
Chapter 10 Magic: Emerald Forest Arc:

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Act 1 Building:

It was the day after the celebration and I can feel it, the world is warming even more. . . the season of fire has started to show herself. I looked towards my stomach and saw a number of the clanswomen of the Honey-rose clan and some from the Fire-wheat clan. . . I don't even remember when they showed up, and joined the feast.

Should I make this a tradition? I shook my head trying to get the loose thoughts of the half dreaming from re-consuming me. as struggled to get the soft people, from my belly. I casted a projection on myself, and whispered. Lord Cloudy: "Feather." The cottorings started to float near my belly and I collected them, and piled them on the soft sleeping matts, that was laid out yesterday for the feast.

And then stood up and look for my tunic, I was in my titan form again, hopefully the Fire-wheat clanswomen would only think of it as a wild dream, because of someone adding mushrooms in the boiling fermented milk communal drinking pot.

I walked towards the crafts area and saw that many of the bricks I told them to form has already been or partly sun-dried I picked one up and saw that its surface is pretty dry but I can feel it was still wet inside. I looked at my drying racks and they weren't fully fire proofed yet so I worked on them.

Around an hour later, I finished with my racks and then placed the bricks on them, they held well enough so I separated those still not fully dried surface and those that only had there insides wet, and then sat in the middle of my racks on the black earthen ground.

I took a deep breath and then breathed out slow, and did it again, my eyes closed as each cycle of my breathing, turned hotter and hotter. until I dug deep and then forced my gates to open wider, and feed my inner flame as I ridiated the heat of my essence, but unlike a chaotic eruption of sulfur and brimstone.

What I brought forth was nurturing warmth, as it touched the living, but completely searing to those I marked and I marked those Bricks, I felt it. my inner flame growing strong and then weak, it was like a wave from the ocean.

Weak, strong, weak, strong, and then I breathed out one last time, and everything started to cool slowly, as every breath I took cooled the air around me, and then as I opened my eyes I was surrounded by a field of golden wheat, and my calcified racks grew and rooted themselves onto the ground, and blossomed with fire-hot red leaves and flowers, the bricks fully harden from black clay molds, into volcanic stone bricks.

I smiled at my work as I stood up and started walking towards my sled, but as I did my sense came back and felt that higher on the hill, I was being observed by a lot of people, and closer to me, I felt the chieftess and those of the circle. on there raptors just outside the edge of the field of wheat my inner flame grew.

Chieftess Vivienne: "You deny your godhood" She was silent after stating that fact and then she continued. "Your feats of magic exceeding our greatest heroes, bordering the miracles and blessing of our gods." She was quiet again looking at the golden wheat and flaming flowers.

Then she the Chieftess Vivienne continued. "From the passing of 'sacred secrets' to performing magic to this level. . .Please, Lord Cloudy, will you place yourself among our gods." The chieftess unmounted and kneeled and bowed in prayer, and her clan followed as they did in worship in there Altars and shrines, to there Summer pantheon.

Lord Cloudy: "And your very human Vivienne, as your greed knows no bound. everyone please stand." I spoke as I became smaller, but my voice was no weaker, as I knelt Infront of the bowing chieftess and then shook her shoulder, and made her look up at my gentle smile.

Lord Cloudy: "Does it really matter if I'm a god or not? please chieftess, let me enjoy being your clans guest, and pay the hospitality you've given, with some of my magic." I was being soft with her, being a warmth like I was the towards the children I have taken care of.

But I needed to just be warmth with them I also needed to be firm so I Cloudy continued, my smile still there but my warmth turn hot. "If you keep being this greedy, I would leave and find a new clan to befriend." As I finished my last words, I gave her a joking wink and grin before I turned back into my titanic form and then with my sled took the fire hardened bricks and moved towards the elder tree, I do want to finish a small wonder, before leaving this clan.

Act 2 Foundation:

I was with the crafters as they harden the earth to build a foundation as I covered the ground with stone dust, on the hardening earth and then with my hand hand pushed it the earth until it was thoroughly pack, afterwards I sent pulses of heat through my hand, heating the ground killing any plants or fungi that would have weaken the foundation.

