
Throne of Time: I Grow Stronger with People's Shock

In the chaotic aftermath of a sudden black hole collision, Ryu, a poor orphan who clawed his way into becoming the leader of the Black Dragon yakuza, is thrust into the fantastical world of Resonance, a world where people awaken unique superpowers named resonances. Reborn as Atlas, heir to a prestigious lineage, he awakens the power of Time Manipulation, a coveted S-Rank Resonance that allows him to bend the very flow of time to his will. But Atlas soon learns that his true power lies not in manipulating time, but in the enigmatic Emperor's Pride residing within his soul.This insidious entity grants him immeasurable strength, fueled by the awe and reverence he commands. Yet, it hungers for complete control, constantly attempting to wrest control of Atlas's body to reveal its true face, an entity consumed by absolute pride and utter disdain for all other beings. As Atlas grapples with this corrupting influence, he is drawn into the escalating conflict between the Harmonious Convergence, a faction dedicated to preserving balance, and the Eclipse Order, a shadowy organization harboring a sinister plot to reshape Resonance in their twisted image. Caught in a maelstrom of power, ambition, and the looming threat of darkness, Atlas must confront the insidious whispers of Emperor's Pride. Will he succumb to the allure of absolute control, or will he rise above his inner demons to become a beacon of hope for a world teetering on the brink of chaos?

Throne_of_time · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Nascent Resonator

Excusing himself from the revelry with a plea to consolidate his newfound power, Atlas retreated to the sanctuary of his room. 

he chamber was a testament to the Luminos lineage, a spacious haven adorned with rich tapestries, polished mahogany furniture, and shelves laden with tomes on Resonance theory and history. Moonlight streamed through the tall windows, casting an ethereal glow on the intricately carved bedposts of his king-sized bed.

Atlas settled onto the plush mattress, crossing his legs in a meditative pose. He delved into the fragments of memories inherited from his predecessor, seeking knowledge about the levels of Resonance mastery.

Nascent Resonance: The initial spark of awakening, a raw and untamed power. It was a stage marked by instability, where Resonators struggled to control their abilities, often with unpredictable and even dangerous consequences.

Emerging Resonance: A period of growth and refinement, where Resonators gained a deeper understanding of their powers and learned to harness them with greater precision. This stage was marked by a surge in confidence and a growing sense of purpose.

Converging Resonance: A significant milestone, where a Resonator's mind, body, and soul aligned, unlocking a new level of power and control. Their abilities became more potent and versatile, their connection to their Resonance deepening with every passing day.

Transcendent Resonance: The pinnacle of mastery, where a Resonator transcended the limitations of their mortal form, their Resonance becoming an extension of their very being. This stage was characterized by unparalleled skill, unwavering focus, and a profound understanding of the underlying principles of Resonance.

Eternal Resonance: This is the ultimate level of mastery, a state of being where a Resonator's power transcends the limits of mortality. They achieve a profound connection to the universe, their abilities reaching godlike levels.

each of these levels are further divided sub-levels: initial, middle, late, and peak stage. With middle stage resonators in the same level being able to easily win against initial stage ones, of course if the difference in resonance ranks isn't too big.

resonators get higher mastery of their resonances and therefore get stronger by getting more familiar with their abilities, and more in tune with the laws that those abilities affect, so per example an fire resonator will get stronger faster if he trained in places saturated with the fire element like a volcano than in any other place.

The training method most widely used by resonators is meditating and contemplating the elements and laws in question in hopes of enlightenment.

As Atlas pondered these stages, he began to analyze the changes he had undergone since his breakthrough to the initial nascent stage. His body felt lighter, more agile, as if an invisible weight had been lifted from his shoulders. His senses were heightened, his perception of the world sharper and more vivid. He could feel the flow of time around him, a subtle pulse that echoed in his very being.

He also realized that he had gained two new abilities:

Chrono-Vision: A heightened awareness of the flow of time, allowing him to anticipate the movements of others and perceive the world with uncanny clarity.

Temporal Acceleration: The ability to briefly accelerate time in a small zone, granting him or his allies bursts of superhuman speed and agility.

