
Through the Multiverse

There our MC is heading in to finish up a drug run when he dies, meeting the one and only Truck-kun. He received a few wishes. Now he starts his journey in twilight as a guy in twilight what else is there to do. follow alongside out mc as he travels in books, movies, tv shows, and anime. expect the mc to Manipulative, cruel, to some and Helpful and kind to others. I own nothing besides the oc. Not even the cover found it on pinterest

resistingsea · その他
62 Chs

Getting there

Walking into to ritual room into the room I see all of the pieces of art in place I see a few dozen Children from the forest getting into s circle. Taking off all of my clothes and walking into the center of the pentagram I see three vials ready to go. Downing all of the I only to get a taste of blood, dirt, and something so terrible I almost puked. Forcing myself to keep it down I feel the positions going down into my stomach after that it is almost like a thousand and thousand tiny red hot needles poked into all of my nerves, and bones. Then came the cracking almost like someone is cracking rocks to gather. Then came the tears of sweat and tears. it took me a moment to realize that I am crying blood and blood is flowing out of my sweat glands. Forced me to focus on healing myself, but as soon as I heal something else either ruptures or breaks again. Then someone started screaming it took me moments for me to realize that it is me I just keep on healing. After a while, I feel nothing like I am floating and watching a movie from my point of view. I can only think to Heal..heal...heal..heal..heal...heal. Then peace.


After who knows how long I start to wake up to look around. The first time I look around I notice that I am in a hospital room. I try to stand up but that just resulted in a full-body cramp and my bones rebelling against me. I have to grit my teeth and reach over and get a drink of water. I'll count that as a win. No rest I lay my head down and just go back to sleep.

After a few days of resting, I feel more alive than ever. after getting measured and weighed I stand at a massive 10ft tall 1600lbs barrel of ass whooping waiting to be opened. Looking at myself I realize I no longer look like my hero Johnny Sins but instead I look like an enhanced and better version of Very Targaryen better in every way. After playing with my abilities I am a walking Calamity. anything short of removing my heart and head destroying them both I will live from them. I also can channel the earth from any of my body parts touching and heal faster than the wolverine. Further messing around I realize I can shrink and grow 3 feet in either direction. Hurts like a bitch though imagine your bones grinding and reforming you into a tall or shorter version of your self. Heading to my Castile I go over the reports on Making my night king I want to be bearable to raise my army of the dead. Plus Making a blizzard anywhere id say is a win.

Now for the imitation problem of not breaking everything around me, I need to get better at getting used to my powers on a smaller scale. I am taking Inspiration from Hela from marvel I want to make giant Blades weapons form the earth around me and just have infinite backups no matter where I am on solid ground. Holy shit I just realized if I can get my control up I can cause Tsunamis and just wreck Coastal cities and most if not all of the capitals and or city-states are on the cost. Looking through my head I start going over all of the training that I have done with a sword or any weapon. I also go over natural disasters and how they are caused for example Tsunamis are caused by 2 or more tectonic plates pushing against each other until one gets to a point where one gives and the other snaps back causing a massive wave to form and expand outward form the focal point.

While focusing I Notice something interesting I can since magma which is just superheated earth pulling it from the earth I can feel it burrowing a hole from below me I keep pulling after it leaves the earth I have it float in front of me and start to shape it and keep it heated. After a few minutes, I start to heat and cool it down repeatedly to see how high I can go and if I can suck the heat out of the magma.

A/N: These last chapters have mainly been epilation of what is going on, I don't like doing explanations so the writing is probably bad Sorry for that but I felt that if I didn't describe it and tell you guys how it happens I would be getting angry replies, so I force myself to write them. Sorry for that.

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