As I was placing meters large bricks, my friend Aspen spoke. the head earth craftsman, and priest of the 'Earth weaver' of the clan. Aspen: "Brother Cloudy, you shouldn't have dismissed the chieftess so warmly, the clan already knows of your kindness. . . but there are factions in the clan that would use the refusal as an excuse to replace, Elder Sister Vivieven as chief. the clan still needs a warchief not a peace keeper."

I listened to him as we worked, I placing down, the bricks and him with the help of another priest and crafters applying there cementing paste, they were originally only using a mix of mud clay, animal fat and dried hay. . .but with my advice they added lime dust, charcoal tar, wood ash and tree sap. of course the mixture wouldn't have dissolved and mixed without enough heat.

They were using their magic and long handled scoops to continue to move and then paste the Mortar liquid from boiling clay pots, and onto the bricks as ther fully covered one brick I placed and pressed the bricks together and blew on them until the mortar dried and we continued the process.

Lord Cloudy: "The politics of your clan still eludes me, little Aspen, but still, I understand why some of the clanswomen wants me to be fully adopted and then rely on my magic, and others only wants to use me before I leave, and others still only see me as something very dangerous." My words seemed to have stunned those crafters who were silently listening to my chat with their leader.

I kept my work and the others followed suit. Lord Cloudy: "But I see why the need of a warchief is still needed, from the news I heard of your mother clans lands, a great change had started, a great change was created by the union of the children of the Guardian-sun and the Rebellious-storm. and then there's the re-emergence of the great enemy of all the gods." It was a very uncertain time, where heroes must emerge or death would surely come to there world. and the survivors would be left hoping for a new rebirth.

Aspen did not speak again after my words, I felt a burst of determination within him, and others, that listened to me talk, they seemed to have found the answer they wanted from me, and I guess I wouldn't be given anymore proposals like the one I was given a day ago.

Act 3 Insight: Pov Chieftess Vivienne:

I was with my circle, elders and priests in front of the shrine of the our 'Guardian Sun' my patron deity. We have placed 20 well crafted golden lances, worth a goattle each, and then laid next to the lances five fattened woolen Goattles.

The priests sang and danced the ceremonial rites, the elders and circle members prayed for our head gods attention and I stood steadfast in front of the shrine and spoke.

As I spoke the shrine lit on fire, with the sacrifice burning, yet an harmed by the flames. Chieftess Vivienne: "My lady, Elmhelia the Guardian-sun, most loyal daughter of the Eternal-Sun. I ask thee for wisdom, what did we take in as our guest? and what might we need to do for the greatest boon for our clan." After my question asked, the sacrifices disappeared in a burst of flames, replaced by a woman in Amber and scarlet furred coats, a golden sun shield in hand, and a flaming Sunwood bow in the other, her amber hair flowed while braided by golden rings, a halo of light came behind her, as she spoke, as all listened.

Lady Zinnia: "He is a newly born, Greater spirit, nearing godhood. . .born from the wilds of the beyond and became a wanderer. . .what he says is true, and my advice, is for my children to befriend and help him reach ascension, like your ancestor the 'First Rider' had once done." And then she was gone, the magic of our priests drained, I was expecting her voice, not a manifestation of her form. . .an auspicious sign for a ritual into the other world.

Act 4 Raid: Pov Lord Cloudy:

I was seating on a foundation of black volcanic stone bricks, it was 20 metres tall and I sat at it's edge in my smaller form, eating with my friend. he was eating bread filled with Game meat, carrot, onion and garlic like vegetables, I had the same thing, but twice as big as his. and it was good.

We were talking of simple things, like the things I've seen wandering the forest and him of his youth still with there clan's, mother clan learning from his Mistress, who had taught him most of the things he knew when it comes to earth crafts. she died of old age before, Aspen left with the migratory caravan towards the Emerald forest.

I then heard horns and bells? I sent my essence vision towards the sound and across the clan lands and almost a hundred or so dark skinned, furred sheep people, with large twisted horns on there bronze helmet. some flew in the air armoured in bronze, others only wearing tunics and long patterned scarfs. all bared weapons of shields, Javelins, axes and swords, but unmounted running on there own legs.

