
Thrilling life of an INSANE Man

Rohit, a man grappling with his own mental challenges, yearns for a life beyond the mundane, a life filled with the thrills he so often finds in the pages of novels and the animation of anime. Tired of merely being a spectator, he decides to turn fiction into reality, seeking the adrenaline and excitement he craves. In a daring move, Rohit successfully executes a thrilling money heist that not only replenishes his finances but also proves that the excitement he once only dreamed of can be a tangible part of his life. This realization sparks a newfound courage within him, and Rohit sets his sights on a grander ambition — world conquest. With meticulous planning and unyielding determination, Rohit dives headfirst into the audacious goal of global domination. However, just as his plans begin to take shape, fate throws a curveball that threatens to shatter his dreams: the sudden onset of an apocalypse. The world crumbles, civilizations collapse, and chaos reigns. Undeterred by the catastrophic turn of events, Rohit seizes the opportunity to transform his quest for thrill into a pulse-pounding odyssey in a world teetering on the brink of enchantment and destruction. "Thrilling life of an INSANE Man" is a gripping tale of courage, ambition, and the unyielding pursuit of excitement in the face of imminent doom. Rohit's journey becomes a testament to the extraordinary lengths one man will go to infuse his life with the thrill he craves, even when faced with the ultimate challenge — the apocalypse. ********** The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

15 Chs

Another Heist

23rd September 2024

Rohit focused his gaze, his agile fingers dancing over the kernmantle rope with the finesse of a seasoned professional. In the shadows, he moved with a silent determination. The opulent villa loomed before him like an imposing fortress, and Rohit, with unwavering resolve, unleashed the coiled line towards its towering walls. The rope cut through the air, a silent serpent seeking its prey, before wrapping itself securely around a formidable fixture at the summit.

Without a moment's pause, Rohit seized the opportunity, his fingers wrapping around the rope with unwavering determination. With a silent ascent, he climbed the makeshift lifeline, each movement a testament to his practiced agility and unyielding resolve. The opulent villa's wall became his vertical stage, and he ascended it with the stealthy and careful approach, leaving no room for error. Beneath the shroud of a moonless night, he became one with the shadows, his every step masked by the darkness as he traversed the rooftop expanse. The complex terrain yielded to his purposeful navigation, each calculated move propelling him deeper into the heart of the enigma he sought to unravel.

As Rohit traversed, leaping effortlessly from one rooftop to the next, a surge of adrenaline heightened the pulse in his veins. The thrill of the chase gripped him, fueling his determination.

"Time for some action!" Rohit's voice echoed through the night as he executed a daring leap, a shadowy silhouette against the moonless sky. His agile movements, shrouded by the darkness, added an element of mystery to his nocturnal pursuit.

Each leap brought him nearer to the coveted target of his clandestine mission—a wealthy politician whose financial reservoirs held the key to Rohit's audacious quest for global domination.

For Rohit, the success of his ambitious aspirations rested on a crucial element: funds. However this time, the method of acquisition had taken a different turn. Simply because Rohit thought, it would be boring.

"STOP!" The authoritative command of police officers guarding the opulent villa cut through the night air. Yet, propelled by an insatiable thirst for thrill, Rohit paid no heed. The order to halt was a mere echo in the shadows, inconsequential to a man consumed by his relentless mission.

"Seriously, I'm a thief for fuck's sake," Rohit mused, the absurdity of the situation racing through his mind. "Like, what do you expect? That I'll listen to you like a baby duck, stop running, and willingly return the money, allowing you to slap on the handcuffs and arrest me happily?"

Though that doesn't sound too bad... 

" It will be really fun," Rohit muttered but quickly shook off those thoughts.

A gun, a rope, and a helmet comprised Rohit's arsenal for this audacious mission to strip the corrupt politician of his gains.

In a country like India, corruption was an unfortunately common thread in the fabric of politics. Just days ago, an astronomical wealth of 357 crore rupees (3,570 million) in unaccounted-for assets was discovered in a politician's residence, all neatly stacked in hard cash. This revelation served as a stark illustration of the pervasive nature of corruption within the political landscape, a reflection of the dubious practices that extended beyond the confines of a single individual.

Uncalculated money, hidden away in the form of cash, became a convenient refuge for many politicians. This prevalent method of concealing wealth created an enticing opportunity for Rohit.

The night exploded with gunshots, the staccato rhythm reverberating through the air. Rohit, lacking finesse in marksmanship, fired in the general direction of the encroaching police. The cacophony of gunfire achieved its purpose, disorienting the pursuing officers and throwing their coordinated pursuit into chaos.

