
Through M.E you shall LIVE

Hell!!!!! , Leslie the ruthless emperor of the time popularly known as "SMELL OF THE DEAD" could be heard screaming. Bonny the most trusted warrior, the only close friend to be alive rushed into his chamber only to find the emperor weeping. He went closer to him and noticed he had covered his face with his palms. "My Lord" he said, but there was no response .He tried to figure out what was wrong by going further. Leslie shouted,"stay where you are" With that voice,Bonny trembled with fear and stood still. He had known Leslie for thirty-five good years. He was there when he was born and also had been with him throughout his reign. Emperor Leslie was not loved by his people but he was never bothered,he was firm with his decision and no one would dare stand against him. He was known to be selfish and only cared about his thrown and wealth. Bloodshed was the most common word in his dictionary. He was known for mass killing and could stand alone against any army, But....what can make this dragon cry Bonny thought to himself.Emperior Leslie never shed a tear even when he lost his family members. "Leave now" he said Bonny still stood there The emperor out of anger turned and screamed "I said leave now!!!" Bonny was dumbstruck,he started trembling and that was when Leslie came back to his senses that he had removed both palms from covering his face Yo.. urrr.. high..ne..nesss ,what happened to ur face?Bonny trembled No!!..No!! Noooo!!, You cannot see me like this Without a second thought he took out his sword and slaughtered Bonny Bonny was on the floor swimming in his own blood. Whattt.. have I done..? Leslie thought to himself without a second thought,the wind started blowing There she is looking gorgeous,the goddess of redemption and punishment, Andreline She is elegant yet one could not look at her twice. She was mad and no one could stand her anger "After all your sins I punished you with this scars only to serve as a lesson to you.I told you to avoid killing .Now take a look at your face a new scar .As a result of you disobeying me, I would punish you severely" "Now listen to me, you shall go into a deep slumber for thousand years, Wake up with these scars, learn to live in the new world and..be given new set of rules After your resurrection, the rest of the punishment will be communicated to you'' No!!! No!!! Noooooo!!!!!! Leslie pleaded Andreline disappeared AFTER THOUSAND YEARS.........

Sarah_Enyan · ファンタジー
2 Chs

AFTER 1000 YEARS chapter 2

Welcome back..

He turned and saw her...


She gave out a wicked smirk after seeing the disgusted look on Leslie's face. How do you feel after 1000 years of deep sleep? Andreline asked and got no response from Leslie

It seems you still have your ego with you. Andreline commented

Anyways I have had enough of your attitude. Now listen to me,she went back to her cold demeanor . You have a lot to do starting from today.Today marks day one of your punishment, you can perhaps say your redemption.

Suddenly Leslie found his tongue again

"Why do you want me to live in a world where everyone is going to mock me yet I cannot kill them. During my sleep I had this dream for the 200th time(he narrated the dream to Andreline but she kept on nodding her head without saying a word) I don't know what this means but it seems this new world would like to eliminate me." He continued" Everyone here thinks am ugly there is no hope to show I can live and be happy so why this chance?"

But that little girl did not see you to be ugly? Andreline questioned Leslie, this shows there is hope.

Talking of the little girl this is your next task .

You need to rescue the girl in your dreams from captive without killing any unless you want more scars.

Leslie was shocked " how do you want me to do this. Isn't this more of a punishment than a task?

You can call it that Andreline answered

Mind you she is no more that little girl you saw in your dreams again.

Is there any other..... before Leslie could finish his statement Andreline disappeared into thin air leaving Leslie puzzled .

Dear readers am going release 2 chapters everyday please cooperate with me Also do not forget to vote and comments to support my work

Love.. y'all😘