Crafter Aspen: "A raid? who would raid us this early in the fire season?" He asked himself as he stood up and rappelled down the foundation we were building. and landing on his raptor his bow and lance ready at the animals pack.

I followed him by dropping from the foundation and landing near him, and spoke. Lord Cloudy: "They are people of the mountains, Horned and capable of flight." Anger shown in Aspen's face and I felt worry in his essence, as he cursed and gallop towards the action, I followed him at a jog.

As we arrived, at the battlefield the battle has already begun, barrages of missiles flowed through the air arrows of flame, fast stones and javelins of lightning struck against each other, Aspen rode forward and started shooting his bow and moving toward the circling lines of the Honey-rose clan. I saw him shoot a few times more before joining the shamans and priest in weaving the earth to give there clan a larger advantage in the battle.

I watched on as the battle started to reach the melee, both sides taking damage some of the raiders had died but few are injured, the Honey Rose had no casualties but they have many injured that had left the intensity of the melee. then I saw three flying rams hurling lightning at a group of bows, but then two swords of the clan begun to fly while riding there flaming raptors as they glowed much like an Amber sun.

They fought the flying rams, injuring one, and keeping the other two at a fighting retreat. and on the ground the fight seemed to start showing a clear winner as the Honey-rose clan bolstered by winning the battle at the skies fought more fiercely than the rams. but they have begun to have deaths among their bows.

Then another of the flying ram warriors fell, and like a tide they gave way and retreated the Honey-Rose clan didn't pursue as I expected, but rather sang mocking songs against them, as they shot arrows at there retreating forms aiming to injure rather than kill.

I looked at the battlefield and saw so many injured or dead on both sides, I turned into my titan form and then took a breath and then sang, a projection learned from my master, after he showed me his version of it. the original projection was a way to harvest the souls of those that died, and let the user empower themselves as they force them through there gates. . . but my projection was different.

My song, gave warmth and comfort to those who lived, the wounded engulfed in flames until there wounds closed. as the flesh of the dead burned with blue flames, turning into ash, there things cleansed, as there spirits become visible for all to see, I look down at them and they looked up at me as I sang. Lord Cloudy: "Go and be with your family, for one last time, and then rest in the world of the gods." And it was so, as I saw their ghostly bodies be coated with my flames and visit there family and friends. the rams returned to there home towards a part of the forest I have yet visited, and those of the Honey-rose clan went around the clan lands boisterous in victory.

Those alive where awe struck by my use of my psionics, but still the riders celebrated as I left them to do what they must. I return to my project in building a clan hall great enough to accommodate titans.

Act 5 Aftermath: Pov Ram Warrior:

The chief told us it would be easy, a new clan that has barely been establish in the Emerald Forest, and plus it's a rider clan from the slain Tyrant of the Radiant Empire. but this!? we have already lost, but to see me be healed and the souls of my comrades raised from the dead, by a giant shaman!

I greeted my teeth in pain, as my wounds still hurt, even tho they have been healed. my other surviving comrades had done the same surrendering, dropping there weapons in shame. my eldes told me of how the riders treated rams during their exodus, they would place us in bodage and either sell us as slaves or ransom us back to our clan. . . unlike us they do not keep thralls. as it weakens their connection to there gods.

Rider Bow: "It is time, Storm follower, follow me we are gathering the survivors and ransoming you back to your clan, once we find where it is." I complied with the raptor rider, her spear ready in her hand, and my hands already bond as I followed her.

Hopefully my clan wouldn't pay to much for our return, we already shamed ourselves enough, as it is. and we might need what little honor we have left to support the next chief that wants to overthrow the failure that caused this mess. . .hopefully the next one would be more honest, or atleast knew more of our neighbors.

Act 6 Favour: Pov Lord Cloudy: 

After my recent show of power some of the younger bows, and a few older ones came to show their gratitude for them getting healed, even a sword came by giving me a small basket of cookies. . . they were cute? it seems they started giving tributes, like they did to there gods altars and shrines. it was small so I accepted them, but if they start sacrificing those beastly Chianina cow size goats, I might need to start refusing them.

