
Throne: Path to Supreme Power

'Throne' is a MMORPG in which players play characters with races, professions and equipment just like any others. Players can also build organizations, control cities, and even ascend the throne to become a king. The king has many powers, such as issuing quests, collecting taxes, and even making laws. Therefore, the throne is crucial and becomes the key for each big organization to fight for. William was once an ordinary player who missed the best opportunity, but he now has a chance to start over. Can he compete with those oligarchs with his own power?

WCOP · ゲーム
26 Chs

The Baptism of William

Hearing William's reason for converting to the Sun God, the priest not only did not show a joyful smile, but said to him with a grave face, "The things of the gods are not to be spoken of, if you want to be truly converted to my Lord, pray to the holy glory of the sun."

William, still with his head bowed, replied steadily, "I would like to pray in the presence of God, in this church that symbolizes his authority, and I would like to be converted to him."

"You have triggered the quest: Proof of Polenesius' faith."

Seeing that he had entered the first link of the priest career quest chain, William relaxed a bit in his heart. As a priest who is strong in the early stages and can be converted to a variety of powerful professions in the later stages, although the threshold for entry is a bit high, it is definitely worth it.

In this stage of the novice village there are actually not many careers available for players to choose from, most players will follow the system's hints first inaugurate the basic occupation provided by the village chief, the militia.

Wait until they complete the novice series of tasks and leave the village for a nearby city before they can have the opportunity to switch to another career or part-time, and they may lose some valuable experience as a result.

But in fact, there are four career paths in the novice village. In addition to the village chief who will provide the first profession of the warrior series, the militia, there is also a path to the priesthood within the religious sites that come standard in each city.

In addition, exploring outside the village has a chance of obtaining the rare item 'Apprentice's Notes', which will lead players who have both the spirit of adventure, insight and the ability to decipher to the path of magic.

Finally, after spending a full week in the novice village, the wandering merchants who enter the village to trade will offer a special path known as the 'Wanderer'.

The first stage of 'Proof of Faith' only requires players to pray to the gods at a fixed time every day to prove their 'devout hearts' to the priest who granted them their profession.

At this time the church in addition to a few responsible for cleaning the intern, the priests and friars are not present in the hall, William sat in the first row of the church pews, silently bowed his head in prayer, the sun through the glass window above the holy symbol, in the ground projected a huge variegated pattern.

William is not anxious about this, inauguration of the priesthood is not an easy thing, as a highly realistic world, the player's performance in the mission will affect the quality and even the type of occupation that the player eventually gets.

Take the priesthood path he is currently on as an example, if he is fierce and brave in the mission, then he may end up with a profession called 'Fanatic Friar, if he actively promotes the god of faith and adds more believers to the church, then he may become 'Evangelical Friar'.

The occupation he intends to take up is the 'Ascetic Friar' who has the most MP, or is most favored by the gods. This requires him to show piety, sacrifice and patience in the midst of the mission.

The 'Ascetic' as a profession in the early game is not very important, usually considered to be only the 'Crucifixion' and other professions of the front. It was not until the game opened the first world-class event 'Moon of the UnDead', a senior player figured out a special promotion path, and in the following years and several world-class events, repeatedly made corrections, and finally formed a career route straight to the legendary level.

Time passed slowly, and while other players were busy wielding crude weapons and working with other militias to clear out monsters or bandits around the village, William just sat there and prayed silently.

William prayed continuously for three whole days.

At this point, the player with the fastest progress in the game has been promoted to level 2 with the help of his teammates. By the time they complete the entire clearance task, the reward experience may allow the team leader to reach level 4.

Finally, things changed.

"Your prayers have caused Polenesius to pay attention, you have gained a temporary buff: Polenesius' attention"

William, who was a bit numbed by the three days of prayers, froze for a moment before reacting that he had completed the first stage of the first mission and would soon receive an 'advance payment'.

It didn't take long for the church's priest to appear in front of William for the second time, his expression changed several times, and finally looked at him seriously and asked, "Devout believer, are you willing to lay down your life in devotion to Polenesius?"

William had already adjusted his expression from stupefied to devout and replied in a slow and solemn voice, "I am willing to burn my body into fire and devote myself to Polenesius."

The priest nodded and said nothing more, but stretched out his right hand and gently pressed it on top of William's head, muttering something in a low voice.

Although William could not hear a word clearly, but he had read the original text of this prayer on the forum, to the effect that: God, I would like to introduce him as a pious shepherd of the Church to become my fellow, please open up for me the past of the person in front of me, witness his piety and innocence.

This advanced spell called 'Enlightenment' is not something that players can learn and cast, so the exact difficulty is unknown.

However, some sophisticated players in the game speculate that a spell that requires a priest, about the equivalent of a level 40 Extraordinary class player, chanting and with the help of the church to be able to use, the difficulty is at least level 6, or even level 7.

The various spells in 'Throne' are divided into 0 to 12 levels according to the difficulty of use, with 0 to 11 spells corresponding to the first four classes of players, and only Mythic-level players can use 12 level spells.

No matter how many levels of spells the 'Enlightenment' is, its function is clear, to elevate the target to a true cleric.

Along with a warm feeling and dazzling golden sunlight, the system's prompt came.

"Player William Green has obtained the profession: cleric, unlock player attribute panel."

"Open attribute panel."

Name: William Green

Race: Human

Level: 1

Profession: friar(unopened talent)

The specific attributes that followed were skipped by William, who glanced at the 'unopened talent' note and realized that his destiny was about to play its first note.

"Sir, I seem to feel the Lord's gaze, His gaze is so warm and vast."

Although his body was still strong and powerful, the old priest whose face had grown many wrinkles was also very pleased to see that his enlightenment had succeeded in one go, and his serious face showed a rare gentle smile as he said to William: "Do not fail our Father's favor on you, and do not forget that His gaze is always on top. "

In a moment, the scene in the church has become a sacred 'The Baptism of William': the bright sunlight and holy symbol occupies the absolute main position, under which are the pious priest and humble William.

Surrounding them were the mixed expressions of shock and jealousy among the interns who had been doing jobs for over a year and had not yet received the opportunity to be baptized.

It well reveals who is a devout believer favored by God and who is not.