
Thrones and Treachery

Daniella is a strong, beautiful, and witty princess. All she wants is to study magic and see the world. However, her royal duties seem to be in her way. Her journey revolves around magic, friendship, duty, and love. Initially excluded from the inheritance competition by her sibling, she later discovers something terrible is about to happen to her kingdom. While everyone else seems to have given up, she is determined to save her kingdom. Her journey will explore love, sacrifice, family, tough love, unexpected love, secrets, rivalries, decisions, morals, and the battle between good and evil. There is no defined villain in this story; everyone is seen as a villain by our protagonist until proven otherwise. The secret in this story may just be jaw-dropping. Everyone has a secret but some more than others

NNice21 · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Silent Gesture

"Rise and shine," I whisper to myself as I sit up and stretch, the morning light streaming through the window. The train has come to a stop, and the sun is already bright in the sky.

One of my handmaidens enters, carrying a bucket of water and three pieces of fabric for a wrap dress in the vibrant colors of Cai's kingdom: green, red, and orange. The ensemble includes a matching head wrap, golden beads, and leather shoes. I can't help but feel a pang of sadness as I realize it's time to face the world again and interact with everyone.

"Good morning, Princess," the handmaiden says with a gentle smile. "I've brought your attire for today."

"Thank you," I reply, forcing a smile in return. "Let's get started."

As she helps me wash and dress, I can't shake the sense of reluctance. The solitude of my cabin had been a welcome reprieve, but now it's time to rejoin the others and face the inevitable social interactions.

Once I'm dressed, I take a moment to admire the outfit in the mirror. The colors are bold and vibrant, a testament to the kingdom's pride. The golden beads catch the light, adding a touch of elegance to the traditional attire. Despite my initial reluctance, I have to admit I look quite striking.

"Princess, you look stunning," the handmaiden says, adjusting the head wrap one last time. "Shall we go?"

I take a deep breath and nod. "Yes, let's go."

We step out of the cabin and into the bustling train station. The air is filled with the sounds of people moving about, the clatter of luggage being unloaded, and the excited chatter of travelers. I spot Flora and Prince Maxim ahead, already engaged in conversation with some dignitaries who have come to greet us.

As I approach, Flora notices me and waves enthusiastically. "Daniella, over here!" she calls out, her smile bright and welcoming.

I make my way over, the handmaiden trailing behind me. "Good morning, Flora," I greet her, my voice steady despite my lingering nerves.

"Good morning, Daniella," she replies, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Isn't this place amazing? I can't believe we're finally here."

"Yes, it's quite impressive," I agree, my gaze sweeping over the grand station.

"Princess Daniella," Prince Maxim says, turning to me with a respectful nod. "I trust you slept well?"

"Yes, thank you, Your Highness," I reply, returning his nod. "It's good to be here."

"I would like to grab breakfast," I say, excusing myself and heading towards the breakfast carriage. Flora catches my arm gently.

"It's rather full right now," she says. "The guards and handmaidens are having their breakfast. You might need to wait for our turn."

I nod, but decide to check for myself. As I enter the carriage, it's indeed crowded with guards and handmaidens chatting and eating. I scan the room for an empty seat but find none. A sense of overwhelm washes over me, and I turn to leave, almost bumping into a figure. I look up and see Vider standing there.

"Good morning," I mutter, not in the mood to engage and walk past him.

Moments later, I find myself on the balcony of the train as it begins to roll again, the supplies from our stopover already packed. We're only an hour away from Cai's capital, and I can't help but feel like a decorated trophy. I take a seat on the bench, seeking some peace in the open air.

Lost in thought, I barely notice when a stool is placed in front of me, followed by a tray of food. I look up and see Vider. Despite my earlier frustration with him, I can't deny the kindness of his gesture.

"Thank you," I say softly, my anger subsiding a bit in the face of his thoughtfulness. 

