
Thriller Paradise

This is a game beyond dimension–the pursuit of truth. The unknown seal, the gambit between gods and demons… The defiance against data, the retribution of human… In a virtual world connected with reality, consciousness dictates us, consciousness chooses us, and consciousness dictates our consciousness. Now, throw away you fear. Throw away your selfish interest, question, and disbelief… Free your thought. Welcome to Thriller Paradise. Feng Bujue lost his ability to fear because of an unknown psychological disorder. Through a virtual reality game designed for players to experience fright and despair, he began his search for his lost fear. Could he finally regain his ability to fear? Could he outwit the scenarios presented to him? Could he finally uncover the truth hidden inside Thriller Paradise?

San Tian Liang Jiao · ゲーム
1519 Chs

Outside the Sealed Area

翻訳者: Lonelytree 編集者: Millman97

At the market, the various servers were already broadcasting the finals. The narration of the Pi Li Chinese Opera was more immersive than the commentary from Pan Feng and Hwa Xiong. The system's narration occurred basically at the same time as the player action, and they were well-described on top of that. Of all the servers, Feng Bujue's audience server was the most packed. This did not mean he had a lot of fans, but he had attracted plenty of neutral players to observe his match. On top of that, many of Xu Huai Shang's fans grouped to be at Brother Jue's server.

There was a song lyric that explained this well. "Laughter and tears, standing back to back. Love and hate, turning around to see each other." After Xu Huai Shang was eliminated, who was her fans going to follow in the finals? Since their goddess had fallen, then why don't they go and see that pervert get beaten up. That would be fun, right?