With the rope securely fastened to the towering villa, Rohit skillfully maneuvered through the shadows, the trusty kernmantle line serving as both his guide and lifeline. The helmet, shrouding his identity in darkness, completed his ensemble of tools, transforming him into an enigmatic figure navigating the perilous terrain of ambition and stealth.

Shattering a window with practiced precision, Rohit breached the opulent villa and glided through the broken shards, his movements calculated and swift. The pursuit of the police echoed through the hallways as he navigated the labyrinthine corridors toward the politician's inner sanctum. Undeterred by the chaos trailing behind him, Rohit's strategic advantage unfolded as he ascended directly to the third floor, leaving the befuddled police struggling to climb the lower levels.

Silently entering the bedroom, Rohit confronted the politician, who brandished a gun with trembling hands. The room pulsated with tension, the dim light casting eerie shadows on the cold steel of the firearm. The politician's countenance revealed a mixture of surprise and defiance, a potent cocktail of emotions as he confronted the intruder who had dared to breach the sacred confines of his private villa.

The air hung heavy with tension as Rohit and the politician locked eyes in an unspoken standoff. The ambient stillness shattered with distant shouts from the second floor, a stark reminder that the police were swiftly closing in on their elusive prey. The urgency of the approaching threat added an undercurrent of pressure to the already charged atmosphere.

Yet, Rohit remained unflinching. This very scenario had been meticulously anticipated in his planning. The audacity of his mission and the chaos he had sown had undoubtedly alerted the entire villa to his presence. His earlier shout, though not a calculated tactic, inadvertently announced his arrival. It was perhaps a glimpse into his seemingly reckless nature—a subconscious defiance that surfaced when he danced on the precipice of danger. 

While Rohit was typically immune to tactical oversights, this seemingly impulsive act bore witness to the occasional emergence of his latent, almost suicidal tendencies. Whether driven by a surge of audacity or an innate desire to confront danger head-on, the motivation behind his spontaneous shout remained a mystery even to him. Yet, in the midst of the unfolding chaos, Rohit acknowledged the imperative to keep these tendencies in check. His world was a delicate balance between calculated risk and the unpredictable impulses that simmered beneath the surface.

The police reached the room, their arrival escalating the already charged standoff between Rohit, the politician, and the looming threat of authority. Fear etched itself across the politician's face as he desperately clung to the hope that the police would swiftly rescue him from the clutches of the intruder who had callously disrupted the sanctity of his home. However, he couldn't afford to back down, well aware that his wife and two children huddled in the corner of the room, their eyes filled with terror at the enigmatic stranger who had ruthlessly invaded their once-secure haven.

" W-why are you doing this?"

The politician's trembling question hung in the air like an echo of desperation, pleading for answers amid the chaotic tableau that enveloped the room. Rohit, the silent architect of this enigmatic intrusion, upheld his stoic silence, his demeanor unyielding against the backdrop of the politician's desperate plea. Yet, beneath the veneer of composure, a subtle tension played on Rohit's face. His lips twitched, an elusive smile suppressed but fighting to surface as if relishing the unfolding drama.

In the desperate gaze of the politician, searching for any semblance of understanding or motive in Rohit's inscrutable expression, the silence seemed to stretch into eternity. Then, like a crack in a dam, a smile broke free on Rohit's face. It widened gradually, transforming his countenance from stoicism to a peculiar blend of amusement and defiance.

"Control, man, control..." Rohit muttered to himself, a whispered reminder to rein in the mirth that threatened to bubble to the surface. The incongruity between the seriousness of the situation and Rohit's unexpected smile added a surreal quality to the room.

The politician's confusion deepened as he attempted to decipher the meaning behind Rohit's inscrutable smile. Was it a veiled mockery, a manifestation of madness, or something far more calculated and elusive? The police, uncertain of how to interpret this sudden shift in the intruder's demeanor, exchanged puzzled glances, their hesitation mirroring the uncertainty that permeated the room.

After a pregnant pause, the police, guns drawn, pointed their weapons at Rohit from the back and issued a stern command, "Throw your weapon and keep both your hands up."

Rohit's deliberate movements seemed to stretch time itself as he bent down, every action scrutinized by the watchful eyes of the police and the anxious politician.

With deliberate slowness, Rohit lowered the gun to the floor. However, it wasn't just the weapon that met the ground; something else accompanied it. In the arrested gaze of the police and the politician, the world seemed to move at a decelerated pace, the anticipation hanging heavy in the air. As the unidentified object joined the discarded firearm, the room held its breath, each participant suspended in a moment that teetered on the precipice of revelation. The silence echoed with the weight of the unknown, a palpable tension that bound the captor, the captive, and the enigmatic intruder in a shared narrative of uncertainty and intrigue.


If Rohit wanted, he could have taken the politician's family hostage, but for him, where's the fun in that?

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