With a thrill of excitement, Atlas rose from the bed and began to experiment with his new abilities. He focused on his Chrono-Vision, and the world around him seemed to slow down, each movement and gesture unfolding in minute detail. He could see the dust particles dancing in the moonlight, the subtle twitch of a muscle in Balian's face as he stood guard outside the door.

Next, he activated Temporal Acceleration, and his body surged forward with a speed that defied comprehension. He darted around the room, his movements a blur of motion. He reached out and snatched a book from a shelf before it could even topple over, the pages fluttering in the air as he caught it effortlessly.

A wide grin spread across Atlas's face as he reveled in his newfound power. He had only scratched the surface of his potential, and he couldn't wait to explore the full extent of his abilities. He felt a surge of gratitude for the second chance he had been given, for the opportunity to wield such incredible power.

Exhausted but elated, Atlas finally succumbed to sleep, his dreams filled with visions of time bending and twisting to his will. His newfound power, a source of both excitement and trepidation, promised a future filled with endless possibilities.

Meanwhile, far across the vast ocean, in a gothic castle deep within the shrouded Dark Continent of Tenebrae, a meeting of a different kind was taking place.

The hall was vast and dimly lit, its walls adorned with strange symbols and grotesque carvings. Ten imposing thrones, each crafted from a different material and exuding a unique aura of power, lined the edges of the chamber. At the far end, a single throne stood elevated above the rest, its backrest shaped like a monstrous, fanged creature.

The occupants of these thrones were a diverse group, representing various cultures, races, and Resonances. Their attire ranged from flowing robes of silk to intricately crafted armor, each reflecting their individual tastes and origins. But despite their differences, they shared a common trait: their eyes, sharp and calculating, held a glint of ambition and a thirst for power.

"An S-Rank Resonance has awakened in the Solstice continent," a voice announced, breaking the silence. The speaker was a man with hair as white as snow and a face that belied his true nature. His gentle features and serene expression masked a cold, calculating mind and a heart filled with wild brutality. Those who knew him recognized him as Glacies, the 5th shadow of the dark council of the eclipse order, a ruthless Resonator with a chilling mastery over ice and frost. He held the 23rd spot on the global bounty list, a testament to his fearsome reputation.

The Global Bounty List is a constantly updated record of the 100 most dangerous individuals in the world of Resonance. It is compiled and maintained by the Harmonious Convergence, serving as a warning to the public and a guide for bounty hunters seeking fame and fortune. The list is not solely based on raw power or Resonance rank, but rather on a combination of factors, including: Threat Level, Criminal Activity, and Elusiveness.

"Should we eliminate him, or attempt to recruit him to our cause?" Glacies asked, his voice devoid of emotion.

A grey haired man seated on a throne of obsidian chuckled darkly. "If we want to eliminate him, we must act swiftly, before he reaches Radiance Academy. Once he's under their protection, it will be nearly impossible to get to him." This man, known as Cinder, the 7th shadow of the dark council, was infamous for his explosive temper and unique ash resonance. He held the 25th spot on the global bounty list, a constant reminder of his destructive power.

A bespectacled man with slick black hair, known as Enigma, the 10th shadow of the dark council, leaned forward in his throne, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Even with teleportation, it would take us at least two days to reach Lucius," he said, his voice calm and measured. "And we know that old fox, Magnus Luminos, will move quickly to transport his grandson to Sanctum. He'll likely have all teleportation portals in the Solstice continent deactivated as a precaution." Enigma was ranked 30th on the global bounty list, his intellect and tactical mind making him a valuable asset to any cause.

Cinder gritted his teeth in frustration. "If only Boss were here," he muttered under his breath. "He could have taken care of this before it became a problem."

All eyes in the hall turned towards the elevated throne at the far end. It remained empty, its ominous presence a reminder of their absent leader. A sense of reverence and anticipation filled the air. The Boss, the one who held the highest authority within their organization, the one who wielded an S-Rank Resonance that surpassed even Atlas's newfound power.

It was clear that the fate of the young S-Rank Resonator rested in the hands of this mysterious figure. And as the members of this shadowy organization awaited their leader's return, the tension in the hall thickened, the air heavy with unspoken questions and a sense of impending doom.