I gave a tired sigh, as I finished pegging in the last stake logs on the side of the foundation. Lord Cloudy: "Aspen, is your clan sure about this? you folks know I could gather more black clay in a matter of hours right?" I asked as I shrank to my shorter form and admired my work and saw one set of logs wider than they should be.

My friend the head earth crafter, stop his carving of the floor and stood next to me. Crafter Aspen: "Oh, where sure, the foundation itself would take years for us to repair on our own, if it ever gets damaged, so the elders counseled that a fully black stone hall, would be impressive, but would financially destroy are descendants, special when you leave brother."

He was right after all, they have a god that has his domain in crafts, related to the earth, and things that grows in the land. . .They would need to look for a stone related god to worship that's part of there pantheon or find a powerful stone spirit. it they wanted to work the volcanic bricks with any efficiency. I looked down at his carving and he had spent hours at it with his gold like tools but it has only left a lined mark.

He was also looking at the gap I made. . .damn, I might need to redo that entire section. as I was about to ask him why I haven't met any woodcrafters, I sense people coming our way, I looked back and he noticed me and followed suite.

They were wearing leather armour with golden enforcements, coated crimson and amber cloaks, with golden feathers pinned at there hoods, and as chest pins. golden holstered sword at there chest and quivers at there hip and a horned compound bow at their back with a long blade golden lance.

Three Clan swords went towards us, at the head was the chieftess, her own battle wear differed little in quality, except of course for her black golden bladed lance that had a banner at it's shaft before reaching the blade. behind them were 3 other circle councilors and 6 bows armed with their bows and lances but only armoured in hardened leather.

I looked at them and felt that they wanted something from me. so I sat down and let my inner flame feed, and pulse out my nature. Lord Cloudy: "It's good to see you Chieftess, and councilors. do you need my help with something?" I asked lightly as they arrive and sat in front of me, the head earth crafter moved and sat behind the councilors.

Good thing I placed a matt down at my rest area, made it more comfortable when people visit me. the chieftess wasn't the one who spoke first but a councilor, I felt her essence and saw her gate, it was in her brain. she must be a follower of their goddess of knowledge the 'Giver of guidance' but I don't remember her giving her name yet.

She wore her clothes similar to the rest of the riders, but unlike commoners who wore little to no, jewelry or extra layers of quality cloth, she had both. making her stand as noble, an elite of there clan that could be a potential member of the clan circle.

Her soft purple blue Phrygian cap, decorated with golden thread embroidered with flowers, covered the top of her head and her long rabbit ears was poking out her hat pierced with gold pointed hanging earrings, her brown hair was braided reaching her shoulders.

She was smiling as she spoke to me in a voice I was quite familiar with but also not. Councilor: "Lord Cloudy, I am Lotuia, Priestess of the cult of the goddess 'Giver of guidance' And clan councilor. I have given a proposal to the clan circle to ask you, Lord Cloudy, to help us in a ritual, of a purpose to create more swords for our clan."

Does she mean the Summer path guardians ritual? Heathia the lore keeper, had told me the myth and showed me the story embroidery in there Lore tent, I didn't know it was a clan ritual, and that it was needed to make swords. . . which explains why they have so few, only 10 as I remember seeing during that battle, the chieftess included.

It does make me think why were there so few when I came upon them? was that only the vanguard? or do they're magical detection only works when a large number of people come to there land at once. or where they just not expecting a raid? I should asked Heathia later.

I gave them a thoughtful look as my mind wondered and when I was ready, I answered simply. Lord Cloudy: "I will help, for I want to learn more of your rituals. But what would you need of me?" I felt excitement inside of her and the other councilors.

Even the chieftess gave a rare smile from her perpetually frowning face, the other councilors hid there excitement of the news, but Lotuia showed hers openly even boasting her wisdom.

