Rising Sun.."