He doesn't say anything, just nods and turns to leave, giving me the space I need. As I pick at the food, I can't help but reflect on the past few days and the confusion of my feelings. Despite the tension, there's a strange comfort in Vider's presence, even in silence. With the heavens there is no balance, they send a beautiful man like him but he ends up being a commoner. 

After a few moments, he returns with a cup of hot tea and places it next to my plate. I glance up at him, and our eyes meet briefly before he looks away, almost shyly.

"Join me," I say on a whim, surprising myself.

Vider hesitates but then sits down on the stool. For a moment, we sit in companionable silence, the clatter of the train and the distant chatter of passengers providing a backdrop to our thoughts.

"Do you enjoy being a guard?" I ask, breaking the silence.

He looks at me, considering the question before answering. "It's... fulfilling in its own way," he says finally. "I get to travel, meet different people, and protect those who need it." His answer is satisfying though generic.

I nod, thinking about how different our lives are, yet how our paths have intersected in this unexpected way. "Do you ever wish for something else?" I ask, curious about the man behind the stoic exterior.

Vider seems to ponder this for a moment. "Sometimes," he admits. "But I find purpose in what I do. And sometimes, that's enough."

I sip my tea, contemplating his words. "I envy that," I say quietly. "Knowing your purpose and finding fulfillment in it."

Vider looks at me, his expression softening. "You have a purpose too, Princess. Sometimes it just takes time to see it clearly."

His words resonate with me, and I feel a sense of calm settling over me. Despite the uncertainty and the challenges ahead, maybe there's a purpose to be found in this journey after all.

We sit together, sharing the quiet moment as the train rolls on towards the capital, the landscape changing with every mile. For now, the chaos of the world fades, and there's just the simple comfort of a shared silence.

''Why enjoy the silence,'' Vider asks, it's the first question he has asked me ever.

I pause, caught off guard by his question. Why do I enjoy the silence? It's not something I've ever really considered before.

"It's... peaceful," I say finally, searching for the right words. "The silence gives me space to think.''

Vider nods, seeming to understand. "I see," he says softly, ''You aren't running away from anything?'' his question catches me off guard and don't know how to respond. I place down my cup and look at the mountains and the trees, I think Vider notices and doesn't push for an answer. We seat in silence for a couple of minutes.

As the train decreases its speed, coming to a halt, I hear the cheers of people ready to welcome us. The excitement in the air is palpable, a stark contrast to the peaceful moment I've been sharing with Vider. He stands up and offers me his hand. I take it, rising to my feet, and my eyes fall on his bare chest where his shirt doesn't cover.

His tattoo, vivid and clear, winds like a snake across his chest and up to his neck. An intricate and mesmerizing design. Without thinking, I reach out to touch his skin, wanting to make sense of the tattoo's story. I look up at him for a sign of approval. He nods slightly, giving me the go-ahead.

Just as my fingers graze his skin, Miss Motan's voice cuts through the moment, calling my name sharply. "Daniella!"

Startled, we both step back, putting distance between us. I turn to see her, her expression stern and questioning. I feel a rush of embarrassment and frustration.

"Yes, Miss Motan?" I say, trying to keep my voice steady.

"We've arrived," she says, her tone leaving no room for argument. "It's time to disembark."

I nod, gathering myself. "Of course," I reply. 

Vider gives me a small, understanding smile as we make our way to the carriage door. The train has come to a complete stop, and the noise outside grows louder. The door opens, and we are greeted by a sea of people, all cheering and waving. The capital of Cai awaits us, a grand and imposing sight.

Miss Motan steps forward, guiding us through the formalities. As I descend from the train, the crowd's cheers intensify, their energy infectious. Flora and Prince Maxim follow behind, their faces lit with excitement.

Standing there, in the midst of the celebration, I can't help but feel a mix of emotions—anticipation, nervousness, and a lingering sense of the intimate moment I just shared with Vider. This journey has been full of unexpected twists, and I can't shake the feeling that there are more to come.