I felt her gate widen slightly as she boasted. Councilor Lotuia: "I told you all! My advice is clear! like those of the Advice-giver! Thank you lord, I will stay with you and tell you more in detail." They all stood and gave me a small bow and as they bowed I did the same.

Chieftess Vivienne: "The clan will consider this a favour if the ritual succeeds Lord Cloudy." And with that they walked away leaving Aspen and Lotuia with me.

Act 7 Preparations: Crafter Aspen:

I was working clay bricks into colonnades as the supports and decoration of the hall, I was making it not look like it was buried into the foundation and filled with hardening mortar, by making a sort of supporting ring of bricks, that would make it look stable. I then started painting amber hardening paste on the wooden columb making it look prettier and less likely to rot.

As I did my work, I looked down and saw more and more priests blessing people and the crafts made by the crafters, and the shamans exploring are lands and beyond for spirit stones, and capturing wild dangerous spirits, into there shamanic instruments.

I don't know when it started maybe after the raid or after we started building the foundation but. I clenched my hand and felt the clay bricks I placed hardened and tightened to each other more, not needing mortar paste to fully bond, and strengthen each other.

Crafter Aspen: "My magic have grown stronger, but my connection to my god 'Earth-weaver' hasn't become closer. . . somethings empowered are magic, but not strengthened are connection with our gods nor the spirits." 

I look towards the Titanic form of Lord Cloudy, as he built the skeleton of a wall using logs twice as tall as him and more than half as wide as him. he said they were light, so only a few of the younger crafters helped him, assisting him in where to place the logs so another gap wouldn't happen again.

He was really bothered by his mistake, spent until night to redo his work. it was odd seeing him like that, so the next day I assigned a few apprentices to help him out and the lord accepted it easily. still I wonder if his blessing us by just being here in our clan, or is the magic his been using have side effects like those given during rituals.

I was curious so I asked. Crafter Aspen: "Brother Cloudy, are you blessing us? I wasn't sure a week ago, but now I'm sure my magic became stronger, but my connection to my god haven't become as close, as my magic." He finished pegging a log into the a hole one of the other priests had made, before he turned around and swiped his sweatless forehead, before answering.

Lord Cloudy: "I'm not sure, this is the first time I'm hanging out this long with smaller people, I've told Lore keeper Heathia, weeks ago how my magic and yours are different, unlike yours I don't pull in magic from the gods or spirits, but directly take it from the realm you called 'World of the gods' which I call the 'Immaterial sea'." He looked up at the sky, looking at the smaller form of our goddess. . . Where not sure if the small amber sun was our Guardian-sun, or one of his weaker kin or champion but we atleast know it's an ally of the goddess, as she had welcomed us to this distant lands with an early summer.

He's actions was something I wasn't expecting, as he moved and sat down in front of me. Lord Cloudy: "Shouldn't we test it little brother?" He gave me a terrifying smile, as he placed a large hand on my head and then not even breath in time, I felt heat, painful, powerful warmth.

Summer Magic. . . My magic was in tune with the earth, it was painful but I feel my magic growing and then the warmth and pain disappeared, and my magic became normal, becoming as powerful as the connection I had with my patron, but a little stronger than a few weeks ago.

Crafter Aspen: "What. . . what have you done Brother!?" I was surprised, as magic cannot be taken that easily. . .I was right, he was blessing us with his magic. but how did he not know?

Lord Cloudy: "It is my psionics, but in the same time it isn't, as I used my psionics, the radiation seem to spread into the land, the spirits, and now I'm certain even the people, would take in some of that radiation." Not a true blessing? but a fragment of one like those we get if we help in clan rituals.

Crafter Aspen: "The chieftess is right brother, the magic you use is in the level of our clan rituals and divine magic." Does the circle know about this? is this reason they had asked Lord Cloudy to help in the Sword ritual? no matter I would tell them later, after I asked if it's okay to do so, Secrets are important after all knowledge like this would be coveted by others.

Yeah Cant do the 5k thing I'm gonna aim for 2k to 4k maybe around 3k for chapter from now on in word count, also gonna need to start doing notes, so this is it for this and next week.

MA_Writecraftcreators' thoughts