
Throne of Time: I Grow Stronger with People's Shock

In the chaotic aftermath of a sudden black hole collision, Ryu, a poor orphan who clawed his way into becoming the leader of the Black Dragon yakuza, is thrust into the fantastical world of Resonance, a world where people awaken unique superpowers named resonances. Reborn as Atlas, heir to a prestigious lineage, he awakens the power of Time Manipulation, a coveted S-Rank Resonance that allows him to bend the very flow of time to his will. But Atlas soon learns that his true power lies not in manipulating time, but in the enigmatic Emperor's Pride residing within his soul.This insidious entity grants him immeasurable strength, fueled by the awe and reverence he commands. Yet, it hungers for complete control, constantly attempting to wrest control of Atlas's body to reveal its true face, an entity consumed by absolute pride and utter disdain for all other beings. As Atlas grapples with this corrupting influence, he is drawn into the escalating conflict between the Harmonious Convergence, a faction dedicated to preserving balance, and the Eclipse Order, a shadowy organization harboring a sinister plot to reshape Resonance in their twisted image. Caught in a maelstrom of power, ambition, and the looming threat of darkness, Atlas must confront the insidious whispers of Emperor's Pride. Will he succumb to the allure of absolute control, or will he rise above his inner demons to become a beacon of hope for a world teetering on the brink of chaos?

Throne_of_time · Fantasy
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29 Chs


While watching the spectacle unfold before him, Atlas suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his head. A flood of memories, not his own, washed over him – fragments of a life lived by another. The original Atlas, a young man burdened by the weight of expectations, died suddenly with a panic attack due to the heavy stress. Ryu's soul happened to get launched into this now empty vessel by the two colliding blackholes.

The world Atlas found himself in was a vast and diverse one, divided into seven continents. The Solstice continent, where he now stood, was a land of stark contrasts, divided into realms of perpetual light and eternal darkness. Beyond Solstice lay six other continents, each with its own unique character and power:

Eldoria, a land of advanced technology and magical innovation;

Ignis, a fiery realm shaped by volcanic activity;

Aether, a hub of spiritual energy and psychic abilities;

Celestia, a breathtaking archipelago of floating islands;

Gaia, a vibrant tapestry of life and natural wonders;

and Tenebrae, the shrouded Dark Continent, a land veiled in perpetual night, its existence known only in theory, its true location a secret held by only a select few.

Atlas's clan, the Luminos, were revered throughout the world, known for their mastery of Light Resonances. They were considered the most gifted wielders of light energy, their lineage steeped in a tradition of power and wisdom. But with such prestige came immense pressure and expectations, especially for the young heirs who were expected to uphold the clan's legacy.

The air crackled with nervous anticipation as the next candidate stepped into the cylindrical awakening device. A young woman named Anya, her hands trembling slightly, met the encouraging gaze of the scientist guiding her through the process. The machine hummed to life, bathing her in a soft, ethereal light.

The crowd held their breath as Anya's body began to glow, the energy swirling around her like a vortex. With a gasp, she opened her eyes, a newfound confidence radiating from within."C-Rank Resonance: Wind Affinity" the scientist announced, a smile spreading across her face.

A ripple of applause filled the hall as Anya demonstrated her control over the air currents, creating a gentle breeze that rustled the hems of the onlookers' clothing.

The excitement intensified as the next candidate, a burly young man named Kael, stepped into the machine. His awakening was a spectacle of raw power, the energy coursing through his veins like molten metal."B-Rank Resonance: Metal Control!" the scientist exclaimed, her voice barely audible over the roar of the crowd.

Gasps and whispers echoed through the hall as Kael's body shimmered with a metallic sheen, his eyes glowing with an intensity that sent shivers down the spines of those watching. He flexed his hand, and a nearby metal sculpture contorted and twisted, bending to his will.

However, the subsequent awakenings proved less impressive. One young man awakened an F-Rank Resonance: Increased Food Capacity, eliciting chuckles from the crowd.

Another revealed an E-Rank Resonance: Instant Sleep, prompting sarcastic remarks like, "Wow, he'll be the first one asleep when the monsters attack!"

Yet another awakened an F-Rank Resonance: Internal Gas Control. A voice called out from the crowd, "Hey, that one might actually be useful! Imagine holding in a fart until he explodes... now that's a weapon!"

Atlas watched the scene unfold with a mix of pity and sympathy. He understood the weight of expectations and the crushing disappointment of falling short. He remembered the original Atlas's insecurities, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy for these young people who had just had their hopes dashed. He couldn't help but worry if he would meet a similar fate.

As the laughter subsided, a hush fell over the crowd as Atlas made his way toward the awakening device. A tall young man with silver hair that shimmered like moonlight and eyes that held a steely determination, he was the epitome of the Luminos lineage. His handsome features were sculpted with an aristocratic elegance, reflecting the noble blood that flowed through his veins. A few girls in the crowd couldn't help but blush as he passed, their eyes following his every move.

Magnus Luminos, Atlas's grandfather, watched the proceedings stoically, his face a mask of impassivity. He placed a reassuring hand on Atlas's shoulder, his voice a steady rumble, "Don't worry, my boy. You carry the illustrious blood of the Luminos clan, the strongest within Lucius and one of the most powerful on the entire Solstice continent. Even at worst, you are guaranteed to awaken a C-Rank Resonance."

Atlas nodded, a mix of determination and apprehension swirling within him. He had witnessed the incredible power unleashed by his peers, and the weight of his family's legacy pressed heavily upon his shoulders.

Magnus offered one last word of encouragement, "Remember, Atlas, the Resonance you awaken is merely a stepping stone. It is your spirit and determination that will truly define your path."With a deep breath, Atlas stepped into the awakening device.

A sudden surge of energy rippled through him, radiating a majestic authority that seemed to emanate from the depths of his soul. In a fleeting vision, he glimpsed an illusive figure sitting on a magnificent throne, ancient and imposing, nestled within the core of his being. A realization dawned upon him - a cheat, a hidden power bestowed upon him during his turbulent journey to this new world. A dazzling golden light engulfed the chamber, blinding everyone present.

When the radiance subsided, the crowd gasped in unison as the colossal screen flickered to life, displaying the words: S-Rank Resonance: Time Manipulation.

A hush fell over the hall, quickly replaced by a wave of reverent whispers and awestruck murmurs. The crowd, moments ago mocking the less fortunate, now looked upon Atlas with a mix of awe and worship.

As they did, Atlas felt lines of invisible energy flowing from each person, drawn towards him and absorbed into his being, accelerating his mastery over his newfound power.

Magnus Luminos, overwhelmed by the display of power, let out a thunderous laugh that echoed through the hall, his eyes brimming with pride. He was too caught up in his excitement to notice the subtle changes in his grandson's demeanor.

Atlas's vision blurred, and the world around him seemed to distort. He felt a chilling presence within him, a force attempting to seize control. His eyes, once a piercing silver, flickered with a menacing golden light, and his posture stiffened, radiating an air of unyielding arrogance.

His lips curled into a sneer as he surveyed the crowd below him. "Ants" he whispered, his voice echoing with an otherworldly authority.

In that moment, Atlas understood. Emperor's Pride, the entity residing within his soul, had momentarily taken control. With a surge of willpower, he fought back, wresting control from the insidious presence. The golden light in his eyes faded, replaced by his usual steely determination.

He let out a sigh of relief, but a chill ran down his spine as he heard the chilling whispers of Emperor's Pride echoing in his mind: "This is just the beginning. I will consume you. You cannot escape your destiny."