
Throne of Time: I Grow Stronger with People's Shock

In the chaotic aftermath of a sudden black hole collision, Ryu, a poor orphan who clawed his way into becoming the leader of the Black Dragon yakuza, is thrust into the fantastical world of Resonance, a world where people awaken unique superpowers named resonances. Reborn as Atlas, heir to a prestigious lineage, he awakens the power of Time Manipulation, a coveted S-Rank Resonance that allows him to bend the very flow of time to his will. But Atlas soon learns that his true power lies not in manipulating time, but in the enigmatic Emperor's Pride residing within his soul.This insidious entity grants him immeasurable strength, fueled by the awe and reverence he commands. Yet, it hungers for complete control, constantly attempting to wrest control of Atlas's body to reveal its true face, an entity consumed by absolute pride and utter disdain for all other beings. As Atlas grapples with this corrupting influence, he is drawn into the escalating conflict between the Harmonious Convergence, a faction dedicated to preserving balance, and the Eclipse Order, a shadowy organization harboring a sinister plot to reshape Resonance in their twisted image. Caught in a maelstrom of power, ambition, and the looming threat of darkness, Atlas must confront the insidious whispers of Emperor's Pride. Will he succumb to the allure of absolute control, or will he rise above his inner demons to become a beacon of hope for a world teetering on the brink of chaos?

Throne_of_time · ファンタジー
33 Chs

S rank mutation

A hush fell over the chamber as the weight of Dr. Aetherius's words settled upon the students. The promise of transcending their limitations, of unlocking a new level of power, was intoxicating. Yet, a sense of trepidation lingered in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the unknown territory they were about to enter.

A low chuckle echoed in Atlas's mind. "He's right," Kairos interjected, his voice a soothing balm against the nervous tension that had gripped Atlas. "This will not strengthen me directly, but by strengthening our vessel, it will allow me to manifest more of my power without risking damage. Think of it as... upgrading our shared home."

Atlas nodded slowly. The prospect of further enhancing his abilities was too tempting to resist. With renewed determination, he stepped into his designated capsule, the transparent door hissing shut behind him.

The chamber fell silent as each student settled into their capsules. The air thrummed with anticipation as the augmentation process began.

The world outside the capsule faded away as a soothing warmth enveloped Atlas's body. He could feel the White Core energy coursing through his veins, intertwining with his Resonance like two rivers merging into one. It was a euphoric sensation, a symphony of power and potential that resonated within his very being.

The holographic display above the capsules flickered to life, showcasing the intricate dance of energy within each student's body. The colors swirled and pulsed, mapping the pathways of their Resonances as the White Core energy interacted with their unique abilities.

For some, the process was a gentle embrace, a warm sensation that spread throughout their bodies, leaving them feeling invigorated and refreshed. For others, it was a more intense experience, a surge of power that coursed through their veins, pushing their Resonances to the brink.

As the augmentation process continued, Dr. Aetherius paced the chamber, his eyes fixed on the monitoring screens. He observed the students' vitals with a clinical detachment, his mind already racing ahead to the next phase of his research.

"This is a historic moment," he announced, his voice echoing through the chamber. "This is the first generation of Resonators to undergo this revolutionary procedure. The culmination of years of research and experimentation, this technology has the potential to redefine the very nature of Resonance."

He paused, a wistful sigh escaping his lips. "Unfortunately," he continued, his voice tinged with a hint of regret, "the resource-intensive nature of this process limits its widespread application. For now, it can only be bestowed upon the most promising individuals, those with the potential to truly shape the future of our world."

His gaze swept over the students, a flicker of ambition igniting in his eyes. "But imagine," he mused, "a world where every Resonator could access this technology. A world where humanity, empowered by enhanced abilities, could reclaim its dominance over the monstrous races that threaten our existence. A world where we could finally fulfill our destiny as the rightful rulers of the world of resonance"

Magnus, his brow furrowed in contemplation, nodded in agreement. "If this technology were viable for those at Transcendent or even Converging Mastery, we could turn the tide of this war. Imagine a legion of augmented Pillars..." he said, his voice a rumble that echoed through the chamber.

His voice trailed off, the unspoken implications hanging heavy in the air.

Suddenly, the chamber was filled with a piercing alarm, its shrill tone cutting through the quiet hum of the machines. Dr. Aetherius's head snapped up, his eyes widening in disbelief as he rushed towards the monitoring screens.

"Capsule five!" he exclaimed, his voice sharp with urgency. "Abnormal energy readings! Increased heart rate! Unstable Resonance fluctuations!"

He frantically tapped at the control panel, his fingers a blur of motion. "More coolant!" he barked at the technicians, his voice rising in pitch. "Increase the energy dampening field! Now!"

Magnus, his initial alarm quickly replaced by relief that the malfunctioning capsule wasn't Atlas's, turned to Dr. Aetherius, his voice laced with concern. "Is the boy in danger, Lucian?"

Dr. Aetherius, his eyes glued to the screen, shook his head, a manic grin spreading across his face. "Danger?" he echoed, his voice filled with a barely contained excitement. "No, no, Radiant Pillar. This is not danger. This is... a miracle!"

He pointed at the screen, his finger trembling slightly. "Look! The energy readings are off the charts! His Resonance is mutating, evolving before our very eyes!"

Magnus peered at the screen, his silver eyes widening in shock as he saw the truth of Aetherius's words. The waves of energy radiating from the capsule were unlike anything he had ever witnessed.

"By the White Core..." Magnus whispered, his voice barely audible. "An S-Rank mutation..."

A wave of pure joy washed over him, his shock giving way to elation. He threw back his head and let out a booming laugh that echoed through the chamber. "The heavens favor us!" he declared, his voice filled with a newfound hope.

Before the echoes of Magnus's laughter could fade, another alarm blared through the chamber, this time emanating from Atlas's capsule. Magnus's grin widened, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of pride and anticipation. "Lucian," he boomed, his voice filled with a commanding urgency, "don't let anything happen to my boy! Ensure his transformation is perfect!"

Dr. Aetherius, his face alight with scientific fervor, nodded eagerly. "Of course, Radiant Pillar," he replied, his fingers flying across the control panel, adjusting the energy flow and monitoring Atlas's vitals with meticulous precision.

The other capsules, their alarms silenced, began to open one by one. The students emerged, their eyes wide with wonder and their bodies buzzing with newfound power. Each of them had reached the late stage of Nascent Mastery, their Resonances amplified and refined by the White Core energy.

Leona's Sea of Silver now shimmered with an even brighter luminescence, her control over both water and metal honed to a razor's edge. She could now effortlessly manipulate mercury and other molten metals, weaving them into her watery constructs to create devastating weapons and impenetrable defenses.

Anya's Hellflame blazed with an even fiercer intensity, her control over the destructive flames reaching new heights. The air around her crackled with heat, and her eyes glowed with an inferno's fury. Baldur's King's Might radiated a golden aura of near invincibility, his muscles bulging with enhanced strength, making him an even more formidable juggernaut. Elara's illusions flickered with a newfound realism, their deceptive nature amplified by the augmented energy flowing through her veins.

But it was Erebos and Atlas who underwent the most dramatic transformations.

Erebos stepped out of his capsule, his body radiating a strange gravitational pull. His once-black eyes now swirled with a galaxy of colors, reflecting the vastness of space itself. The air around him warped and distorted, bending to his will as his Space Manipulation Resonance evolved into Greater Space Manipulation, an S-Rank ability that granted him unprecedented control over the fabric of reality. He could now create stable portals, teleport across vast distances, and even manipulate the very dimensions themselves.

Atlas emerged last, his silver hair crackling with electricity and his eyes burning with a radiant golden light. His Time Manipulation Resonance had been amplified to a terrifying degree, the very air around him shimmering with temporal distortions. He could now manipulate time with even greater precision and control, slowing it down to a crawl, accelerating it to a blur, or even stopping the flow of time for brief periods.

After a brief rest, the students were led to a state-of-the-art training room where they could test their newfound abilities. They spent the next few hours experimenting and sparring, their laughter and shouts echoing through the facility as they pushed their limits and discovered the true extent of their enhanced powers.